Exploring Acne Remedies

Every teenager has experienced the dreaded acne. Once puberty sets in, our body goes through some hormonal change, including the appearance of acne on the face, neck, shoulders, chest and back.

Acne is a result of three factors: overproduction of oil, irregular shedding of dead skin cells and bacteria. There are different types of acne that will need acne remedies:

? Whiteheads. These happen when pores of hair follicles are clogged and blocked with dead skin and oil secretions.

? Blackheads. These are almost the same as whiteheads except they are open to the skin and darker.

? Pimples. These are raised red spots that are a sign of inflammation or infection in the pores.

? Cysts. These are thick lumps, almost like small boils, on the skin, that are formed by buildup of secretions very deep in the hair follicles.

There are acne remedies available to everyone. These acne remedies always start with a healthy skin regime. A basic skin care routine is essential to prevent acne or resorting to a more expensive acne remedies.

1. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Facial scrubs and astringents won?t do because they have a tendency to irritate the skin more.

2. Use over-the-counter acne remedies like acne lotion to dry the excess oil and encourage peeling. Products with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide works best.

3. Keep your face clean. Avoid having your hair touch the face because it can cause irritation and may increase the case of acne.

4. Do not pick or squeeze the pimple. You will make it worse.

Available acne remedies usually comes in lotion, creams or liquid form. There are homemade acne remedies that you can use like applying toothpaste to the inflamed area or using the egg wash treatment for the skin. However, it is still recommended that you see a dermatologist before using any homemade acne remedies.

Acne remedies work by reducing oil production, speeds skin cell renewal, fights bacterial infection or doing all three. The results do not happen overnight. Some acne remedies need four to eight weeks of constant treatment before any results show up. Often times your skin turns for the worse before clearing up.

See your dermatologist before using any of the following acne remedies:

? Topical treatments. Like acne lotions may dry up the skin?s oil, kill bacteria and promote sloughing of dead skin cells. These products can be helpful for very mild acne. Look for lotions that contain benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or salicylic acid as their active ingredient.

? Antibiotics. These acne remedies are for or moderate to severe acne, prescription oral antibiotics may be needed to reduce bacteria and fight inflammation.

? Facials. These acne remedies are overlooked sometimes but can be effective in lessening the acne outbursts. Twice or thrice a month should be enough to maintain a healthy skin.

? Cosmetic surgery. This is the last resort, especially for those with facial scars left by acne. The procedure includes peeling away the damaged skin with chemicals by burning or freezing it, intense light therapy, dermabrasion and laser resurfacing.

No cure is better than prevention so as much as possible start eating healthy. Avoid too much oily food, drink eight glasses of water and eat more vegetables and fruits. Acne remedies can only do so much for you unless you start taking better care of your skin.

Khieng 'Ken' Chho is author and owner of Online Acne Resources. For related articles and other resources, visit Ken's website: http://acne-remedies.onew3b.net

Eating to Avoid Breast Cancer

Breast cancers tend to be seen as a completely feminine affair but the truth is, men too are at risk, albeit very rarely, of developing breast cancer. Despite medical advances several things are still not clear about breast cancer and in most sufferers of this a disease, a clear cause can still not be shown to be responsible for the disease.

Breast cancer is not hereditary, though a family history of breast cancer increases the risk. Certain other factors linked with developing breast cancer include; the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer is increased by being overweight, the use of hormone replacement (HRT) increases the risk, having the last menstrual cycle from the early 50's and older increases the risk, having the first menstrual cycle at a later age and being pregnant at an early age lowers the risk. Although most breast cancers are hormonally related other factors may affect the risk, such as stress, carcinogens, use of stimulants, exposure to pesticides and oral contraceptive.

In its early stages, breast cancer doesn't show any sign and when it does the first sign is usually a painless lump that is found in the breast. When breast cancer becomes more advanced and spreads to other parts of the body then the symptoms could be more obvious depending on the part of the body affected. The symptoms could range from neurological problems, bone pain, weight loss, fatigue and anaemia.

Along with traditional medicine, changing the diet and one's lifestyle can help with breast cancer. Keeping to a vegetarian style diet by reducing animal fats in the diet; eating very little meat and cutting down on dairy products, will help. Only eating organic vegetables and meat (this will reduce the exposure of pesticides and hormones), consuming lots of tomatoes as these are high in lycopene which can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, consuming plenty of olive oil, increasing fiber in the diet, reducing the exposure of soft, fatty or acid foods to soft plastics; not using cling film, buying food that comes in paper, glass or ceramic containers or if food is supplied in a plastic container then removing and storing in a glass or ceramic container in the fridge. Cutting out stimulants such as caffeine, sugar and alcohol, changing one's lifestyle to minimize stress, maybe taking up Yoga and meditation, increasing exercise, cutting out smoking and increasing the consumption of the essential oils Omega 3 and Omega 6 which are found in oily fish, seeds, evening primrose oil, borage oil and flax oil.

Some food materials are known to be anti cancer in action. Increasing the amount of such food in your daily diet regime could go along way to preventing cancer. Such foods include sweet potatoes, carrots, watercress, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, spinach, onions, leeks, garlic, soy products, lemons, mangoes, melon, peppers, pumpkin, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, elderberries, pears, shiitake mushrooms, tomatoes, cabbage, grapefruit, kiwi fruit, oranges, seeds, nuts, squash, tuna, mackerel, salmon, wheat or rice bran, oats, wild rice, rye, apricot, walnuts, beans and the herbs and spices - rosemary, thyme, oregano and turmeric. These vegetable and fruits should be eaten raw and as fresh as possible or lightly steamed so that no goodness is lost. Soybeans and products are extremely good in reducing tumor growth and inducing cancer cells to revert to normal. Soybeans have genistein in them, which is an angiostat (anti-growth compound that prevents cancer from growing by preventing the formation of new blood vessels that aid cancer cells to grow).

There are so many factors linked to breast cancer that are beyond our control. Factors like exposure to radiation and chemicals, caused by environmental pollution, a family history of breast cancer and a couple of other factors are outside our reach. It makes real sense therefore, to play the little part we can in the prevention of this dreaded disease.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Breast Cancer

Secrets of a Pain Free Body

What would deepen your connection to a higher power? Maybe some exploration is needed. Having a pain free body requires feeling grateful for yourself, your life, and others. If your life is one big complaint and you are suffering, you need to consider taking accountability for yourself and your life. You need to work on that. Your whole sense of perspective will change, incredibly. There is no need for ?scarcity consciousness.? You can get what you need. There is enough for everyone. You are enough. Your possibilities for this life are endless. You can trust that. You can trust that if you make it your intention to heal yourself, and do your part in showing up for that, then the universe will provide for you and meet you there.

Be clear that healing comes from inside. Of course, providence moves, the universe will meet you. It starts with you. No one can ultimately help you but you. Be very clear about that. You can pray all day and seek out other spiritual ventures, but if you are not willing to take the action steps for your own well being not much may happen for you. Of course, you can use prayer if you resonate with it. Be direct and specific. Then let go, detach, and trust. Be open to the fact that your desire may come in a form different from what you had imagined. Trusting in a higher power is an opportunity for you to ?chill out.? It is an opportunity for you to expand your inner knowing, and to trust that some things are out of your control. It is okay to trust. It is safe to trust. Play with all of this. Experiment with what works for you. Experiment with what resonates with you. It has been said by all the great traditions that human beings are motivated by love. That is why we get up every day. Everything is done for love. We long to be deeply connected to, to love, and to be loved. We are our most joyful when we are connected to what is in our heart. If any part of you feels doubtful about this, see if you can identify what belief is coming up.

Marnina Reid is a nationally certified Holistic Health Practitioner. She is the author of Natural Cures For Chronic Headaches, a newly released e-book. Marnina has a private practice in San Diego, and faciliates trainings in emotional healing. She mainly works with women who have suffered from emotional trauma helping them to remove the blockages that are preventing them from moving forward. Several of Marnina's clients have suffered from chronic headaches and have been successful at eliminating them. This inspired her to create an e-book specifically addressing headaches.

For free cutting edge health tips that can enhance your life and prevent disease visit: http://www.naturalcuresforchronicheadaches.com/

Take Charge of Your Natural Health and Wellness

When I was a teenager, I was involved in a serious car accident that left me in a coma. In the hours, days, and weeks that followed, I was kept alive by a vast array of sophisticated medical technologies, high-precision devices, and advanced western pharmaceutical treatments. Fortunately, that was precisely what my body needed following my near-fatal accident. And that is precisely what conventional Western medicine does best -- keeps bodies functioning in the face of acute trauma, life-threatening illnesses, or severe accidents.

During my post-coma rehabilitation, I had to relearn everything. Literally. While other teens were learning how to drive, I was re-learning how to walk, how to talk, how to read and write and dress myself. During that time, I began to question the role of conventional medicine in my recovery. While Western medicine had done a great job of keeping my body alive during the crisis phase following my accident, I didn't feel it was as effective in the rehabilitation phase. In fact, I felt that Western medical treatment sometimes produced adverse side effects that impeded my progress towards whole body health.

In Search of Natural Health and Wellness Alternatives

That's when my interest in alternative forms of healing first took root. As a young adult, I researched and experienced a wide range of alternative healing modalities: Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and Ayurvedic medicine were just some of the ancient medical systems I explored as I blazed my own trail towards natural health and wellness. I also experimented with and integrated meditation, a healthy diet, and yoga into my bag of natural health tricks. Ultimately, though, the medical science that made the most sense for my health was homeopathy.

