What is Acne?

Acne is an eruptive skin disease. It is essentially a disorder of the sebaceous glands around hair follicles. Sebaceous glands secrete sebum, a substance made up of fat and fragments of dead fat producing cells. The purpose of sebum is to act as a protector of skin and hair, by waterproofing it, to keep it from becoming dry and brittle. However, when these glands are over active, excessive sebum combines with the naturally occurring dead skin, dust and dirt surrounding the hair follicle and blocks the follicle. The blocked follicle is an ideal environment for skin bacteria to proliferate uninhibitedly. As a result, the skin around the follicle becomes inflamed, forming black heads, or visible cysts which we can observe as acne.

The most common form of acne is called ?acne vulgaris? which literally translates into common acne. Acne is most commonly found on the face, chest, shoulders and upper arms. Acne lesions can be characterized into two types ? inflammatory and non-inflammatory. The former manifests itself in three types of comedones, or blocked pores which become inflamed due to the bacterial clogging ? papules, pustules and cysts. These are most likely to leave unsightly scares and marks on the skin. The non inflammatory acne is seen in the form of black heads and whiteheads.

Although acne vulgaris commonly inflicts adolescents, it can also occur in adults. In puberty, acne occurs as an abnormal response of the male hormone testosterone, which stimulates excessive production of sebum. In most cases acne does not last beyond puberty. However, in the cases of adults it may continue to manifest itself even till the age of thirty, after which is may diminish or decrease. One cannot predict how long acne will affect an individual ? some people have been known to suffer from this problem for decades, well into their thirties and forties.

Acne affects a large number of people at some stage of their lives, mostly in their teens. In fact it is so common that it is considered part of growing up! Research suggests that at least 85% of people experience acne in some form in their teens. The impact of acne is not only physical ? it also affects its sufferers at a psychological level, causing depression, self-esteem issues and social embarrassment.

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