The Insidiousness of Breast Cancer and Its Current Treatment

In our modern world, the benefits that today?s manufacturing and agricultural activities have brought us is more than painfully offset by the damage to our personal health and wellness. During the course of our daily lives, we are continually exposed to common household products such as detergents, insulation, fabric treatments, flame retardants, cosmetics, paints, upholstery preservatives, and coatings for electronic equipment. When these chemicals accumulate within our bodies, they distribute into body fluids as well.

While it is painfully clear that we may find such toxic chemicals as fire retardants in the breast milk of Americans who unsuspectingly ingest these and unhealthy levels of many other of toxins form the air they breath, the water they drink, and the food they eat, then it is obvious that our drive for cultural, technological, and scientific advancement has taken a wrong turn somewhere along the way. The chemicals we have produced and utilized in the modern era have had many negative effects upon various human body organ systems and have caused many health problems that will have serious implications far into the future. Data from recent explorations into these issues suggest that all of us are at risk of developing serious diseases from long-term exposure to these chemicals that we had hoped would improve our lives. Our synthetic chemicalization of planet Earth, in the past 60 years, is showing up as a body burden that is a physical tragedy and a fiscal catastrophe. Nowhere are these terrifying results more evident than in today?s battles with breast cancer.

The link between toxins in our environment and diseases like breast cancer showing up in our populations is one about which there is little debate as to the cause and effect relationship. While media, political, and health watch organizations warn of the danger associated with large doses of synthetic chemicals within the living environments of human populations, it is apparent that even very low doses of certain chemicals can harm a developing fetus or newborn infant. Small amounts of lead, mercury or PCBs in amounts that would not harm adults readily damage the developing nervous system, causing defects that appear later on. While the general health of an individual is a factor in who is more susceptible to developing diseases from the exposure to toxic chemicals in the environment, the fact that breast cancer is claiming its victims from women both young and old, makes this situation all the more deplorable. We need to take a fresh look at not only the disease itself, but also at what may be alternatives to the current treatment of this abomination.

Since it is obvious that government, with its bureaucratic pace of environmental protection reform and industry with its millions of dollars spent lobbying against regulations that would impact the manufacture of their toxic products despite the obvious health concerns, will not solve this problem in the immediate future; we then, must take responsibility for our own health and wellness with education and pro-active prevention and treatment strategies. Since the current treatment methods, which have produced little to indicate real progress over the past thirty years, are the very essence of barbarism, we must seek out alternative ways of prevention and treatment, and help to bring them into the accepted mainstream of health care practices. We must also work to help ban dangerous chemicals and take immediate steps to protect ourselves from unnecessary exposure to those chemicals that we know to be harmful and contributory to the development of chronic and degenerative diseases.

The current medical practices to treat breast cancer seem more like torturous mayhem that therapeutic intervention. And is it any wonder when doctors and medical students alike get most of their primary, secondary, and continuing education funded, to a large degree by the megalithic pharmaceutical industry, the very authors and purveyors of drastic and toxic medical intervention procedures. This situation is all the more dreadful when it is pointed out that these increasingly toxic and experimental measures lead to future complications and the susceptibility to the premature development of other chronic diseases. This preoccupation with burning with radiation, poisoning with toxins, and slicing and dicing cancer is an appalling state of affairs that must end now. If you believe that current medical interventions do anything but dehumanize cancer victims, then perhaps you will want to go to your local video rental store and check out a movie by the name of ?WIT?. That our bodies are nothing more than test tubes to those involved in the current cancer treatment methodologies is dramatically illustrated by this fine film. And just when current medical practitioners will leave this seemingly medieval torture seen behind is not immediately apparent.

Imagine if you will that a woman is called into her doctor?s office to review the results of her previous examination. The doctor looks at the images on the films that were taken and declares that he sees the shadow of something that could be deadly cancer and as a result has scheduled surgery within 24 hours. Before she even has a chance for the shock and terror to take hold, she is reeling with the realization that she will be going under the knife in less than a day and will never be the same again. Don?t kid yourself. This has been and is happening. This is a strategy designed to prevent you from stepping outside of the box of current medical interventions for the treatment of cancer, taking a deep breath, and processing this information in the new light of other possible courses of action. You may, after all, discover that you have other viable alternatives to choose from in this instance. The probable fact of the matter is that a health care provider, who rushes to execute such measures, would not be quite so eager to cut off the breast of his wife or of his daughter without considering less drastic options first. And, not to put too fine a point on the matter, but bringing it closer to home, I also do not believe that your doctor would be as eager to part with one of his testicles should a comparable diagnosis for him be pronounced.

It is imperative that we, as consumers, prevail upon our service providers to consider alternatives should we find ourselves in a similar circumstance. In fact, it may speed things along if, when confronted with a situation like this, we would graphically drive the point home by saying something like: ?OK doctor, if you want to take away from me one of these (gesturing to the appropriate area of your body), then I think you should have to part with one of those, (pointing with your finger at his ?family jewels? location). I will wager that a lively discussion of alternatives for this problem would ensue with little hesitation.

There are alternative remedies out there. Find them. It is known, for example, that certain foods, including many vegetables and fruits, may offer some positive effects in the fight against cancer. Dietary suggestions such as choosing most of the foods you eat from plant sources, limiting your intake of foods high in fat, particularly from animal sources, becoming physically active, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and limiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages, will add to your efforts to achieve a desired state of wellness and avoid diseases. One approach which has not had wide spread acceptance to date but has become quite intriguing, is the dietary use of certain carbohydrate containing plant materials to either prevent or treat certain cancers. There are numerous references which underscore the importance of a diet obtained primarily from plant sources as a major step in preventing cancer, or at least benefiting cancer patients. There are literally hundreds of reports supporting this concept.

Today the prevention of cancer with proper nutrition is widely accepted. It is believed, that in time, the efficacy of these materials in the fight against cancer will be firmly established, and that alternative choices for treatment will be included in the accepted resources for the treatment of cancer. This will help to negate the current propensity to pressure cancer patients into surgery or toxic therapies causing them to agree for fear that they have few, if any other viable options. Cancer cells and the means to deal with them effectively are located within our bodily systems. Those systems need but to be catalytically activated by the proper raw materials. If we are functioning properly at the cellular level, then the growth of cancer can be controlled and held in check from within by natural mechanisms that were in place long before modern medicine dreamed up its current toxic and drastic strategies. So, educate yourself about prevention and alternative options, move your body, eat well, supplement wisely, and TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE!

To read more about why Steve is so passionate about moving toward wellness and how you can head that way through a healthy lifestyle, that includes, prevention, and appropriate nutritional support and supplementation, visit

Alternative Healing Through Psychic Healing

Psychic Healing defines a realm of activity in which the healer, who is generally not a medical professional of any sort, but a lay person, communicates to the recipient, the ill or wounded, a type of energy which aids in the curing of a condition or a disease. The energy used in Psychic Healing has not yet been recognized by traditional science.

Psychic Healing is a very controversial subject in the modern world, but the practice is very ancient. Probably the most common type of Psychic Healing practiced today is through shamanistic healers of various cultures. Whether Native American, South American, Aborigine, or New Guinea, the shamanistic cultures involve a specially trained individual who communicates a healing power to the subject, sometimes through special objects or amulets and sometimes through the intervention of spirits, who themselves perform feats of Psychic Healing.

In the modern world and in contemporary cultures, much of Psychic Healing can be traced back to Antoine Mesmer, who believed in a theory of ?animal magnetism? by which subjects could be infused with a special energy through a series of passes. Often, Antoine Mesmer is credited with the invention of hypnosis, but Mesmer?s theory is much different than the current theory of hypnosis. The current theory is based on the idea that hypnotic phenomena can basically be traced to suggestion, the influence of a thought, normally transmitted verbally by a hypnotist to his subject contradicts the theoretical concept of Psychic Healing promoted by Messer.

There have actually been numerous attempts to prove that Psychic Healing can occur. Among the most famous have been the experiments of Bernard Grad, a Canadian biologist and physiologist working out McGill University. In his experiments, he compared the rapidity of healing wounded rats through an allopathic medical protocol to the rapidity of healing of these same rats by healers, who worked on them through the laying on of hands.

In order to verify Psychic Healing and the efficacy of these healers, who could have actually imparted some chemical to the rats through their hands instead of truly using Psychic Healing energy, the healers were asked to ?treat? water that were contained in vials- by placing their hands around the vials, but not actually in the water. The water was then used to hydrate one set of seeds, while another set remained in a control group which was not exposed to so-called Psychic Healing energy. The seeds irrigated by the water treated by the healers grew faster and were sturdier than the seeds in the control group which were not exposed to Psychic Healing energy.

Another type of experiment in Psychic Healing was conducted by a nurse and teacher at New York University, a lady named Dolores Krieger, indicated that nurses who did a laying on of a hands on real patients managed to raise their hemoglobin values as opposed to nurses who just talked to or spent time with the patients.

Is there any connection between Psychic Healing and spiritual practices? One of the most famous scientists who studied Psychic Healing was Lawrence LeShan, who developed a protocol to induce Psychic Healing. LeShan is a trained psychological therapist who encourages a transmission of energy to his subjects based on meditation.

Teresa Edwards is the author of The Most Haunted Secrets - the ultimate guide to how psychics communicate with spirit world. For more details visit The Most Haunted Secrets

Turn Up the Heat for CFS Relief

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by sleep disorders and disruption of the immune system. It is also called chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome.

There is a thrilling report about the failure of synthetic drugs and the triumph of heat. It's the result of a study done at a hospital in Japan and reported in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research.

Now, think of all these symptoms that got burnt from these patients lives:

  • persistent and severe fatigue
  • impaired in short-term memory or concentration
  • sore throat
  • tender lymph nodes
  • muscle or joint pain, and headache
At least in this one case, these were gone in a matter of about 6 months. You are allowed to use the word amazing if you wish, or be skeptical if you do not have CFS.

Prior treatment with prednisolone of the patients in this study was unsuccessful. Their medication was discontinued and treatment sessions with far-infrared ray dry sauna heat at 140 ?F or 60 ?C was given. After each session they underwent post-sauna warming. That's like wrapping up in a warm blanket in a relatively warm room.

With one session each day for 35 days, symptoms were relieved after 15 to 20 sessions, the report said. After discharge from hospital, the patients continued with 1 or 2 treatments per week (on an outpatient basis) for one year.

The researchers reported that the patients resumed normal life within six months after the sauna therapy began, with no worsening of the symptoms after a year.

Not a quick fix

Notice that this was not a quick fix. However, results were positive. Generally, there are no push button fixes with natural therapy or natural remedies.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, there are more than a million people in the United States who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. That is over 1,000,000 people experience profound fatigue that is not improved by bed rest; a condition that may be made worse by normal physical and/or mental effort.

If an infrared sauna closet set up in the home can promise such results without side effects it surely makes for a checking out item. If you have CFS or similar condition, it may be worth turning up the heat a bit.

For the more detailed commentary on this report see the article on chronic fatigue syndrome at

Copyright ? 2006 by Bentley Thompson

In his free time, Bentley writes about lifestyle-related conditions such as diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases. His articles appear on his his websites: and

Aerobic vs Anaerobic: What's All the Controversy About?

There seems to be a great deal of debate as to which type of metabolic training is the best... Aerobic vs Anaerobic.

Ok, what is metabolic training?

What is all this aerobic vs anaerobic talk?

Metabolic training is conditioning exercises performed with the intention of increasing the capacity and efficiency of the energy pathways to store and deliver energy for activity.