Contemporary Western homeopathic medicine was developed by an 18th-century German physician, chemist, and scholar named Samuel Hahnemann. Dr. Hahnemann?s approach has been tested, refined, and successfully practiced all over the world for well over 200 years.

Homeopathic Medicine: Stimulates the Body's Natural Healing Mechanisms

In the book Healing with Homeopathy, Wayne B. Jonas, MD defines homeopathy as ?a system of medicine that uses specially prepared, highly dilute substances to induce the body's self-healing mechanisms in a comprehensive manner. Known as remedies, these homeopathic drugs are derived from a variety of plants, animals, and minerals. Dr. Jonas further explains that the goal of homeopathy is to stimulate natural healing mechanisms inherent in the body and guide them to eliminate the illness.

That's what first intrigued me about homeopathy: the fact that very small doses of homeopathic drugs could stimulate my body to heal itself. To me, that made total sense. I had seen my body's intelligence in action as it worked to recover from the accident. And I wanted to support and promote that intelligence. So I began working with a licensed homeopath as part of my personal healing process. And I became stronger and healthier and felt more in control of my own health than I had ever felt before. Many years later, I am convinced that if my body can eliminate a disease on its own, it is more likely to remain healthy and grow even stronger because I allowed it to cure the problem using its own intelligence and internal systems.

Homeopathic medicine can help treat many acute and chronic problems -- from arthritis, sore muscles, and PMS to fibromyalgia, gout, prostate disorders, and countless other physical and emotional ailments. It is also extremely helpful when integrated with conventional medical treatments. For instance, a study described in Palliative Medicine (2002, vol. 16, no. 3) cites evidence that homeopathic remedies help alleviate pain and fatigue in patients who are undergoing conventional cancer treatments.

Blaze Your Own Trail to Natural Health

These days, homeopathy forms the foundation of my family's approach to healthcare. Yet we integrate conventional medicine, herbs, diet and exercise, chiropractic, and other healing modalities into our ongoing medical repertory. Because we take self-responsibility for our health, we work to stay on top of current health trends. We discuss health treatment options with our homeopath. We pay attention to how our bodies react as we introduce remedies or other treatments. As a result, we are often able to treat ourselves, which helps to keep our healthcare costs down. And when we do need to visit our homeopath, we can participate in our own healthcare because we are aware of our bodies and our options.

I invite you to explore the many options available to you that will support your quest for natural health and wellness. To begin, you may want to find a homeopathic practitioner in your area. Here are three good places to start:

American Institute of Homeopathy

Council for Homeopathic Certification

North American Society of Homeopaths

About the Author

Jason Fleming is a dedicated student and advocate of homeopathic medicine. As founder and CEO of Sympathical Pharmaceuticals, Jason is pushing the boundaries of traditional homeopathic knowledge by creating and testing homeopathic remedy combinations that enable people to get natural relief from a variety of common health conditions.

Ashwagandha The Indian Ginseng

Ashwagandha - also known as Indian Winter Cherry has the Botanical name Withania Somnifera -It is a shrub belonging to Solanace family. It is grown in the western India, Gujarat, MP, Punjab and in Himalayas.

Ashwagandha gets its name because its roots have the odor of horse. (Ashwa = horse , gandha = odor). It is called by another name Varaha karni because its leaves resemble pig?s ear.

Ashwagandha has light (laghu) and sticky (snigdha) properties, bitter and sweet taste. On digestion the sweet taste dominates. The main part used is root of this herb.

Medicinal properties of Ashwagandha

The various medicinal properties of ashwagandha is attributed to compounds known as withanolides which are present in it.

Ashwagandha is used as an adaptogen (as it enhances endurance), rejuvenating tonic and sedative. Hence many herbalists refer this herb as Indian ginseng.

Effects on mind: As it balances vata and kapha, it improves memory, counteracts the effects of stress and calms mind. It has an ability to relieve stress. It acts as sedative. Stressed patients with insomnia are benefited by this herb.

This herb can be used in Alzheimer?s disease, memory loss and insomnia.

Effects on general health : It acts as balya and strengthens the body. Generally, ashwagandha stimulates the immune system and strengthens it. It increases body energy level.

Convalescent patients? gain more energy and can spring back to normal routine quicker when this herb?s preparations are used after illness. The immediate relapse of disease is prevented on use of Ashwagandha. This supports HIV patients by strengthening their immune system.

Anti-inflammatory properties: It has anti-inflammatory properties and has been successfully used in adjuvant therapy for arthritis. It reduces inflammation of joints and eases movements.

Effects on digestive system: Ashwagandha increases appetite . It normalizes digestion and bowel movements.

Effects on reproductive system: This magic herb increases shukra dhatu, sperm count and sperm motility. It increases libido and known as best Vajikara dravya (aphrodisiac)

It is also used as uterine tonic and to enhance female libido.

Ashwagandha retards ageing process when used as rasayana (rejuvenating preparation).

It reduces hypertension and also acts as diuretic.

Effects on pregnant woman: Ashwagandha is very effective in conditions like habitual abortion, threatened abortion. It stabilizes pregnancy and balances harmones which stabilize pregnancy.

Usefull preparations of Ashwagandha:

1.A paste of ashwagandha leaves when applied on a local inflammation acts as anti inflammatory.

2.The herbal massage oil which includes this herb is useful in many conditions like paralysis, epilepsy, sleeplessness etc.

3.The preparation of Ashwagandha which is processed with ghee, sugar and honey is a very good aphrodisiac and increases semen quantity, sperm count and motility. It is effectively used in Erectile dysfunction, low libido and premature ejaculation.

4Ashwagandha roots when used regularly helps to improve the conditions like emaciation of children, senile debility, rheumatism, in all cases of general debility, nervous exhaustion, brain-fag, low of memory, loss of muscular energy and spermatorrhoea. It increases body energy and vigor . It helps to rebuild the body system which is worn out due to chronic diseases like syphilis, rheumatism etc. It also replenishes the lowered energy of body due to over-work, mental exertion thus preventing early ageing.

5Ashwagandha when used regularly , is very useful in emaciated children. It increases body weight and body energy.

6Regular use of ashwagandha helps to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

7Fine powder of ashwagandha well mixed with oil is very use full in many skin conditions.

8Ashwagandha also acts as galactogogue and thickens the milk when given to nursing mothers.

This article is copy righted. The author Dr.Krishna.R.S is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of


Biography of Dr.Krishna.R.S

Dr. Krishna.R.S has been an Ayurvedic Practitioner since 19 yrs , after getting a graduation degree in ayurveda (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) in 1986 from University of Mysore, India. He completed his post graduation diploma about allopathic medicine and surgery from University of Bangalore, Karnataka, India.His articles about ayurveda and life sciences have been published in many magzines.

Dr.Krishna. R.S is a star athlete and has represented state and universities when he was in high school, pre university and college.

Dr.Krishna . R.S lives in Mysore , Karnataka, India. He gives consultations in Mysore and also in Bangalore the silicon valley of India.

Mob: 9448433911
Email : drkrishnars@ayurveda-increaselibido.com



Acne Program Step 5: Foods to Stop Eating

Even though many dermatologist and doctors don?t see the connection between your diet, constipation, a toxic colon, and a toxic liver with the acne that you are suffering from, it does not mean the food you eat is not important in clearing your acne.

If the doctors were right about food and the colon, then they would easily be able to help you clear your acne with their drugs. Drugs can give you temporary relief, it they work at all, but as you use them they can also give you some unpleasant side effects.

In her book, Food And Healing, 1986, Annemarie Colbin, points out,

In a systems view of the body, input of all kinds relates to output of all kinds. Food, therefore, would have a definite relationship to matter pushed out through the skin. I am continually amazed that dermatologists persist in viewing the skin as merely a protective envelope for the body, ascribing its eruptions to ?viruses? and imprecise malfunctions and supporting the myth that ?diet has nothing to do with acne.

In my experience, diet has everything to do with acne. Not only did I fix my own bad skin through correct eating but I have seen among my students a number of severe cases ? the large purplish kind of acne on cheeks and chins ? completely cured within three months by a change of diet.?

Foods to Stop Eating

If you smoke, drink alcohol or drink coffee, then this program will not work too well for you. When you have these addictions, your body?s minerals and vitamins will be out of balance and it will be difficult for you to achieve any state of good health.

So, here are they foods that you need to stop eating. You don?t need to stop eating these foods instantly. Not many people can do this. You need to do this gradually. I know it will be hard to stop eating some of these foods that you have enjoyed, over the years, but you have to ask yourself the question,

Which do I want to be ?Acne free or a junk food addict?

The choice is yours and I know you will make the right decision so here is the list,

* White Bread ? This is considered junk food since it is void of any vitality for your body. It is hard to digest and causes constipation

* Chocolate ? some chocolates are better than others. Those that have saturated fats such milk, butter and sugars are not good for your health and definitely not good for your skin.

* Fried Fatty foods ? fried foods, butter, chesses, beef

* Foods in packages ? All foods in packages or boxes are junk food. They are considered dead food and provide no life force to your body. They take from you because they use up minerals, vitamins, and digestive enzymes during digestion. They contain no fiber so they cause constipation.

* Foods with artificial flavors and preservatives ? These are non-foods that are super toxic. Your body does not know what to do with them so it stores them in your body as toxic waste.

* Milk, ice cream, hard chesses ? these foods cause allergies and cause mucus to form. This mucus coats the colon and other internal surfaces and interferes with the function of that area. Bacteria and other pathogens enjoy living in the mucus film. This mucus also tries to escape through the face when you have too much of it in the body. If you cannot digest dairy products, this can cause you to have acne.

* Sodas are the worst drink you can take. They contain plenty of sugar and phosphoric acid.

* Sugar is considered a white poison. It creates so many health problems in the body that the FDA should outlaw it.

* Salt ? avoid salt only because it has iodine. Iodine has been shown to cause acne.

* Excess Vitamin B12 ? can aggravate or produce acne.

There you have it. It takes a lot of will power and desire to change your diet. It can be done but do it slowly. Start changing your diet and see where you?re at in 6 months.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call ?natural-remedies-thatwork.com.? More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at: http://www.acne-remedies.for--you.info

The Healing Arts: 18 Things Healers Learn #15 Connection Is the Gateway to Healing

Of all the medicines used in the treatment of dis-ease, Hope is probably the most potent. The idea that there is some form of light at the end of the tunnel allows people to mobilize their reserves to move toward recovery. When there is ?no hope? (once again, an idea), there is nothing to move toward.

If you look at all the modalities of healing throughout the ages you will find slews of therapies, treatments, counseling, medicines and even procedures that, by today?s standards, would never work. Yet, so many of them did on so many people ? regardless of all the facts that we know today. Even in spite of them!

Somewhere within each modality that worked when all outward indications screamed otherwise, was hope. And if you were to trace each incident to its turning point you would find that the person seeking hope found it, in some form, through connection.

Using the metaphor of a key and a lock again, the form that gives hope life is the individual?s ability to, in some way, feel in synch, be a part of, or move in alignment with that which is offered; a connection. In essence, the person who can connect with what is offered is most likely to derive benefit from it.

The funny thing is a person may embrace an option offered ? no matter how outlandish ? if he or she feels a connection with the person offering the option. Faith healers, clairvoyants, doctors, therapists and snake-oil salesman of all stripes have the power to inspire confidence in the routes they offer to wellness.

Much of that power stems from their own belief in what they have to offer (as in their own connection to it). So often it is the perceived potency of the person doing the offering that turns the trick.

If a practitioner is able to reach the part of the individual that only has the lack of hope standing between herself and wellness, she can then begin to mobilize her defenses. The force we call healing can use anything as a springboard. Sometimes, it will use a charlatan to ignite the fire of hope in someone that will then lead them to a real solution.

This is not meant to encourage deceit; rather it is offered to illustrate the tremendous power that connection holds in the lives of those in need, and its efficacy as a tool for healers. It is of paramount importance that the healer understands this. The implication here is that use of connection to further healing is a sacred trust and deserves the respect of being held in that light.

When you feel you can connect with a therapy, idea, healer, procedure, Higher Power, or whatever, you?ve taken the most pivotal step toward attaining wholeness. To know that whatever ails you can be accessed and opened by the right (or combination of right) key(s) is the light at the end of the tunnel.

The biggest fear is of the unknown. It?s important that you find some way to communicate that you are a real person and that whatever you will be doing from that moment on is a by-product of your connection with the person, the situation at hand, AND your connection with the therapies you can deliver. All it takes is a few words, a gesture, or an action to begin that phase of a healing relationship.

Physical proximity and touch (where accepted) are hugely important tools. Recent studies have shown there is a measurable, energetic connection between human hearts in proximity to each other. When a person in distress is physically close to someone who has come to help, within a few minutes of their contact, you will see something very interesting: If each is hooked up to an EKG (electrocardiogram) machine, which records in wave form the electrical activity of their hearts, a reading of what is called ?entrainment? occurs. This is where both people?s hearts establish a common rhythm.

The important thing here is that the affected does not necessarily adopt the helper?s rhythm, though it reaches out to meet the calmness and lack of distress evident therein. Together, they establish a common rhythm.

Connection is all about a joining of forces. Just as certain chemical combinations in a pill will join forces with the chemical combinations in the blood to produce a favorable change in the overall chemistry of the patient, so, too, does the connection between people produce a blending of energies that complement each other, thereby effecting change.

Rather than worrying about whether or not, or how, you?re connecting with the person in your charge, keep focusing on the moment with that person, and deal with it honestly. The healing connection will take care of itself.

Russ Reina shares over 35 years of experience in the healing arts through his web site http://mauihealingartist.com. It is a potent resource for those wishing to deepen their abilities in connection and develop their powers as healers. For a powerful free tool to explore your inner world, please check out his adjunct site http:// thestoryofthis.net.

(Permission is granted to reprint this article, unedited, provided proper attribution is made and the signature line -- the above resource paragraph -- is kept intact)

Cardio Befoe Bed?

?I seem to be finding myself doing cardio before bed due to a hectic schedule and time constraints as of late.

Are there any problems with this?

Well there are a few good reasons not to cardio right before bed. My experience is that cardio near bedtime lowers the quality of my sleep significantly. It takes me forever to get to sleep if I do cardio within 1 to 2 hours of bedtime, and I'm more likely to wake up at night.

Furthermore it seems athletes get that 2nd wind or rush after a workout which would cause your mind and body to be too energetic for sleep. Diet can also play a big part in this as well, but I?ll save that for another time.

Ideally, you want to have your cardio in at least 3 hours before bed. This will give you time to have a last meal before bed and for it to digest properly. Going to bed on a full stomach is not a good idea, and though some, like myself, sleep better with a full stomach, the majority do not.

Depending on your goals, cardio should be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, or when ever your schedule allows.

For an Online Personal Trainer and other fitness information visit http://www.worldfitness.ca or check out our Weight Loss Forum

The Truth About Colon Cleansing

Do your research and you'll find all sorts of conflicting articles on what makes a healthy colon. You'll find a few websites that spreads uneducated negative thought about the need for colon cleansing, and you'll find they're sponsored by Joe Nobody. We'd have to advise you to ignore those quaks and listen instead to the real medical world.

There are real reasons why the health care industry supports the idea of a clean and healthy bowel, although there are a variety of ways to achieve it.

I'd recommend the one that's the safest and easiest to accomplish. I recommend using the colon cleanse that's only 5 days long instead of months and months. Use a colon cleansing product that's 100% natural and made by a company that uses 100% USA herbs and is 100% made in America. And more importantly, use the product that the leading master herbalists in the USA all recommend. The best one is called Colon Cleansing Kit and you can visit my websites to find out more information.

The Colon Cleansing Kit

The colon cleanse use is produced by Master Herbalist Martha Volchok. When Martha started to put together her Internal Cleansing program, to her, this was the ultimate formula. It was a chance for her to put everything she has ever done into one product.

All the formulas balance each other and there are herbs to make it as smooth as possible. Martha spent eight months formulating the Internal Cleansing Kit. Eight months of constantly pondering and feeling: twelve formulas, over a hundred herbs, dosages, and the effect of each herb on someone's body.

She drew from her experiences and the experience of others. Every resource she had available to her she pulled from, used as food for her intuition. As building blocks to create one master program.

It was designed to show you your own body. To allow you to feel your self, knowing that for some of us ... this will be a first time doing a colon cleansing. For others it will be a re-birth, and for still others it will simply serve as a source of strength and inspiration to find themselves and their health. Martha gave all of herself to this kit. If you knew her at all, you'd know what this meant.

Martha has an incredible innate sensitivity that permeates all she does. It allows her, I should say forces her, to feel the pain of any person she is around or of anyone who asks her for herbal help. It is this sensitivity coupled with an equally incredible appreciation for pain, that allows her to intuitively create a formula.

Her appreciation for pain comes from a life that has been filled with numerous aliments and conditions. At age twelve she was run over by a horse and underwent operations for torn and lacerated liver and intestines. She has given birth to four children: one birthing broke her tailbone, and two led to uterine infections. At age 35 she suffered from extreme digestive pain and used raw food liquids and wheatgrass therapy for a year before recovering. In the last ten years she has been naturally cured of two life threatening diseases: Sarcoidosis in her lungs and, most recently, T-cell lymphoma in her blood.

She is also extremely sensitive to artificial substances and modern medicine usually makes her sicker. In fact, she has had several root canals without novocaine or pain killers because of this sensitivity!

She also knows what relief feels like and when she begins to make a formulas it is for this relief that she searches. Over the years she has created formulas for herself, her family, friends, workers, and complete strangers. Her formulas are always made for a real person, with a real discomfort.

Martha put herself into the Colon Cleansing Kit ... she tested it herself, and I've tested it too. It's a simple, safe and healthy thing you can do for your own colon health in only five days. Like I said, there's absolutely no reason to do any colon cleanse that's longer than five to ten days.

Happy colon health to you, and please visit my websites to learn more about colon detoxification cleansing.

About the Author: Bobbie Grennier is a freelance copywriter for Herbal-College.com. Visit her colon health web sites: http://www.colon-detoxification.net
http://www.detox-colon.com for more information about colon cleansing and colon detox. Also visit, natural-healers.com for more health information.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic healing system which treats the mind, body and spirit as a whole. Ayurveda translates as ?the science of life? and is still India's mainstream health care system. It works on the philosophy of ?Prevention is better than cure? and uses medicinal herbs, oil therepies, massage, yoga and meditation together with diet and lifestyle choices for specific body types and temprements - in order to restore and maintain well being.

Legends say that about 3 million years ago, a group of Indian sages travelled high up into the Himalayas in search of enlightenment. They wanted to banish all disease from the world because only those who are physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy could reach enlightenment. So they meditated collectively on how to get rid of illness ? and eventually the secret of true health and happiness was revealed. These findings were preserved in the ancient vedic texts. The Ayurvedic sages believed that a healthy state is a natural state, and deviation from this natural state by taking on stresses found in modern living, and from an inappropriate diet, will ultimately lead to ill health. There is a direct link between emotional distress and physical disease ? and ayurveda treats both mind and body to cleanse and rejuvenate one back to their true balance.

The concept of the 3 ?doshas? is at the heart of Ayurveda. Vata (like ?air?, or wind), Pitta (like ?fire? or bile) and Kapha (like ?water?, or phlegm). These are the 3 forces that work within us all and they determine our body shape, colouring, metabolism and emotional temperament ? among other things. Your individual type is known as your ?prakriti? and this gives clues as to which types of disease you will be prone to, making prevention easier. Illness occurs when the dominant Doshas in prakriti ?take over? or when your dominant Dosha becomes imbalanced, which normally causes an increase in its main element, e.g. - imbalanced Pitta usually results in excess ?fire? element, resulting in symptoms such as burning sensations or inflammation. Everyone has the three Doshas, yet normally, there are one or two that dominate in our prakriti. e.g. a pure ?Vata? type is someone who has lots of Vata energy compared to Pitta and Kapha energy. A dual type such as a Pitta-Kapha, would have relatively more Pitta and Kapha compared to Vata.

Ayurveda in a complex science, but it can be easily simplified and used at home in everyday life. If you are suffering from a 'fire' inbalance - with which you could be feeling hot emotions such as anger, or experiencing hot rashes or fever - it makes sense to cut out foods such as hot spices and alcahol, and replace them with options that have cooling properties. However, if you experience symptoms that indicate you do not have enough of the 'fire' element - such as sluggish digestion or chills - it will help to eat foods with heating properties, as well as massage with warming oils.

Lorna Littlewing is the Webmaster of http://www.yogabhoga.co.uk, http://www.ompixels.com, and http://www.rawfoodhomepage.com

Are You Addicted To Your Acne Trigger?

An acne trigger is any thought, location, feeling, food, emotion, response, drink, drug, memory and/or experience that sets off a series of hormonal reactions in your body that ultimately result in an acne formation.

If a food or drink is the culprit behind your acne breakouts you may actually be addicted to your preferred culinary delight. The allergy addition could stem from the body?s response to frequently consumed allergens. During an allergic response, the body releases endorphins. These endorphins in turn create the feeling of a natural high. Any substance that promotes this fleeting state of euphoria may be additive. So, you may be eating a food that you are allergic to just to get high, and as an after blow, you get acne. Ouch.

Surprisingly, eating a lot of any particular food, even a ?healthy food?, can incite an allergic response. Though still unexplainable, the food creates an immune response and/or stresses specific digestive enzymes. Poor digestion can irritate the body in multiple ways, generating an allergic response.

One way to decide whether or not you are allergic to a certain food is to examine the foods your most often crave. Are you eating the food to experience a gastronomic high? Foods containing chocolate, dairy, wheat, corn, tomatoes, and soy are common sources of food allergens.

Sources and additional reading:

The Inflammation Syndrome: The complete nutritional program to prevent and reverse heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, allergies, asthma. Jack Challem. John Wiley & Sons. 2003.

Stop Inflammation Now! A step-by-step plan to prevent, treat, and reverse inflammation- the leading cause of heart disease and related conditions. Richard M. Flemming, M.D. with Tom Monte. G.P. Putman?s Sons. 2004.

Health author and Noixia campaigner Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include ?Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne? (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work ?Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we?re still not getting this dieting thing? (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005.

For useful acne self-help articles visit http://www.Noixia.com

Asbestos Cancer

Asbestos, a naturally occurring complex silicate, was extensively used in many industries, including insulation in ship building, manufacture of brake linings, and automobiles. Asbestos is a common name given to a group of six fibrous minerals which have their existence in two general forms, friable and non-friable. The toxic effects induced by Asbestos inhalation include desquamating alveolitis, bronchiolitis, and pulmonary fibrosis. Other more serious health ailments caused by Asbestos exposure include pleural effusion, pleural plaques, pleural calcification, and Asbestos Cancer (mesothelioma).

Asbestos Cancer, a serious health problem associated with Asbestos exposure, starts when cells found in mesothelium (a protective lining that covers most of the internal organs of the body) becomes abnormal and divide without control or order. These cancer cells may spread to damage tissues and organs. The diagnosis of Asbestos Cancer is difficult with pleural cytology. The characteristic radiographic feature of the disease is massive pleural effusion.

The disease is almost three times more common in males as compared to females. The maximum number of Asbestos Cancer cases is reported in the age group of 40 -60 years. The most common symptoms observed during the onset of Asbestos Cancer include asthenia, breathlessness, and dull chest pain. Other less frequent symptoms include cough, fever, and loss of weight. Haemoptysis is a symptom of Asbestos Cancer which is rarely observed.

The therapeutic (chemotherapy or immunotherapy) means are mostly unable to help significantly in the treatment. Even radiotherapy and pleurectomy fail as effective treatment options. The average patient?s survival after the diagnosis of Asbestos Cancer is 8 to 10 months. The most preferable option can be of preventive treatment for Asbestos Cancer. Strict industrial safety measures, proper hygiene, and regular check up of workers exposed to Asbestos must form the crucial part of serious Asbestos Cancer preventive treatment methods.

Asbestos provides detailed information about asbestos, asbestos and mesothelioma, asbestos cancer, asbestos exposure and more. Asbestos is the sister site of Malignant Mesothelioma.

Lasting Solution Acne 3 Main Factors Stopping You From Your Acne Free Life

The Problem: Symptoms are treated but not the cause of the symptom. An example of this is found in the common use of cream and drugs (Accutane) to treat acne. Furthermore, some acne medication has undesirable side effects and it can be different for each person. For example: A person who suffers from acne, who has never had dandruff problems before but after using Accutane for a few months begin to experience constant dandruff. This happened to me. However, it is quite common to see dandruff accompanied by acne.

Don?t get me wrong, these acne medications do work, but only as long as it can treat the acne faster than your body is producing the acne. If you stopped using these product to treat acne or your acne becomes worse, your acne will re-appear again, sometimes at a worsen state.

So what and where is the cause of your acne? The cause of your acne lies within your body system. It is highly influenced by these three factors; your hormone imbalance, high toxic build up and your genetic tendencies. These undesirable factors have come about from the choices you have made in life. These choices include your diet, daily activities, thoughts, emotions and sleeping pattern.

Although you can?t do much about your genetic tendencies, you have the power to balance your hormone and flush out the toxic that has built up in your system. A quick way to begin is to incorporate daily exercise, and eat food that nourishes your vital organs and less food that assist in building up toxic waste. Also make sure that you sleep at the right time, preferably at least before midnight, to allow your vital organs to rest and do their job.

Research has shown that your liver and gall?s detoxification process works best during deep sleep state, between 11pm to 3am. In addition, lack of sleep and waking up too early damages your liver. Damaged liver will hamper your body?s ability to flush out the toxic waste in your system. If you keep this up, acne will be the least of your only problems. Notice that when you begin to initially increase your body?s detoxification capability, you may experience worse acne that is temporary.

By the way, be certain about the pain acne have caused you and the pleasure it has robbed you off in your life. Then go out and seek the right information and a winning game plan to fight acne then take action towards your acne free life. One more thing, watch your thoughts as they produce emotions. Negative emotions and thoughts will lower your immune system thus affecting your health and acne. Cheer up! You are on the right track, after all you have been through, what don?t kill you will only make you stronger.

William Chai, an acne sufferer sharing his experience and research on acne, with you. He has tried many means of acne medication and treatments but without lasting result. Until now, his sheer determination and persistence has finally paid off after 8 long years of searching for a lasting solution to acne. He believes what he has found is the answer to all acne problems. Although it does the trick, it is not a quick fix cure. You are most welcome to visit his website: http://www.easyacnesolution.com

Natural Acne Treatment: How to Treat Acne Naturally and Effectively

Many individuals are looking for a natural acne treatment. They may be doing so because their chemical products have not worked. Or, even worse, these chemical products may have done damage to their skin far worse then the acne. Chemical products often come with side effects that natural acne treatments do not. For this reason and many others, selecting a natural cure for acne seems to be the logical way to go.

What Is Natural?

A natural cure for acne will be one that has products in it that are not man made but naturally occurring in the world. These products can be virtually anything as long as they are non toxic to the body. Many natural acne skin care products are the best for your body as the body already knows how to work with these natural substances and therefore can be better suited for you.

What?s Available Then?

There are several natural products available to help individuals to remove acne. These products range in what they are and how they are used so it is important for you to know how to use them properly. Most of the acne skin care treatments available will include a number of different vitamins, proteins and natural acids. Some may contain zinc as it is well known for being effective in the treatment of acne. Some will include Chromium as this too has been shown to help. In most cases, there will be a combination of products that work together at treating the acne.

Why Is It There?

One thing that is important to consider when treating acne is why it is there in the first place. When you find this out, you are better able to find an acne treatment that will work for your specific condition. There are two main causes of acne that have a lot to do with each other. First off, acne skin care treatments may attack the bacteria that are on the face causing the infection which is the acne itself. But, these bacteria will likely be attracted to the skin because of the high amount of oils there. Some individuals have glands that are working overtime to produce and this provides bacteria the ultimate place to live. Most acne skin care products need to work on both aspects of turning off the oil and getting rid of the acne.

The best natural acne treatment is the one that is well suited to your specific situation. Yet, it is ideal for you to use natural products as they are the best suited, in most cases, to provide you with a fighting chance against acne.

