3 Heartburn Natural Remedies That Really Work

There is a new guide that claims there is a natural cure for acid reflux and heartburn. You may have seen it. If not, you probably will.

Is this another scam?

Is there really a Natural Cure for Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

On the sales page, the author claims that 1000's of former sufferers have been cured from heartburn and acid reflux disease with 97% of the cases being corrected without drugs, exercise, or some fad diet with the solution being fast and simple.

This is my review:

3 Natural Heartburn Remedies That Really Work

1. If your trusty Rolaid or extra strength Tums are not near by why not try the juice of an apple or carrot which can neutralize stomach acids. The first time I tried this, I slept like a baby.

2. Sleep on your left side, as this tends to elevate the stomach higher so your nighttime reflux is lessened.

3. Have a swig of ginger ale which will make you belch and reduce some of the pressure of your Lower Esophagael Sphincter.

All of the above remedies will help, but they will not cure the condition. They only address the symptom and not the actual problem.

The obvious question is how will this new guide be of any help to the countless number of people that have problems associated with heartburn and acid reflux?

Well, if you go thru a bottle of 100 count rolaids like it was candy and someone says there is a cure, you listen. Of course you do your homework, and that homework has produced some interesting facts.

The author is not a Doctor, but well versed in the medical field. He has very strong testimonials from a host of Gastroenterlogists that follow his methods not to mention the thousand plus customers that are following his methods successfully.

He goes on to explain what the 12 major root problems are and how you can identify each one. You will learn exactly why you are responsible for your digestive problems and how to correct them quickly and easily.

If you are one of the 40% of our population that currently have acid reflux, heartburn, or Gerd (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), I would highly recommend this very affordable low cost publication to anyone.

Recommendations are freely given when something revolutionary benefits all of mankind. I personally, am on the road to recovery thanks to the Natural Cure For Acid Reflux.

J David Ross is an independent freelance writer on many subjects using various pen names. If you would like to free yourself from acid reflux and the many associated digestion problems, check out http://www.acidreflux-remedies.com.

J David Ross is an independent freelance writer on many subjects using various pen names.