Most people commonly refer to this as... cardio.

There are three energy pathways used to provide energy for activity... one aerobic and two anaerobic.

Which of these energy pathways you should train is the source of much controversy... Thus the Aerobic vs Anaerobic dilemma.

Aerobic Activity

Aerobic means in the presence of oxygen... and any activity that is performed at a low to moderate intensity for more than 90 seconds, allowing oxygen to release energy through metabolism, is usually called an aerobic activity.

The benefits of aerobic activity are...

Increased Cardiovascular Function Decrease in Body Fat

The negatives of aerobic activity are...

Decreased Muscle Mass
Decreased Strength
Decreased Power
Decreased Speed
Decreased Anaerobic Capacity

Most people in favor of aerobics in the Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy rely heavily on the ability of aerobic activity to reduce body fat... but fail to mention that you are also losing muscle, strength, power, speed and anaerobic capacity along with fat reduction.

And here is the really shocking news... Low Intensity Exercise = Greater Fat Loss is a myth!

OK... let me clarify.

Low Intensity Exercise burns about 50% fat for fuel while High Intensity Exercise burns about 40% fat for fuel... so you could say that Low Intensity Exercise burns more fat for fuel than High Intensity Exercise.

But, let?s say you burn 100 calories in 20 minutes of Low Intensity Exercise (50 fat calories), and you burn 160 calories in 10 minutes of High Intensity Exercise (64 fat calories)... you still burn more over-all fat with high intensity exercise than with low intensity exercise.

There is also another advantage of High Intensity Exercise... it increases your metabolism long after the exercise is completed.

More fat burned in less time and an increased metabolism for hours after the workout... sounds pretty good to me.

Anaerobic Activity

Anaerobic means in the absence of oxygen... and any activity that is performed at a medium to high intensity for less than 2 minutes, where energy is derived without oxygen, is usually called an anaerobic activity.

There are two anaerobic energy pathways...

The Anaerobic System (ATP-CP) is where energy is derived from the re-synthesis of Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) from Creatine/Phosphate (CP) until the stores are depleted... about 5-7 seconds.

The Anaerobic Lactate System (Glycolytic) happens after the (CP) stores have been depleted where the body resorts to the breakdown of glucose for energy.

This results in the production of lactate and hydrogen ions... ultimately leading to fatigue.

The benefits of anaerobic activity are...

Increased Cardiovascular Function
Decrease in Body Fat
Increased Muscle Mass
Improved Strength
Improved Power
Improved Speed
Increased Aerobic Capacity

The negatives of anaerobic activity are...

Anaerobic activity requires an aerobic foundation

When I look at the differences between the benefits of Aerobic and Anaerobic metabolic training I often wonder why there is a Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy... the choice seems obvious.

What?s all the aerobic vs anaerobic controversy about?

I think the Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy comes about due to an improper understanding of fitness and the use of a bad fitness definition.

Physical fitness is a compromise of cardiorespiratory endurance, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy and toughness .

To pursue fitness excellence you must physically train to ?optimize? your performance in all of the physical abilities... and not ?maximize? your performance in one ability at the expense of all others.

For people that do not understand that fitness is a compromise, the idea that more, longer aerobic training is indicative of a higher level of fitness is predominate.

However, what they fail to realize is that by focusing on extended aerobic training they are doing little or nothing to improve the other physical abilities needed for fitness excellence... and are actually decreasing their over-all fitness level.

And no, mixing extended aerobic training with body building isolation exercises is not the answer.

So what is the answer?

Simple... train ALL of the energy pathways by varying low intensity, long duration - medium intensity, medium duration and - high intensity, short duration metabolic training.

End the Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy by making a compromise between the two.

Let?s be honest... unless you are training to be an endurance athlete, there is no need to train like one.

The truth is, most activities encountered in sport, work and life are a combination of all the energy pathways seamlessly flowing from one to another.

Instead of aerobic vs anaerobic it should be aerobic and anaerobic!

To exclude the training of any one energy pathway will greatly diminish the performance improvements from your metabolic training.

My advice... Put an end to the Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy!

Add high intensity, short duration metabolic training to your fitness workout plan and vary the intensities by changing methods of training and periodically switching from high intensity, short duration to medium intensity, medium duration and low intensity, long duration.

Coach Lomax is a strength, conditioning and fitness coach dedicated to building better humans for sport, work and life. Learn more at Optimum Physical Training or take his FREE Tabata Calisthenics Workout Mini Course. Check out Optimum Fitness Products for fitness products that get results.

Staying Healthy in Summer

Seasons change, and your body and mental outlook change with them. And because human beings are a part of nature, our bodies react to the season in predictable ways. Oriental medicine combines knowledge of seasonal characteristics with your unique health situation to balance your energy (chi) to help you adapt and thrive during this season of luxurious growth. Here are some things to consider for staying healthy as you enjoy summertime.

The Fire Element
Every season is associated with one of the Five Elements, and for summer, the element is 'Fire.' Summer weather is typically hot, and relatively damp. For example, the muggy feeling you experience during summer comes from heat causing dampness to condense and rise as it gets hotter. As on the outside, so on your inside: in summertime, there is a tendency for dampness to accumulate within your body.

Summer Health Problems
During summer, some typical heat-related problems are: rashes, headaches and feelings of irritation. For example: Blood pressure may rise from too much heat trapped in the body; damp-induced blister rashes, or boils can erupt on the skin; and if you have eczema, you may experience more occurrences of it in the summer.

Summer Health Tips
It's important to drink enough water and eat the right foods to ensure you're meeting your body's summertime needs.

