Lasting Solution Acne 3 Main Factors Stopping You From Your Acne Free Life

The Problem: Symptoms are treated but not the cause of the symptom. An example of this is found in the common use of cream and drugs (Accutane) to treat acne. Furthermore, some acne medication has undesirable side effects and it can be different for each person. For example: A person who suffers from acne, who has never had dandruff problems before but after using Accutane for a few months begin to experience constant dandruff. This happened to me. However, it is quite common to see dandruff accompanied by acne.

Don?t get me wrong, these acne medications do work, but only as long as it can treat the acne faster than your body is producing the acne. If you stopped using these product to treat acne or your acne becomes worse, your acne will re-appear again, sometimes at a worsen state.

So what and where is the cause of your acne? The cause of your acne lies within your body system. It is highly influenced by these three factors; your hormone imbalance, high toxic build up and your genetic tendencies. These undesirable factors have come about from the choices you have made in life. These choices include your diet, daily activities, thoughts, emotions and sleeping pattern.

Although you can?t do much about your genetic tendencies, you have the power to balance your hormone and flush out the toxic that has built up in your system. A quick way to begin is to incorporate daily exercise, and eat food that nourishes your vital organs and less food that assist in building up toxic waste. Also make sure that you sleep at the right time, preferably at least before midnight, to allow your vital organs to rest and do their job.

Research has shown that your liver and gall?s detoxification process works best during deep sleep state, between 11pm to 3am. In addition, lack of sleep and waking up too early damages your liver. Damaged liver will hamper your body?s ability to flush out the toxic waste in your system. If you keep this up, acne will be the least of your only problems. Notice that when you begin to initially increase your body?s detoxification capability, you may experience worse acne that is temporary.

By the way, be certain about the pain acne have caused you and the pleasure it has robbed you off in your life. Then go out and seek the right information and a winning game plan to fight acne then take action towards your acne free life. One more thing, watch your thoughts as they produce emotions. Negative emotions and thoughts will lower your immune system thus affecting your health and acne. Cheer up! You are on the right track, after all you have been through, what don?t kill you will only make you stronger.

William Chai, an acne sufferer sharing his experience and research on acne, with you. He has tried many means of acne medication and treatments but without lasting result. Until now, his sheer determination and persistence has finally paid off after 8 long years of searching for a lasting solution to acne. He believes what he has found is the answer to all acne problems. Although it does the trick, it is not a quick fix cure. You are most welcome to visit his website: