Take Charge of Your Natural Health and Wellness

When I was a teenager, I was involved in a serious car accident that left me in a coma. In the hours, days, and weeks that followed, I was kept alive by a vast array of sophisticated medical technologies, high-precision devices, and advanced western pharmaceutical treatments. Fortunately, that was precisely what my body needed following my near-fatal accident. And that is precisely what conventional Western medicine does best -- keeps bodies functioning in the face of acute trauma, life-threatening illnesses, or severe accidents.

During my post-coma rehabilitation, I had to relearn everything. Literally. While other teens were learning how to drive, I was re-learning how to walk, how to talk, how to read and write and dress myself. During that time, I began to question the role of conventional medicine in my recovery. While Western medicine had done a great job of keeping my body alive during the crisis phase following my accident, I didn't feel it was as effective in the rehabilitation phase. In fact, I felt that Western medical treatment sometimes produced adverse side effects that impeded my progress towards whole body health.

In Search of Natural Health and Wellness Alternatives

That's when my interest in alternative forms of healing first took root. As a young adult, I researched and experienced a wide range of alternative healing modalities: Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and Ayurvedic medicine were just some of the ancient medical systems I explored as I blazed my own trail towards natural health and wellness. I also experimented with and integrated meditation, a healthy diet, and yoga into my bag of natural health tricks. Ultimately, though, the medical science that made the most sense for my health was homeopathy.

Contemporary Western homeopathic medicine was developed by an 18th-century German physician, chemist, and scholar named Samuel Hahnemann. Dr. Hahnemann?s approach has been tested, refined, and successfully practiced all over the world for well over 200 years.

Homeopathic Medicine: Stimulates the Body's Natural Healing Mechanisms

In the book Healing with Homeopathy, Wayne B. Jonas, MD defines homeopathy as ?a system of medicine that uses specially prepared, highly dilute substances to induce the body's self-healing mechanisms in a comprehensive manner. Known as remedies, these homeopathic drugs are derived from a variety of plants, animals, and minerals. Dr. Jonas further explains that the goal of homeopathy is to stimulate natural healing mechanisms inherent in the body and guide them to eliminate the illness.

That's what first intrigued me about homeopathy: the fact that very small doses of homeopathic drugs could stimulate my body to heal itself. To me, that made total sense. I had seen my body's intelligence in action as it worked to recover from the accident. And I wanted to support and promote that intelligence. So I began working with a licensed homeopath as part of my personal healing process. And I became stronger and healthier and felt more in control of my own health than I had ever felt before. Many years later, I am convinced that if my body can eliminate a disease on its own, it is more likely to remain healthy and grow even stronger because I allowed it to cure the problem using its own intelligence and internal systems.

Homeopathic medicine can help treat many acute and chronic problems -- from arthritis, sore muscles, and PMS to fibromyalgia, gout, prostate disorders, and countless other physical and emotional ailments. It is also extremely helpful when integrated with conventional medical treatments. For instance, a study described in Palliative Medicine (2002, vol. 16, no. 3) cites evidence that homeopathic remedies help alleviate pain and fatigue in patients who are undergoing conventional cancer treatments.

Blaze Your Own Trail to Natural Health

These days, homeopathy forms the foundation of my family's approach to healthcare. Yet we integrate conventional medicine, herbs, diet and exercise, chiropractic, and other healing modalities into our ongoing medical repertory. Because we take self-responsibility for our health, we work to stay on top of current health trends. We discuss health treatment options with our homeopath. We pay attention to how our bodies react as we introduce remedies or other treatments. As a result, we are often able to treat ourselves, which helps to keep our healthcare costs down. And when we do need to visit our homeopath, we can participate in our own healthcare because we are aware of our bodies and our options.

I invite you to explore the many options available to you that will support your quest for natural health and wellness. To begin, you may want to find a homeopathic practitioner in your area. Here are three good places to start:

American Institute of Homeopathy

Council for Homeopathic Certification

North American Society of Homeopaths

About the Author

Jason Fleming is a dedicated student and advocate of homeopathic medicine. As founder and CEO of Sympathical Pharmaceuticals, Jason is pushing the boundaries of traditional homeopathic knowledge by creating and testing homeopathic remedy combinations that enable people to get natural relief from a variety of common health conditions.