  • Drink more water. Because it's hot and you perspire a lot during the summer, the average amount of water you should drink in a 24-hour period is 48 ounces ? this includes all fluids, such as, juice, soda, and other beverages. (Note: 48 ounces is the equivalent of 6 eight ounce glasses.) When you are sweating more than usual ? as on some days in the summer ? drinking more is advisable. It's important to pay attention to how you feel, and drink more when you're thirsty.
  • Monitor your intake of salt. An imbalance of salt in your body ? too much, or too little ? can readily occur when temperatures are hot. You will know you're getting too much salt if you find that rings you wear get tighter, and socks or shoes that fit you comfortably during cooler weather, leave lines or wrinkles on your feet or ankles because of too much fluid in those areas.
  • Eat cooling foods. Cucumbers, mung beans, and watermelon are particularly good foods to eat in the summer. They help to keep your body cool, and because of their diuretic properties, they also help to offset excess salt intake.
Stay Healthy
So enjoy your summer and help ensure your health by being conscious of a few simple things you can do for yourself and your family:
  • Drink enough water.
  • Monitor your salt intake.
  • Eat cooling foods.
Get Help If You Need It
If you experience any heat-related symptoms that don't clear up quickly, call a qualified Oriental medicine practitioner for an appointment to get a prescribed formula of medical herbs to help alleviate your symptoms and address the problem ? before it becomes more advanced.

Kitty Bradshaw is a licensed acupuncturist, with an advanced clinical degree in Oriental Medicine. Studying and working with Oriental Medicine since 1986, Kitty combines Traditional Oriental Medicine with Taoist healing methods to offer healing possibilities beyond the level of standard health care. Her deep understanding of Chinese medical herbs, combined with her intuitive abilities to diagnose and treat difficult problems, has helped many people regain and maintain their health.

For a FREE phone consultation to find out how Oriental Medicine can work for you, go to to contact Kitty and sign-up for BIOM's complimentary newsletter.

Back Acne A 'What You Need To Know' Guide

Back acne ? you might not see it, but if you have it, you'll certainly feel it. And although not everyone will get acne on their backs, this condition is common enough to have earned the nickname, 'bacne'. Sounds funny but it isn't really. The back area is home to thousands of sebaceous glands and each one is busy producing a lot of oil. Tight-fitting clothing and clothing made from fabrics that don't allow the skin to breathe are two of the biggest instigators of back acne. Even wearing a backpack has been attributed to triggering bouts of back acne.

These types of clothing and accessories trap the oil that's being constantly produced by the sebaceous glands on the back. And just like the acne that appears on other parts of the body, when the sebaceous gland gets clogged, dead skin cells become trapped inside the hair follicles and soon, bacteria is on its way, inflaming the tissues surrounding the affected areas and causing acne. If you have long hair and back acne, you might want to keep your hair off your back as well.

Back Acne Treatments

The skin that covers the back is much thicker than the skin that covers the other parts of the body where acne is prone to appear. And because of this difference in skin thickness, the treatment regime for 'bacne' is going to be different.

It's still very important to keep the back clean and the best way is to bathe or shower frequently, especially after working out. Use a cleanser that contains salicylic or glycolic acid. If you've never used one before, now is the time to learn how to gently use a loofah so you can begin removing those dead skin cells (also known as exfoliating).

After washing and drying the skin, apply a topical product that contains benzoyl peroxide to the areas on the back that are affected by acne and be sure to allow the product to fully absorb into the skin (it can stain clothing). Also, it's important to only treat the areas that have acne, rather than slathering the product all over the back. You don't want the skin on your back to become excessively dry. If you dry out the skin, you'll have to moisturize and that could cause more acne. If you cannot reach the affected areas, have someone apply the product for you.

That's all you really need to treat back acne. Most people don't wash their backs as well as they should so changing this bad habit will produce almost immediate results. Of course if your back acne is severe, you should consult with a dermatologist.

John Wellington is from providing people suffering from acne with quick, relevant and free acne resources that they can download and take away with them for easy reference.

The Healing Arts: 18 Things Healers Learn #8 It's Only Your Shadow Get Used To It

The more exposure you have to the mystery of life and death, the more clearly will your life become a reflection of that mystery. Perhaps this is the one thing healers know better than most. It is also one of the things they are least likely to talk about.

It is almost impossible to witness a person in pain and suffering without asking the question, ?Why?? And the next logical question then becomes, ?When? When will something like that be mine to bear?? Even though it may not be expressed in words, that question lives inside all of us, and its resonance is proportional to the volume of suffering we are exposed to.

Bad things do happen ? mindless, insensitive, yes, even evil things ? and when you?re in the position of seeing this again and again, it is easy to understand that such things are not a fluke, but a part of the human condition.

As hard as we try, we cannot escape the fact that we, too, are human, therefore have the potential to become a part of any of the worst that we see.

How does that happen? It?s not much different than what occurs when you place two guitars side by side. Pluck the third string of one of them and the corresponding string on the other will begin to vibrate without being touched. Essentially, continued exposure tunes us in to that vibration. Just like the guitars, we share common strings.

We certainly don?t have to become that vibration, yet, we recognize the tone and it lives inside us. And that?s where the crazymaking begins; to know it?s there at all is a fearsome thing.

It is not so much the recognition of the potential that puts us on edge; it is the denial and suppression of it. The many layers of protection we put on ourselves to foster the illusion that somehow, we are different than ?them? eventually imprisons us. We are different, but the potential is still there.

As loathe as we are to admit it, this is actually something we have to come to terms with in ourselves if we are to be healers.

Those layers of protection are not a zippered jumpsuit we can put on and take off at will. Like being sewn into a uniform, the distance, coldness, sarcasm and lack of sensitivity we develop to insulate ourselves become evident in everything we do, every relationship we have.

The energy we expend to deny our ?darker? capabilities comes back to haunt us. The harder we work to push away these aspects of ourselves, the more likely are we to draw situations to us that will test us in those very same ways.

We, as healers, are continually being asked to make the choice because we know there is one. The longer we avoid dealing with this aspect of our lives, the more strongly are we called back to face it.

