Secrets of a Pain Free Body

What would deepen your connection to a higher power? Maybe some exploration is needed. Having a pain free body requires feeling grateful for yourself, your life, and others. If your life is one big complaint and you are suffering, you need to consider taking accountability for yourself and your life. You need to work on that. Your whole sense of perspective will change, incredibly. There is no need for ?scarcity consciousness.? You can get what you need. There is enough for everyone. You are enough. Your possibilities for this life are endless. You can trust that. You can trust that if you make it your intention to heal yourself, and do your part in showing up for that, then the universe will provide for you and meet you there.

Be clear that healing comes from inside. Of course, providence moves, the universe will meet you. It starts with you. No one can ultimately help you but you. Be very clear about that. You can pray all day and seek out other spiritual ventures, but if you are not willing to take the action steps for your own well being not much may happen for you. Of course, you can use prayer if you resonate with it. Be direct and specific. Then let go, detach, and trust. Be open to the fact that your desire may come in a form different from what you had imagined. Trusting in a higher power is an opportunity for you to ?chill out.? It is an opportunity for you to expand your inner knowing, and to trust that some things are out of your control. It is okay to trust. It is safe to trust. Play with all of this. Experiment with what works for you. Experiment with what resonates with you. It has been said by all the great traditions that human beings are motivated by love. That is why we get up every day. Everything is done for love. We long to be deeply connected to, to love, and to be loved. We are our most joyful when we are connected to what is in our heart. If any part of you feels doubtful about this, see if you can identify what belief is coming up.

Marnina Reid is a nationally certified Holistic Health Practitioner. She is the author of Natural Cures For Chronic Headaches, a newly released e-book. Marnina has a private practice in San Diego, and faciliates trainings in emotional healing. She mainly works with women who have suffered from emotional trauma helping them to remove the blockages that are preventing them from moving forward. Several of Marnina's clients have suffered from chronic headaches and have been successful at eliminating them. This inspired her to create an e-book specifically addressing headaches.

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