We have made a research to find the best acne treatments. Find it only on the natural cures for acne source. All about acne treatments on LeanderNet - http://www.leandernet.com

Choosing The Right Acne Cleanser

You see acne cleanser ads every day and all of them do promise a kind of miracle cure, though very few actually do cure acne. I've been leading a war against acne for years, but even having reduced the fast food to once per day, all the cleansers I've used so far either do nothing or do so little good that it makes no difference at the end. And what is more, they not only curing it but even making it worse sometimes, drying the skin more than the necessary. And then I start from the beginning with the greasy meals that are supposed to compensate for the dehydrated skin and I do not think I can continue with that any longer.

Looking for a cure for acne you have to know that still no matter how advanced science and technology are, there is no effective cure for acne. Yes you can believe me because my face in the moment has more craters on it than the moon itself. Of course some cleansers are not as bad as others, however they are so few and hard to find. And what is more is that even if you decide to go for the most expensive one it is still no good at all. So why then pay a fortune for it, if it still does what the rest of them do - nothing. In my opinion there is nothing as stupid as that, don't you have anything better to spend your money for?

To be honest I have generally tried all known to mankind types of acne cleansers, starting from the simplest, basic ones all the way through to the most technologically advanced and specially formulated ones. And of all those cleansers the one that is still my favorite cleanser today is the Wych-hazel. This all natural astringent has effects very similar to the ones of the rubbing spirit, but without being so rough to the skin. Although it never actually cured my acne, it never made my skin go dry and peel off as lots of others did, and it actually did improve the condition of my skin and beauty.

Apart from the cleanser itself, it is very important to use mild soap, especially if it is possible to get special acne cleanser soap. It is so important because acne itself is a type of dermal irritation normal soap does irritate the skin every time you use it, so it can always make it worse than you have ever imagined. If you do have acne problems don't just go for the most advertised cleanser, go for the natural treatment, it has proved to be better.

Morgan Hamilton offers his findings and insights regarding the world of health and beauty. You can get interesting and informative information here at Acne Cleanser

Dolphins And Animal Assisted Therapy

Some scientists who work with dolphins believe that these sea-dwellers show a sense to the disability and physical trauma associated with function and pain in humans, therefore making the cranio-sacral therapy possible. Dolphins, with their internal sonar or echo-location can feel where the person hurts the most and are able to gently nudge and play without hurting the person.

Once, two dolphins saved a writer while he was swimming far off the coast of California. The man was a good swimmer and swimming had become his daily routine. One day, far away from the shore, he felt very tired, too tired to lift his arms or kick. Suddenly, two dolphins came to his rescue. They swam with their bodies touching him and they propelled him forward by fastening their nose under his arms to keep him afloat, until they came close to the shore where there were other people. By this time, the writer had regained enough strength to swim a few more yards to safety. He says the dolphins didn't leave immediately. They kept leaping off shore to make sure he made it to land safely.

Many incidents of dolphins saving people at sea have been reported. Some time ago, it was in the news that a pod of dolphins defended a group of swimmers by circling protectively around them to fend off the attack of the great white shark. The swimmers were on a lifeguard training swim about hundred yards off the shore. At first, the men didn't understand that there was a shark. One of them swam away but was pushed back into the circle by the dolphins. At that time he saw a nine-foot shark two yards away from him. The men spent about forty minutes before in that circle before the dolphins let them swim back to the shore. Since sharks are dolphins' greatest enemies, it is possible that they protected the men as if the swimmers were their own offspring.

There are many different species of dolphins. A familiar one is Flipper's kind, the bottlenose dolphin. One of the world's most endangered species is a dolphin called by many names such as Beiji; Pai C'hi; Chinese River Dolphin; Yangtze Dolphin; Whitefin Dolphin; Whiteflag Dolphin. It inhabits the Yangtze River in China. It is said that these animals are very close to being extinct since there are only 5 of them left, whereas in 1984 there were 400.

Warm-blooded like men, dolphins are mammals, not fish, and they give birth to one baby at a time, nursing their young up to four years. They live in social groups called pods and interact with each other very closely. These pods' make-up can change, since dolphins interact with dolphins from other pods from time to time. A lone dolphin that has lost his friends at sea can easily be adopted by another pod.

Dolphins have powerful tails that not only help to steer them in water, but also signal annoyance or danger. Just like humans, dolphins like to gesture when they interact with each other. To communicate, they use body language or they whistle and they stroke one another with their fins as if bonding socially. When they swim together as friends, they move synchronously leaping in and out of the water. When they are angry or aggressive, they open their mouths or clap their jaws violently.

Dolphins can dive to great depths and also can leap high over the water. Being mammals, they need to breathe, but unlike humans their breathing is voluntary. They breathe through the opening on the top of their heads. It is possible that dolphins can drown. When that happens other dolphins come to the drowning dolphin's aid, supporting his body in such a way that his blowhole stays above the water.

To sleep, dolphins have to shut down only half of their brain, which probably means that they are always alert to danger. Dolphins also take short naps as they float just below the surface. Yet, unlike humans, their most active feeding time is the night, although they spend a good amount of the day looking for food.

One of the best dolphin research centers is located in the Marathon Key, Florida. Here and at other dolphin centers around the world, the project of aiding handicapped children with Dolphins is carefully investigated, with the therapy based on the dolphin's natural desire to come into contact with humans. Through interaction with dolphins, children with Autism, Down's Syndrome, anorexia, depression, cancer, and learning disabilities have exhibited positive results by calming down and showing a better sense of importance and self-confidence.

There are, however opposing views and theories. In 2003, a report by WDCS (Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society) and HSUS (the Humane Society of the United States) claims that the risk to dolphins overweighs the positive effects of their interaction with humans in dolphin-petting zoos. Dolphins become obese with the excess feeding by the public and extended exposure to humans subject the animals to stress and injury. Also some children, even if very few, have been reported to regress in their development from being pushed by their families and the fright of the animals or the water.

Given the positive use of dolphin and human contact, more research is needed, and attention to the dolphin petting areas and more closely observed rules of hygiene and sanitation are in order, so that both species can continue to benefit from each other.

Joy Cagil is an author on a site for Writers (http://www.Writing.Com/) Her training is in foreign languages and linguistics. In her background are varied subjects such as psychology, mental health, and visual arts. Her portfolio can be found at http://www.Writing.Com/authors/joycag

Eczema Treatments What's Available?

Millions of people suffer from eczema, with cases ranging from extreme and debilitation to mild and annoying. Treatments for eczema range from simple lifestyle changes to prescription medications. Some of the most common treatments for eczema are reviewed below.

Perhaps the simplest treatments for eczema involve simple lifestyle changes. The dry, itchy skin of eczema can be greatly alleviated with several small adjustments to your skin care regime. First, take cooler baths and showers. Hot water can be very drying for the skin, so cooling down your showers will help your skin retain more moisture. Avoid harsh, drying soaps and detergents. Gentle, non-scented moisturizing soaps and mild detergents help the skin avoid dryness and eliminate some of the irritants that can aggravate eczema.

Moisturizing the areas affected by eczema is essential. Moisturize often and liberally. Treat irritated areas with 1% hydrocortisone cream to relive itching and irritation.

There are many more natural, home remedy treatments for eczema that have also had some success in relieving the itching and flaking of eczema. Placing an ice pack on the affected area can relive itching, as do oatmeal baths, like Aveeno. Another home remedy is treating an oozing patch of eczema with milk. Soak a cotton ball or piece of gauze in cold milk and apply to the itchy area. Reapply two to three times and then rinse to alleviate itching.

Humidifying your home is another great solution. By adding more moisture to the air, you?re adding more moisture to your skin. Purchasing a humidifier can help prevent the excess drying or ezcema.

Be especially careful with your laundry products. Harsh detergents and chemical fabric softeners can aggravate eczema. Switch to unscented, mild detergent and fabric softeners that work in the rinse cycle to minimize irritation.

Another popular herbal remedy for eczema is Evening Primrose oil. Taken orally, this herbal remedy seems to alleviate some of the symptoms of eczema, possibly because of its high concentration of an omega-6 essential fatty acid.

There are several simple lifestyle changes and remedies to help alleviate the symptoms of eczema. Incorporating several of these tips into your skin care regime may help guide your eczema into a state of remission.

Claire Bowes is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Eczema Causes & Cures. Claire provides more information on her site about Eczema Treatments that you can research at home.

Acne: then the Former Acne Patient Said "Thank God for Facial Massaging"

With the marketers of various acne products out there to make a buck at the expense of na?ve acne patients, one step that very well could help clear the skin and delay the aging process is right there literally at your finger tips.

It?s called facial massaging and for me, a former acne patient, it works.

Now friends, I suffered from acne.

Actually the statement above will be an understatement. It devastated and almost annihilated me. What didn?t I try: Proactiv, Neutrogena, Clearasil, Dermatologists? You name it, this writer tried it. Well, not everything, cause I couldn?t afford plastic surgery, not on a $11 per hour salary, but I was saving up for it though?honestly, the phone number is still highlighted in the phone book.

During my years with dealing with acne, especially toward the end as an adult, I simply had to find something, anything to get this problem off or else?

Well, thank God I stumbled on Facial Massaging and combined with a proper diet and other common-sense tips, within 72 hours or less, there was a permanent and drastic improvement in my skin condition.

I humbly share the facial massaging steps with you so if you suffer from acne, you could look into them as part of a drug-free, yet simple BUT extremely effective means of treating your acne.

Facial Massaging Steps:

1. Wash your hands, especially your fingertips, thoroughly.

2. Now with your thumbs firmly gripping your jaw-line, proceed to pressing with the free four fingers the upper jaw line working from the center outwards. Do 2-3 sets pressing firmly.

