Ovarian Cancer Prevention

Ovarian cancer risks can be reduced. It might be wise to look into some of the research to develop the strategy, which is right for you. Here are a few ideas and thoughts on some of the things you might wish to add to your lifestyle or subtract in order to reduce your risks of ovarian cancer.

One way to reduce your risk of ovarian cancer is the use of oral contraceptives or birth control pills. This has been found to reduce the risks of ovarian cancer by up to 50% by those women who use them for up to three or more years. For those women who have had genetic screening and have been found to have mutations of certain genes may also get significant benefit although more study will be needed to confirm this.

Tying of the fallopian tubes can also significantly reduce risks of ovarian cancer by two-thirds or 66%. It might be an option for you if you are sure you are done with having your last child. There is also many studies suggesting that hysterectomies decrease the risks of ovarian cancer. Of course such operations probably are not a good idea unless there is another good medical reason. It is recommended for those women who have already been thru menopause or near menopause that ovaries should be removed with a hysterectomy operation.

Those women who have more than one child and breast feed for more than one year seem to have also reduced their risks of ovarian cancer. Those women who have children after age thirty-five also appear to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.

Of course it is best to discuss these issues with your doctor, get screening and have a strategy on reducing your risks of ovarian cancer. Do your own research and think on this.

Lance Winslow