For many of us, alcohol and substance abuse rank high in the things we do to both insulate ourselves, AND express our shadows. Abuse of our relationships is often a vehicle for an energy much akin to (if not actually) violence. The innumerable ways we shut ourselves down to avoid putting ourselves in the position of having to make any choices (other than at work) is as strong a symptom as any of the others.

Accepting our shadows does not require that we indulge in the behaviors. It doesn?t mean, surrounded by murderers, we will inevitably choose to murder.

The one thing we have going for us is the knowledge that we have a choice. We will always catch glimpses of darkness in our behaviors. At that point will come the choice to go there or not. Working with choice is far easier than denying that the impulse is there at all. It takes a lot of work to bury something.

The ?art? is to be able to spot this dynamic ? the conflict with the shadow side of ourselves -- while it is happening, and then work through it. Easier said than done, of course, but all it takes is practice and the inclusion of others.

The way to get better at this is to be willing to express honestly your experiences and feelings. The act of talking is an act of moving this energy. So are yelling, screaming, crying, and forms of physical expression that yes, can and should include controlled expression of rage that involves aggression. But don?t forget that art, music, writing, sculpture, sports, anything you think of can be used as a safety valve to let off some of the pressure.

The most important parts are that you and others establish a safe, supportive and conscious environment in which you can do the work together, and that you focus your intent on moving that shadow energy into something productive. It could even be fun!

Accepting that such things live inside you is a by-product of learning such thoughts and desires, like everything else, come and go. We cannot hold back that energy without paying a price, because it, too, is the stuff of life. We can, however, allow it to pass through us and, through practice, learn to direct it toward the positive.

Russ Reina shares over 35 years of experience in the healing arts through his web site It is a potent resource for those wishing to deepen their abilities in connection and develop their powers as healers. For a powerful free tool to explore your inner world, please check out his adjunct site

(Permission is granted to reprint this article, unedited, provided proper attribution is made and the signature line -- the above resource paragraph -- is kept intact)

Failure To Diagnose Lung Cancer The Ten Most Imporant Things Your Lawyer Needs To Know

Lung cancer is deadly. The earlier you diagnose and treat it, the better off you'll be- hopefully.

Depending upon the type of cancer and when it's diagnosed, will determine your treatment options and survivability. Believe it or not, you don't have to smoke to get lung cancer. There's second hand smoke, there's carcinogen's in our environment, and our work environments may have something to do with it.

As a lawyer, when a client comes to me wondering if their lung cancer could have been detected earlier, I need to know the following important answers:

1. Were you under the care of an internist, or any physician, during the time you believe you should have been diagnosed?

2. Did you make any complaints to your doctor that should have warranted a chest x-ray?

3. Does anyone in your family have a history of cancer, especially lung cancer?

4. What type of lung cancer were you diagnosed with?

5. What stage of lung cancer were you diagnosed with? (The stages are typically from Stage 0 to Stage IV, with IV being the most severe and deadly.)

6. How much time went by from when you believe you should have been diagnosed, until the actual diagnosis was made?

7. Did you ask your treating cancer specialist (an oncologist) if your outcome would be different if the cancer had been detected 'x' years ago? (This is very important, since different types of cancer have different growth patterns. Some are slow growing, and some are fast growing. If you have a slow growing tumor, and had made complaints that suggested the need for further follow-up and x-rays, you might have the basis for a case.)

8. What is your prognosis? (What do the doctors think about your survivability and the treatment still available to you?

9. Are you a smoker?

10. What type of cancer have you been diagnosed with?

Then, with all of that information, I must obtain your medical records, x-rays, CAT scans, and other information, and have a medical expert (preferrably a pulmonary specialist) review your records.

This expert will determine whether the standards of care in New York were breached, and if so, whether those departures from good care caused and contributed to your injuries. All of those elements must be present in order to start a lawsuit on your behalf. If any one of those elements is missing, it is impossible to prosecute a case for you.

Attorney Oginski has been in practice for 17 years as a trial lawyer practicing exclusively in the State of New York. Having his own law firm, he is able to provide the utmost in personalized, individualized attention to each and every client. In our office, a client is not a file number. Client's are always treated with the respect they deserve and expect from a professional. Mr. Oginski is always aware of every aspect of a client's case from start to finish.

Gerry represents injured people in injury cases and medical malpractice matters in Brooklyn, Queens, New York City, the Bronx, Staten Island, Nassau and Suffolk Counties. You can reach him at, or 516-487-8207. All inquiries are free and totally confidential.

Acupuncture as an Effective Alternative Therapy for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a complex chronic neurological disorder that generates a wide range of symptoms. Most people with fibromyalgia complain about recidivating muscular pain, rigidity of joints and a generalized state of body weakness. Although these manifestations may point to rheumatoid arthritis, clinical examinations can reveal any signs of physical damage in people with fibromyalgia.

Due to the fact that most medical treatments are unable to overcome fibromyalgia, the disorder is considered to be incurable. However, this belief is far from the truth. Although fibromyalgia is a serious disorder with a pronounced chronic character, there are actually effective means of treating it. Acupuncture has proved to be a very reliable form of therapy for fibromyalgia, providing symptomatic relief and preventing the recurrence of the disorder.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that has been successfully used to treat various illnesses for thousands of years. This oriental therapy can relieve most of the symptoms generated by fibromyalgia in a relatively short period of time. Acupuncture can quickly restore physical and mental balance, improving the overall health of the people who follow this form of therapy.

Acupuncture can quickly ease fibromyalgia pain and fatigue. This form of alternative therapy uses needles to stimulate various nervous centers of the body. In Oriental medicine, it is believed that the internal activity of the organism can be influenced by activating certain points on the body. These points are referred to as ?acupuncture points? or ?acupoints?. Therapists use acupuncture needles to activate specific acupoints on the body, correcting the activity of the entire organism simply by stimulating the nervous system.