3. Now press the areas directly above the jaw line in the same center-going- outwards-direction firmly 2-3 times.

4. Do this working upwards till you reach the forehead line. If done correctly you should see little specks of dead skin on your face.

5. In a feathery motion, pinch at the entire face for as long as you desire (1-2 minutes) using all the free fingers in firm actions grasping the skin.

6. Now, in a downward-scraping motion using the finger tips, rub the jugular veins located at the sides of the neck (6-8) times, and then massage the outer part of the chest right next to the armpits in a firm circular motion ensuring you breathe deeply as well. According to the Egyptians (and from my own experiences) this simple procedure has a marked effect on alleviating bags and crow's feet from the eyes and directing the flow of toxins away from the face.

7. Wash your hands with soap and rinse the face with cool water only-gently but firmly.

8. Wipe your face dry with a paper towel (or a towel you use only for your face and nothing else. Keep this towel in an exclusive location and wash it every other day).

Now, for an external acne treatment regimen, this procedure is quite effective. Combined with such internal acne treatment procedures based on a proper diet of your Juicy fruits, some roots and leafy vegetables and if desired (although highly recommended) occasional juice fasts or exclusive mono-meals of seasonal fruits, facial massaging will be very useful as a means of controlling acne (and delaying facial aging as apparent in crows feet and wrinkles) from the outside.

I must add, when performed correctly, it does enhance facial tone and structure not unlike costly plastic surgery. So, put your fingers to work and lovingly massage and sculpt your face with facial massaging while all the while becoming acne free starting today.

Here?s to a clearer skin naturally.

Foras Aje is an independent health researcher and founder of Bodyhealthsoul.com

For more information on Acne Treatment stop by his website today.

Asbestos Health Concerns

Asbestos was once used widely in commercial and residential building projects. It is a strong substance that is even stronger than steel. It also is unaffected by heat, chemicals and does not conduct electricity. This all combined made asbestos a great building material. However, throughout the years many health problems have been associated with asbestos. Health problems first showed up in people that worked closely with asbestos, but it was soon realized that even those who did not work closely with it, but were exposed to it may also suffer health problems.

There are a few different types of asbestos. Chrysotile, called white asbestos is the most common form of asbestos used in the United States. Amosite or brown asbestos is made from light gray or brown fibers. Crocidolite or blue asbestos is made of blue fibers. Chrysotile, Amosite and Crocidolite are forms of asbestos that were most commonly used to make products. Such products include building materials, sewage piping, roofing, siding, electrical wire casing, tiles, paints and other construction materials. Asbestos was also used in automobiles for clutch and brake parts. In industrial settings asbestos was used for filters in beverage machines, flooring and cigarette filters. Asbestos was used on a great level for a variety of products thus making the discovery of its health risks important for everyone.

Asbestos is dangerous when breathed in. It is very hard to determine if asbestos is present in the air as it does not cause immediate problems like coughing or itchiness. Symptoms may not appear for 10 to 40 years after being exposed. Diseases caused by asbestos are hard to treat and most often impossible to cure. Asbestosis is one common asbestos related disease. It causes an inflammation in the lungs. Mesothelioma is a rare asbestos disease that is a cancer of the outside lining of the lungs and abdomen. Asbestos has also been associated with other forms of lung cancer. Asbestos related diseases are very painful.

Asbestos is no longer used due to the health concerns surrounding it. Asbestos is most dangerous when a product made from it is bothered and the dust is released into the air. The only way to safely handle and detect asbestos is through a professional trained to work with asbestos.

About the author: Stephen Kreutzer is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides asbestos information on Asbestos Facts!

Natural Acne Remedies for You

Traditional medicine that is given to improve Acne condition may have side effects on us. That may be the reason why some people may prefer natural methods instead of pharmaceutical ones. Here are some examples of natural acne remedies.

When going to a natural practitioner, one of the first things that he will tell you is that ?it's what's inside that count?. That?s the main difference with traditional dermatologist, they will tell you that what you eat has no effect on your skin. But the truth is that a healthy diet can have positive effects on your skin, as well as in your life in general.

Some of the guidelines you may follow are:

-Drink six glasses of water a day.

-Try to find organic produce.

-Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

-Boil you food and avoid fried foods.

- Eat fiber rich foods such as lentils and beans.

-Go light on the caffeine, only two cups of tea or coffee a day.

-Stay away from sodas they have too much sugar and caffeine.

If you still want to intake some extra diet supplements, here are some supplement suggestions.

-A good daily multi vitamin.

-Vitamin C.

-Antioxidants blend of A, C, E, zinc, selenium.

-A fatty acid supplement such as primrose oil or fish oil.

In any case, it is always better to talk with a qualified nutritionist to help you with deciding what supplements you should take.

When cleaning your skin daily, you may have a routine that includes washing and moisturizing with the best natural products. Have a facial monthly. This will help keep your skin healthy and glowing. Your aesthetician will help you to identify your skin type and make recommendations about cleansers and moisturizers.

This facial routine should include an exfoliation once or twice a week, depending on your type of skin. And, if you suffer from acne as an adult you will still need to keep your skin moisturized. Make sure that you use an SPF on your skin everyday.

There are no miracle treatments for Acne problem, but having a good cleaning routine and a healthy lifestyle will help. And when you choose the best product to treat Acne, have in mind that no matter witch treatment you choose, you may wait at least 6 to 8 weeks to see results.

About The Author
Martha Fitzharris is a free lance journalist for http://www.naturalbioskincare.com a website offering a new biological natural skin care product that activates skin renewal.If you want more information about Strech marks, please clic natural skin care cream with natural skin renewal activators.

What is Acne?

Acne is an eruptive skin disease. It is essentially a disorder of the sebaceous glands around hair follicles. Sebaceous glands secrete sebum, a substance made up of fat and fragments of dead fat producing cells. The purpose of sebum is to act as a protector of skin and hair, by waterproofing it, to keep it from becoming dry and brittle. However, when these glands are over active, excessive sebum combines with the naturally occurring dead skin, dust and dirt surrounding the hair follicle and blocks the follicle. The blocked follicle is an ideal environment for skin bacteria to proliferate uninhibitedly. As a result, the skin around the follicle becomes inflamed, forming black heads, or visible cysts which we can observe as acne.

The most common form of acne is called ?acne vulgaris? which literally translates into common acne. Acne is most commonly found on the face, chest, shoulders and upper arms. Acne lesions can be characterized into two types ? inflammatory and non-inflammatory. The former manifests itself in three types of comedones, or blocked pores which become inflamed due to the bacterial clogging ? papules, pustules and cysts. These are most likely to leave unsightly scares and marks on the skin. The non inflammatory acne is seen in the form of black heads and whiteheads.

Although acne vulgaris commonly inflicts adolescents, it can also occur in adults. In puberty, acne occurs as an abnormal response of the male hormone testosterone, which stimulates excessive production of sebum. In most cases acne does not last beyond puberty. However, in the cases of adults it may continue to manifest itself even till the age of thirty, after which is may diminish or decrease. One cannot predict how long acne will affect an individual ? some people have been known to suffer from this problem for decades, well into their thirties and forties.

Acne affects a large number of people at some stage of their lives, mostly in their teens. In fact it is so common that it is considered part of growing up! Research suggests that at least 85% of people experience acne in some form in their teens. The impact of acne is not only physical ? it also affects its sufferers at a psychological level, causing depression, self-esteem issues and social embarrassment.

Jack Smith writes about various topics. This article is free to re-print as long as nothing is changed, all links remained intact, the bio remains in full and the rel=nofollow tag is not added to any of the links. Thank-you - Please visit http://www.acne-cleanse.info

Homemade Acne Treatments Are They Really Working?

Treatments for acne can begin from your kitchen. There are several vegetables and fruits which can be used to cure acne.

Most people are not convinced about the effectiveness of the homemade acne treatments. But if you check the ingredients of popular medicines for acne you will find that most of them consist of substances found in common vegetables and fruits. Acne is the result of the lack of vital vitamins like Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Pantothenic Acid. Deficiency in these vitamins leads to the growth of bacteria that clogs the skin oil. This in turn leads to acne. Most of the medicines try to replenish the essential vitamins, which can be easily got by filling your diet with vegetable and fruits containing those vitamins.

Keeping the skin clean is an important part in the acne treatment. Cleaning the skin with lemon is an effective acne treatment. Lemon is used for several purposes mainly due to the presence of citric acid. The citric acid has several essential properties required to kill the harmful bacteria. Rub lemon on your skin before going to sleep and you will find a clear skin in the morning. Similarly, you can get rid of acne scars by applying tomato slice. Applying garlic on the spots is another effective homemade acne treatment. Mint juice also can remove skin lesions and scars.

Other homemade acne treatments include applying the paste of orange peels. This paste cleans the skin and fights harmful bacteria. Application of raw papayas can also bring relief to acne. Daily application of tea tree oil, coconut oil, lavender oil and jojoba oil before bathing for an hour can reduce acne. Including large amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet and drinking lot of water are part of acne treatment.

The success of homemade acne treatments depends on the dedication shown by the person. Simply rubbing lemon or tomato for a day will not cure acne. All home made acne treatments should be strictly followed for over a period of time.

We have made a research to find the best acne treatments. Find the results only on the Homemade acne treatments research More valuable acne info on http://www.acne-treatments-advice.com

Simple Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer

We all know that prostate cancer can happen to any male and it is a very common type of cancer. There are ways you can incorporate certain foods into your diet to greatly reduce the chance of getting prostate cancer and it is good to add these types of foods in your regiment anyway. One of the easiest foods to add is fish, this is because fish oils have been found to drastically reduce your risks of getting prostate cancer by as much as eleven percent. Most cultures, which have lots of fish in their diets have extremely low rates of the overall population of prostate cancer.