This ancient Chinese practice is very benefic for people affected by fibromyalgia. Acupuncture inhibits fibromyalgia pain by stopping pain impulses from reaching the brain. This form of therapy can also regulate the body?s production of hormones, increasing the levels of serotonin, endorphins and encephalin, which have a very important role in relieving pain. Acupuncture can also improve the blood flow, restoring muscular tonus. Furthermore, acupuncture can help people with fibromyalgia relax, inducing them a state of comfort and wellbeing.

The majority of people affected by fibromyalgia admit that they have experienced an amelioration of their symptoms after only a few sessions of acupuncture. The first symptoms that can be relieved with the means of acupuncture are muscular pain and weakness, rigidity of the joints, and fatigue. After a month of ongoing therapy, acupuncture can also reduce stress, depression and mental confusion.

Chinese therapists claim that acupuncture works on multiple levels, healing the body, mind and spirit altogether, helping people re-achieve their balance. Oriental therapists also state that acupuncture stimulates and increases the vital ?chi? energy, improving the overall health of the organism.

Acupuncture is very benefic to people with fibromyalgia and it can quickly alleviate their symptoms. In present, this form of therapy is probably the most effective means of overcoming the disorder.

If you want to find out more information about Fibromyalgia please visit this website. You will also find valuable information about Fibromyalgia pain and Fibromyalgia symptoms.

Body Detoxification by Using Detox Foot Patch

In today?s society where we are constantly met with different pollutants and toxins that may enter one?s body through various avenues, having an outlet for such materials is a wonderful way to cleanse the body. Body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is a great way of achieving a more cleansed body, both inside and out. The following paragraphs will highlight some general information regarding body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods and will provide a number of reasons why using a detox foot patch may just be a step in the right direction to cleansing the body and resulting in a better, more vibrant life.

Body Detoxification by Using Detox Foot Patch: What Is It?

Detox foot patches are square-shaped adhesive patches which individuals can attach to the bottom of their foot and keep them in place throughout the night while they sleep. The overall purpose behind body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is to provide an outlet for waste products which may linger within an individual?s body. These waste products may originate in the body due to a number of environmental factors such as food ingested and toxins in the air. Body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is a wonderful way to remove these items from the body in a convenient manner.

Body Detoxification by Using Detox Foot Patch: How Does It Work?

The natural ingredients which the detox foot patches are comprised of work together to produce body detoxification by using detox foot patches to pull out various toxins. The toxins that are released from the body as a result of using these detox foot patches are ones which cause individuals to feel stressed, fatigued and may even lead to a variety of health problems. Foot patches of this kind are used quite frequently in regions throughout Asia and are making their way over to the other continents as well due to their fantastic results. The success that individuals have experienced by achieving body detoxification by using detox foot patch treatments is readily seen by viewing the usage rate of such a method in Asia.

Benefits of Body Detoxification by Using Detox Foot Patch

By taking advantage of using detox foot patches to produce body detoxification, one is on the correct path to treating various symptoms which may ail them. Body detoxification by using detox foot patch will provide many of those individuals who use patches of this type with a more restful, relaxed feeling and may even help to cure some minor health problems which they may experience as a result of large quantities of toxins within the body.

Reasons to Use Detox Foot Patches

There are a number of reasons why individuals find comfort and relief via the use of detox foot patches and why they favor using a method of this kind. The first reason why individuals wish to procure body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is so that they may obtain overall body cleansing. Overall body cleansing will enable the individual to achieve a variety of things such as restfulness, less stress and greater overall health for many individuals. These reasons alone are a large part of why individuals feel that achieving body detoxification by using detox foot patches is a marvelous thing to do.

Convenience is another reason why individuals choose to obtain body detoxification by using detox foot patch avenues to achieve this result. Due to the fact that body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods can be achieved while one is sleeping, there is no need to worry about wearing the patch during the daytime when one is working or doing other activities. These wonderful patches work while one is peacefully sleeping.

Body detoxification by using detox foot patches is also a non-messy way to achieve total body cleansing as there are no liquids or ointments to apply to the patch. Simply stick the detox patch to the bottom of the foot and go to sleep. The detox foot patch will work its wonders while the individual sleeps through the nighttime.

Another reason why individuals are looking into body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is due to the reasonable and affordable cost at which these items can be purchased. Very often one can procure a detox foot patch treatment method for around $30 to $40 per box. This is quite reasonable when one thinks of what they are getting for the price which is a more relaxed and cleansed body.

Body detoxification by using detox foot patch is also gaining popularity because it is a non-invasive procedure used to cleanse one?s body. Although there are other body cleansing methods which are advertised these days, body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is done on a strictly external basis. This is quite appealing to many individuals who wish to have a treatment of this type administered.

Another reason why individuals are starting to persue options relating to body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is because it is a new and inventive treatment regimen. The appearance of a new treatment method on the general market is a very attractive thing to consumers. Body detoxification by using detox foot patch avenues is a new treatment method in certain parts of the world, although it has been used in Asia for many years, which is impressing individuals near and far.

Summation of Body Detoxification by Using Detox Foot Patch

In summation, body detoxification by using detox foot patch methods is a wonderful way to experience an overall cleansing of the body. Its natural ingredients and carefree application method provide consumers with an option for body cleansing treatments which is non-invasive and quite affordable. For these reasons, looking into body detoxification by using detox foot patch treatment methods may be the perfect way to result in a better, more revived you. If this sounds like something which may be the perfect method to try, then it is definitely worth looking into a bit further.

Muhammad Hazman is an Internet Entrepreneur, Webmaster of DetoxFootPatch.Com. For more information about Health Detoxification, Detox Recipes and other health matters visit

Massage ? For A Healthy Life

Stress and tension is the main cause for most diseases and illnesses. People work in the office for hours and commute a lot daily, this monotony also induces stress and it becomes imperative to relieve stress if you wish to lead a healthy life.