Selenium appears to also be an easy answer to reducing prostate cancer, you could add a daily supplement vitamin with 200 micrograms to assist you. Vitamin E is also a good idea. Soybean products, soy milk and tofu (yuk) are also good things to add into your diet if and when possible. Tomato sauce is something you should add to your diet and you should be able to do this without too much problem.

Unfortunately we have been seeing an increase in the number of prostate cancer by about 3 % per year in white men; 2.3 per year by black men. The good news is the most men do not die of prostate cancer these days due to good screening, better treatments and early detection.

Some things you should not eat? Well high intakes of fat, meat and dairy products. If you love to cook red meat on the BBQ, you might wish to do that in moderation. Smoking and alcohol did not appear to be bad for prostate cancer, but are risks of other cancers as we all know. There are many other things you can add to your diet that you should be thinking about. Perhaps you should study this subject and think on it now and continue to get yearly checkups because if you do get prostate cancer and it is treated early, you stand a very good chance of coming out in flying colors.

Lance Winslow

Is the Food You're Eating Causing Your Headaches? Discover 5 Foods That Could Be Detrimental to You

There are many foods that contribute to headaches. Many people are intolerant to certain foods and don?t know it. If you have any symptoms of sluggishness, especially after meals, headaches (of course!), stomachaches, bloating, or indigestion you may have a food allergy.

The most common allergens are:

?Grains containing gluten (Gluten is a sticky protein found in wheat, oats, barley and rye; it is difficult to digest)

To experiment with possible food allergies eliminate any suspect food for a day and notice you feel. Then go the following day consuming that food, then again notice how you feel. After experimenting with this, you will have a better sense of what foods do or do not support you.

For example: If you realize that you are consuming mostly carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, crackers, cookies?anything that is made up of unbleached wheat flour (grains containing gluten) and you find yourself dealing with challenges (maintaining steady blood sugar levels, and having major energy fluctuation, feeling fatigue etc.) You may be gluten intolerant. The situation could be the same with any of the other common allergen foods. Depending upon what your diet consists of, you could have an eclectic mix of all, which in turn will need your careful evaluation. Anyone can do this!

If you need additional assistance in finding out if you have food allergies there are medical tests you can get from a diagnostic medical practitioner (www.biodia.com) the cost is around $200-300.

You can apply the following effective tips right away!

1.)Eat within an hour of waking up.
Then eat every 2-3 hours to maintain blood sugar. Eat snacks that have a balanced protein to carbohydrate ratio, such as raw nuts and low glycemic fruits (less sugar), such as berries or grapefruit. The goal here is to combine a protein source with a carbohydrate. For example, nuts, seeds, meat, cottage cheese, fish, poultry, etc., should be combined with grains, fruits, and vegetables. Vegetables have the lowest glycemic index (low in sugar content). Carbohydrates are a type of food that provide a source of energy for the body. There are two types of carbohydrates: Simple carbohydrates: These are found in fruits and are easily digested by the body. They are also often found in processed foods and anything with refined sugar added. Complex carbohydrates: These are found in nearly all plant-based foods, and usually take longer for the body to digest. They are most commonly found in bread, pasta, rice, and vegetables (www.wisegeek.com).

2.)Consume more vegetables and fewer grains.

3.)Eat organic food whenever possible (organic means foods grown without pesticides or hormones).

Note: If you are a vegetarian, be cautious about where your protein source is coming from. If you are soy-intolerant, it is crucial to find other sources. Look on www.mercola.com for more information.

Marnina Reid is a nationally certified Holistic Health Practitioner. She is the author of Natural Cures For Chronic Headaches, a newly released e-book. Marnina has a private practice in San Diego, and faciliates trainings in emotional healing. She mainly works with women who have suffered from emotional trauma helping them to remove the blockages that are preventing them from moving forward. Several of Marnina's clients have suffered from chronic headaches and have been successful at eliminating them. This inspired her to create an e-book specifically addressing headaches.

For free cutting edge health tips that can enhance your life and prevent disease visit: http://www.naturalcuresforchronicheadaches.com

For more information on Marnina Reid, or Natural Cures For Chronic Headaches Please visit: http://www.naturalcuresforchronicheadaches.com

Body Detoxification by Using Detox Foot Patch

In today?s society where we are constantly met with different pollutants and toxins that may enter one?s body through various avenues, having an outlet for such materials is a wonderful way to cleanse the body. Body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is a great way of achieving a more cleansed body, both inside and out. The following paragraphs will highlight some general information regarding body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods and will provide a number of reasons why using a detox foot patch may just be a step in the right direction to cleansing the body and resulting in a better, more vibrant life.

Body Detoxification by Using Detox Foot Patch: What Is It?

Detox foot patches are square-shaped adhesive patches which individuals can attach to the bottom of their foot and keep them in place throughout the night while they sleep. The overall purpose behind body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is to provide an outlet for waste products which may linger within an individual?s body. These waste products may originate in the body due to a number of environmental factors such as food ingested and toxins in the air. Body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is a wonderful way to remove these items from the body in a convenient manner.

Body Detoxification by Using Detox Foot Patch: How Does It Work?

The natural ingredients which the detox foot patches are comprised of work together to produce body detoxification by using detox foot patches to pull out various toxins. The toxins that are released from the body as a result of using these detox foot patches are ones which cause individuals to feel stressed, fatigued and may even lead to a variety of health problems. Foot patches of this kind are used quite frequently in regions throughout Asia and are making their way over to the other continents as well due to their fantastic results. The success that individuals have experienced by achieving body detoxification by using detox foot patch treatments is readily seen by viewing the usage rate of such a method in Asia.

Benefits of Body Detoxification by Using Detox Foot Patch

By taking advantage of using detox foot patches to produce body detoxification, one is on the correct path to treating various symptoms which may ail them. Body detoxification by using detox foot patch will provide many of those individuals who use patches of this type with a more restful, relaxed feeling and may even help to cure some minor health problems which they may experience as a result of large quantities of toxins within the body.

Reasons to Use Detox Foot Patches

There are a number of reasons why individuals find comfort and relief via the use of detox foot patches and why they favor using a method of this kind. The first reason why individuals wish to procure body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is so that they may obtain overall body cleansing. Overall body cleansing will enable the individual to achieve a variety of things such as restfulness, less stress and greater overall health for many individuals. These reasons alone are a large part of why individuals feel that achieving body detoxification by using detox foot patches is a marvelous thing to do.

Convenience is another reason why individuals choose to obtain body detoxification by using detox foot patch avenues to achieve this result. Due to the fact that body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods can be achieved while one is sleeping, there is no need to worry about wearing the patch during the daytime when one is working or doing other activities. These wonderful patches work while one is peacefully sleeping.

Body detoxification by using detox foot patches is also a non-messy way to achieve total body cleansing as there are no liquids or ointments to apply to the patch. Simply stick the detox patch to the bottom of the foot and go to sleep. The detox foot patch will work its wonders while the individual sleeps through the nighttime.

Another reason why individuals are looking into body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is due to the reasonable and affordable cost at which these items can be purchased. Very often one can procure a detox foot patch treatment method for around $30 to $40 per box. This is quite reasonable when one thinks of what they are getting for the price which is a more relaxed and cleansed body.

Body detoxification by using detox foot patch is also gaining popularity because it is a non-invasive procedure used to cleanse one?s body. Although there are other body cleansing methods which are advertised these days, body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is done on a strictly external basis. This is quite appealing to many individuals who wish to have a treatment of this type administered.

Another reason why individuals are starting to persue options relating to body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is because it is a new and inventive treatment regimen. The appearance of a new treatment method on the general market is a very attractive thing to consumers. Body detoxification by using detox foot patch avenues is a new treatment method in certain parts of the world, although it has been used in Asia for many years, which is impressing individuals near and far.

Summation of Body Detoxification by Using Detox Foot Patch

In summation, body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is a wonderful way to experience an overall cleansing of the body. Its natural ingredients and carefree application method provide consumers with an option for body cleansing treatments which is non-invasive and quite affordable. For these reasons, looking into body detoxification by using detox foot patch treatment methods may be the perfect way to result in a better, more revived you. If this sounds like something which may be the perfect method to try, then it is definitely worth looking into a bit further.

Muhammad Hazman is an Internet Entrepreneur, Webmaster of DetoxFootPatch.Com. For more information about Health Detoxification, Detox Recipes and other health matters visit http://www.DetoxFootPatch.com/

Lasers A Modern Cosmetic Treatment For Acne Blemishes

The best way to protect your skin from acne-related scarring is to take preventative measures early on. But it is often true that people who suffer from acne are unable to prevent future scarring sufficiently. In fact, it is estimated that more than 10 million Americans end up with scarring caused by acne.

There are many degrees of acne-related scarring. In some cases, the scarring is very minimal and hard to notice. But in other cases, scarring is severe and can cause long-term emotional damage. Many teenagers who have severe scarring caused by acne suffer from depression and a loss of self-confidence. They may become emotionally withdrawn and isolated, unhappy with their appearance.

There are many different factors that contribute to the level of severity of acne-related scarring. Dermatological studies indicate that genetics may play a large role in determining how mild or severe an individual?s scarring may be. It is also evident that adolescents who suffer from particularly problematic acne may be more likely to have severe scarring in adulthood.

Luckily, many therapies and medical procedures have been developed to help ease acne-related scarring. The earlier someone begins appropriate treatment, the better the chance that scarring will be diminished.

Those who are considering undergoing therapy or medical procedures to combat acne-related scarring should discuss the possibilities with their dermatologists.

Laser treatment is one approach to help with acne-related scarring. There are two major kinds of lasers that are used in acne scar laser therapy. They are ablative lasers and non-ablative lasers.

Ablative lasers work by removing the outermost layers of the skin. These lasers burn scar tissue and cause a tightening in the dermal collagen. This reduces the visibility of the scarring. The yellow light laser, a sort of ablative laser, can help to treat keloidal scars by reducing redness and flattening the surface. Yellow light lasers also reduce itching of raised scars.

Laser treatments performed with ablative lasers actually injure the skin and leave it exposed without its outermost protective layers. Those who receive this sort of laser therapy must take extreme care to help wounds heal and prevent possible infection from occurring. The skin may appear reddened for a several months or even a year after the laser treatment. Non-ablative laser treatments affect the dermis directly and do not injure the outermost layers of skin, or the epidermis. Smoothbeam is a non-ablative laser recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Smoothbeam works by heating the sebum-producing sebaceous gland, which helps to reduce acne formation. Smoothbeam also heats the collagen, which causes a tightening in the dermis, making scarring less apparent,

Before non-ablative laser treatment is performed, a topical cream is applied to the skin. In order to prevent epidermal damage, the skin is cooled. The patient receiving this treatment will experience some stinging and some sensations of heat during the procedure, but the topical cream helps ease these sensations. The procedure lasts for about an hour. Three sessions are usually recommended to achieve noticeable improvement in acne-related scarring.

Because ablative and non-ablative laser treatments for acne-related scarring differ so much in their effects and side effects, those considering laser therapy should discuss the details of these procedures with their dermatologists.

Greg Podsakoff is a former acne sufferer, and currently provides information on treating acne, pimples, and zits, via an objective informational skincare website, http://www.acne-treatments-guide.com

Treatments and Clinical Trials for Mesothelioma

For years, chemotherapy has been used as treatment for mesothelioma to shrink tumors. More recently, doctors have used surgery in combination with chemotherapy with more success.

In addition, newer chemotherapy drugs in combination with surgery has increased survival rates of mesothelioma patients.

Radiation has been used to control cancer symptoms such as pain, but it is not a primary treatment for mesothelioma. It is also used in combination with other treatments for mesothelioma and may possibly assist in killing cancer cells after surgery to prevent further growth of cancer cells in the chest area.

Much more research is required to improve treatment options through clinical trials. Clinical trials are used to evaluate new cancer treatments and their effectiveness. They are an important aspect of improving treatments and the ultimate prognosis of cancer patients.

Mesothelioma patients who participate in clinical trials are able to receive new treatments before they are available to other patients.

Clinical trials have three phases. Phase I trails are the first studies of a new treatment. The goals are to determine the correct dosage and the side effects. Phase I trials are only offered to patients who haven't responded to other approved treatments.

Phase II trials are further studies of treatments proven to be effective from phase I trials. They are a continuation of determining treatment safety and effectiveness on a particular type of cancer.

Phase III trials are used to compare a new treatment method with a currently used treatment program. Doctors can thus determine if the new treatment is more or less effective than the already approved treatment.

A patient must be willing to partcipate and provide written consent prior to starting a clinical trial. The use of clinical trials is very important in improving the treatments used in the fight against mesothelioma.

Over the past few years treatments have improved for treating mesothelioma, but further clinical trials are needed to continue mesothelioma treatment methods.

Visit http://www.mesothelioma-101.org/ for more information.

Find more useful information about mesothelioma visit Mesothelioma Help

Walking Your Way to Better Health

It is an accepted fact that exercise is an important part of any successful weight loss plan. Every muscle you have can burn calories, so the more you work them, the more calories you burn. So, don't just depend on dieting alone. Move that body and do some exercises to achieve that weight and that body you have always dreamed about.

Walking is great exercise to lose weight. Moreover, it does not require any expertise or equipment and you can do it free anytime you feel like it. However, to be beneficial, you should do it regularly.Make walking a daily habit or at least 3 to 5 times a week depending on your schedule.

Before you start walking, do some warm up stretching exercises. Stretch only as far as you feel comfortable so as not to pull any muscles. Start with a modest goal, like 15 to 20 minutes at a leisurely pace. Gradually extend the duration and the speed. Walk up one or two gentle slopes. Your walk should be comprised of three segments: warm-up, exercise pace and cool-down.

Walk with your chin up and your shoulders held slightly back.

The heel of your foot should touch the ground first. Roll your weight forward.

Swing your arms as you walk.

To avoid stiff or sore muscles or joints, start gradually. Over several weeks, begin walking faster, going further and walking for longer periods of time.

Walk on soft ground whenever possible.

Quench yourself, drink 8 to 10 ounces of water for every 20 to 30 minutes of the activity.

The more you walk, the better you will feel. Plus, walking also uses more calories; thus, burning more fats. Its benefits include giving you more energy, making you feel good, helping you to relax, reducing stress, helping you sleep better, helping control your appetite and increasing the number of calories your body uses.

To lose weight, it's more important to walk for time than speed. Walking at a moderate pace yields longer workouts with less soreness leading to more miles and more calories spent on a regular basis.

Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at: http://www.mrgymfitness.com/minicourse.php

Heal Acne Quick with These Home Remedies

Need to get rid of a pimple, and fast? Too late to go to the drugstore? Don?t want to shell out big bucks for products that don?t work? Follow these home remedies and heal your acne, fast!

Cure zits overnight by dabbing toothpaste on them just before bedtime. Toothpaste dries the oil and gets rid of the zit.

To get rid of redness and calm skin, first, take two Advil ? they?re anti-inflammatory. Then, apply Visine drops to remove redness quick.

Dab egg white onto pimples to draw impurities from the skin.

For softer skin, put a pot of water on the stove. Add a few drops of lavender or peppermint oil and bring to a rolling boil. Drape a towel over your head, and hold your face over the steam. The steam will draw out impurities, and the oils will have a calming effect.

Cook plain, old-fashioned oatmeal and cool it in the refrigerator. Rub it on your face for softer skin.

For those stubborn blackheads, mix cornstarch with vinegar and rub it on the area. Allow it to harden for 15-30 minutes, then wash off with warm water and a washcloth. This will draw out bacteria and clear pores.

To get rid of acne, spread a thin layer of Milk of Magnesia on your face. Let it dry, and wipe off with warm washcloth ? it works as well or better than expensive facial masks!

So now you can heal acne fast, with products you already have around the house. In a pinch, these home remedies are a lifesaver!

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Clear-Skin-Solutions.com He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne skin care products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma Know More Suffer Less

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma can be defined as a rare form of cancer that affects mesothelium, the protective sac that covers most of the internal organs of the body. In this disease, the cells of the mesothelium become abnormal and they start dividing randomly. Mostly, the preliminary attack of Mesothelioma takes place in pleura or peritoneum and it is seen that majority of the Mesothelioma patients have a history of exposure to asbestos.

Mesothelioma?s nexus with asbestos

Mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of cancer with a rate of about 2000 new cases per year in the US. Though there is no specific age or sex for Mesothelioma, aged men seem to be more prone to catch the disease. As 70% to 80% of the case histories of patients reveal, Mesothelioma has a strong connection with asbestos exposure.

Asbestos is a group of minerals, which occur naturally as masses of strong, flexible fibers. It is required in several industries namely cement, flooring products, textiles, etc. When the tiny particles of asbestos are inhaled or swallowed, they pose severe health related threats like increased risk of lung cancer, asbestosis, mesothelioma, etc. The combination of asbestos exposure and smoking habit often aggravates the risk.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

One peculiarity of Mesothelioma is that it has a long latency period of about 15-50 years, which means that the symptoms of the disease may start appearing 30 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos. Moreover, Mesothelioma symptoms are often not specific i.e. they are same in case of several other diseases. This is why Mesothelioma tests are very important to dispel the incidence of the disease if relevant symptoms crop up.

Speaking of symptoms, there are three prominent symptoms of Mesothelioma that cannot be overlooked. These involve pain while breathing or coughing, gasping for breath and a persistent cough that may result in sputum streaked with blood. Besides, exhaustion, weight loss and appetite loss are some of the other contributing symptoms. Other very rare symptoms are hoarse voice, swelling of the face or the neck, problem in swallowing and pain around the rib area.

However, depending upon the location of the cancerous tumors (pleura or peritoneum) the symptoms vary in case of pleural and peritoneal Mesothelioma. In pleural Mesothelioma, the fluid gets accumulated in the pleura and leads to shortness of breath, persistent coughing, pain in the chest, difficulty in sleeping, pain in the lower back and side of chest, husky voice, nausea, difficulty in swallowing and fever.

Cancer in the lining of the abdomen is what we know as peritoneal Mesothelioma. Because of the fluid retention in the abdominal cavity there is a subsequent abdominal pain and swelling.

Noticeable symptoms of peritoneal Mesothelioma are listed as follows:

-Weight loss
-Abdominal pain
-Build up of fluid in the abdomen
-Bowel obstruction
-Abnormal blood clotting
-Abdominal mass and fever

Mesothelioma?s treatment depends upon several factors like location of the cancer, stage of the disease, patient's age and general health. Standard treatments that are carried out to cure the disease include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Sometimes, these treatments are combined to achieve better results.

Thus it is worthwhile to mention, as all doctors say that to fight a disease we need to find the symptoms first. So be aware of the symptoms of Mesothelioma and consult the doctor at the very onset for an immediate treatment.

Fred Lindell is a successful writer and publisher of health related issues, for more informative articles go to http://www.mesotheliomaplaza.com