Massaging helps relieve stress and removes mental tension. There are different kinds of strokes used while massaging. A massage specialist knows how to massage and the points where more pressure should be applied on the body. If you have headache then you can go for a head massage and if you have body pain then you can opt for a full body massage.

Body massage improves blood circulation, which is vital for a healthy body. Massage not only makes the external parts of the body healthy it also makes the internal organs in our body work efficiently. A full body massage helps fight depression, infertility, blood pressure, back problems, diabetes etc. It also improves the immune system.

Although massage is beneficial for health it is not suitable for all. People with heart problems, cancer, and skin problems should consult a physician before they go for a massage session. You can enjoy a healthy life by having a massage regularly.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

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Essential Oil Dilution ? Making Essential Oil Suitable For All

Essential oils have gained popularity due to the benefits attached to it. There is no better way than essential oils that can be put to multitasks that too keeping you nearer to nature. Anyone can use essential oil according to his needs. Variety of essential oil is available in the market to satisfy the diverse never-ending needs of people.

Different people use different essential oils as per their need. Sensitivity of skin vary from person to person, you need to stay aware of the fact that essential oil may harm your body if your skin is sensitive. But, no need to fear. Now, you can use essential oil dilution to dilute the concentration of essential oil in case if you have sensitive skin.

Essential oil is made from all natural ingredients so that there are no side effects. Essential oils are quite easy to use and have many benefits attached to it. They are commonly used for easy inhalation, steam inhalation that can help with cold and influenza, massage that helps in toning the body, room freshening, bath and many more.

It is true that pure essential oils are volatile oils and can easily penetrate the skin. Using essential oil may cause skin irritation or sensitivity if not properly diluted in carrier oil or if used in high concentrations. Children and the elderly are especially sensitive are specifically found to be sensitive to neat essential oil.

Essential oil dilution acts as a mode to diminish the strength of essential. People who experience skin sensitivity to even mild essentials oils can choose appropriate essential oil dilution. Whenever you use an essential oil for the first time make sure to test yourself for sensitivity by applying your chosen essential oils in a dilution only to a small skin area before using on a larger area of the body.

Skin sensitivity, type of essential oil used and the degree of results you desire determines the dilution needed in the essential oil. Make sure to take a careful, measured approach when using any essential oil and adjust both the quantity of oil used and the amount of dilution in accordance with the body's response that will help you make the best use of the benefits of essential oil.

Use of essential oil dilution does not affect the benefits of essential oil in any manner. It is just a means to make essential oil suitable for all even for people with sensitive skin. It is always recommended to buy the essential oil from a trusted source, which serves only pure essential oils to derive essential oil benefits in the best possible manner.

Bryan Josling is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with research on plants. To find Aromatherapy essential oils, Essential oil Dilution, Aromatherapy Massage Oil visit

Beryllium The New Asbestos?

It was American workers on the world's first atomic bomb who became the first industrial victims of beryllium, a rare but especially light, stable and strong metal whose toxic dust can kill those who breathe it.

Now Seafarers doing ship maintenance and have used Jasons De-rusting and de-scaling guns (also known as J-gun or Jasons pistol) raise concerns about exposure to beryllium.

Unlike other metals, beryllium does not spark and was therefore used on tanker ships containing fuel.

Beryllium can cause a long-term lung disease (berylliosis) in some people by triggering an immune (allergic) response in the body. In general, significant exposure to beryllium in a respirable form is required for any disease to occur, and symptoms may take up to 20 years to develop even after exposure has stopped.

Beryllium dust can cause fatal and untreatable lung disease, similar to asbestosis.

The symptoms of berylliosis include shortness of breath, cough, chest pain, weight loss and fatigue. These symptoms are common, so that most people who have these symptoms do not have berylliosis. Occasionally, other areas of the body like the skin, eyes, mouth & nose may develop a rash following contact with dust containing beryllium.

There is no preventive or curative treatment available for berylliosis or chronic beryllium disease.

More information can on Beryllium, Mesothelioma and Asbestosis can be found at

Ovarian Cancer Prevention

Ovarian cancer risks can be reduced. It might be wise to look into some of the research to develop the strategy, which is right for you. Here are a few ideas and thoughts on some of the things you might wish to add to your lifestyle or subtract in order to reduce your risks of ovarian cancer.

One way to reduce your risk of ovarian cancer is the use of oral contraceptives or birth control pills. This has been found to reduce the risks of ovarian cancer by up to 50% by those women who use them for up to three or more years. For those women who have had genetic screening and have been found to have mutations of certain genes may also get significant benefit although more study will be needed to confirm this.

Tying of the fallopian tubes can also significantly reduce risks of ovarian cancer by two-thirds or 66%. It might be an option for you if you are sure you are done with having your last child. There is also many studies suggesting that hysterectomies decrease the risks of ovarian cancer. Of course such operations probably are not a good idea unless there is another good medical reason. It is recommended for those women who have already been thru menopause or near menopause that ovaries should be removed with a hysterectomy operation.

Those women who have more than one child and breast feed for more than one year seem to have also reduced their risks of ovarian cancer. Those women who have children after age thirty-five also appear to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.

Of course it is best to discuss these issues with your doctor, get screening and have a strategy on reducing your risks of ovarian cancer. Do your own research and think on this.

Lance Winslow

What is the Alexander Technique?

Every day we are bombarded with stimuli to which, on the whole, we react immediately without stopping to think!

In fact, many of our problems stem from the fact that we don?t think! Most of the time we act and react in our habitual way. Bent on getting the job done, we give little thought as to how we do it and this frequently leads us into bad habits: we tighten our shoulders, stiffen and shorten our neck, compress our ribcage and generally push down on joints that should be open and free. Although we may be unaware that we have developed habits of using ourselves in the wrong way, we generally notice the results: pain, lack of mobility, poor breathing patterns and a general reduction in our ability to function well.

The Alexander Technique challenges our habits by getting us to STOP and think about whether the way we are doing things is helpful or harmful. And, if it is harmful, to STOP doing things that way and consider a new direction. Simple!

But not easy! Our first reaction to a recognised bad habit is not to STOP but to impulsively DO something about it to put it right and we can be too quick to DO the wrong thing. In place of the old habit a new habit moves in with his friends.

Change Direction

The Alexander Technique is a practical and powerful means of overcoming the tyranny of habit, of re-establishing good use of ourselves and regaining balance, freedom and poise. A teacher of the Alexander Technique can help us to become more self aware, learn how to stop doing ?the wrong things? and have a more thoughtful approach to how we react to the challenges of our daily lives.

Who has lessons?

People choose to have lessons in the Alexander Technique for a variety of reasons:

  • Actors and dancers wanting to improve their performance and manage stage fright
  • Sports people wanting to increase their flexibility, timing, efficiency, co-ordination and general form
  • People with chronic illnesses who are looking for coping skills.
  • People wanting to prevent or alleviate conditions associated with undue tension or poor posture.
  • People who simply want to develop more self awareness and poise.
  • Whatever your reason might be for trying it, the Alexander Technique is a practical method of self help from which anyone can benefit.

    Bobbie Gallagher
    Alexander Technique Teacher
    Trained at the Alexander Re-education Centre in Berkshire and did a post-graduate course at the Constructive Teaching Centre in Holland Park, London. A member of the professional body STAT.

    Member of

    Symptoms and Treatment of Mesothelioma Cancer

    Mesothelioma cancer is often caused by exposure to asbestos. People who have received asbestos exposure of as little as one or two months to very low doses are at risk of mesothelioma cancer. A person exposed to asbestos could develop mesothelioma after 50 years of exposure. The 2 common types of mesothelioma are pleural mesothelioma (lung cancer) and peritoneal mesothelioma (abdomen organs).

    There are no immediate symptoms of mesothelioma cancer. The symptoms of mesothelioma may appear in 30 - 50 years after exposure to asbestos.

    Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma cancer: shortness of breath and pain in the chest.

    Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma cancer: abdominal pain and weight loss, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia and fever.

    Please note that these symptoms may be due to other reasons.

    Treatment Options for Mesothelioma Cancer
    Following are the options for mesothelioma treatment:

  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Surgery
  • Photodynamic therapy
  • Radiation or chemotherapy combined with surgery may increase the survival time by double.

    Copyright 2005, P. Mehta

    [Please note that this article is not a subsitute for medical advise. You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (clickable) and references and copyright info. You are not permitted to include any additional hyperlinks.

    This article has been written by Visit the web site mesothelioma information, for more information.

    Lung CancerNonSmokers at Risk!

    Most of us non-smokers feel we?ve got little to worry about when it comes to lung cancer. After all, isn?t it the disease of smokers? According to recent studies in the British Medical Journal, people who have never smoked before as well as ex-smokers, are all at risk of developing the disease. In fact, about 50,000 deaths per year can be attributed to second hand smoke and toxic fumes. Lung cancer does not limit itself to smokers.

    Although rarely discussed, exposure to toxic fumes in the workplace or environmental toxins in the air contribute to a significant number of deaths from lung cancer. For example, occupational exposure to diesel motor emissions, asbestos, and paint was found to be significantly correlated with an increased risk of lung cancer.

    In addition, a study on smokers from Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prevention showed that the fumes from frying oil, meat, or barbecuing have been found to also significantly increase the risk of lung cancer. This means working in a kitchen can put you at higher risk too. These carcinogenic fumes are toxic, and daily or weekly exposure to them causes oxidative damage in the lungs as well as to our DNA.

    Another surprising finding is that if your parents smoked in the house during your childhood and adolescence, your risk of lung cancer is double as an adult even if you yourself don?t smoke. Parents, think again lighting up your next cigarette! This year, lung cancer will kill about 163,500 Americans and remains the number one cause of cancer deaths taking more lives than colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined.

    What can we do to protect ourselves?

    If you are a smoker, you must make quitting a priority in your life as well as follow a nutritional and supplement program to protect your lungs. For those of you who are non-smokers or who may have smoked at some point, protecting your lungs is also very important. There are some simple things you can do to decrease your risks:

    1) Eat your broccoli and arugula

    Over 125 published scientific papers have shown the exceptional protective effect of the Brassica vegetables on lung cancer and other cancers. These Brassica veggies including watercress, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli sprouts, Brussels Sprouts, arugula, and kale, have been shown to fight cancer by inhibiting carcinogenesis, excreting carcinogens via liver detoxification, inducing death of cancer cells, and inhibiting tumors! Consuming 500 grams per day (about 4 cups) can cut your risk of various cancers by up to 50%. This is exceptionally valuable research should make the NY Times front page news and be implemented as first line defense in every doctor?s office. There is nothing more powerful you can do to protect yourself against cancer than to eat your broccoli every day.

    A number of other impressive studies show that green tea inhibits the growth of the human lung cancer cell line. Green tea of all flavors is known for its ability to reduce angiogenesis or blood flow to the tumor. So, making that switch from coffee to green tea may save your life.

    For those of you who can?t imagine washing down your 4 cups of Brassica veggies each day with your green tea, there is a nutritional supplement named Indole Plus by Rx Vitamins containing Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), the active ingredient within these veggies which has the cancer protective effects. Take it first thing each morning, before you are exposed to toxins and carcinogens. The active ingredient within green tea is also available by the name of EGCG Green Tea Extract.

    2) Get your zinc, selenium, and vitamin C each day

    Mineral tests on lung cancer patients show that they have lower levels of selenium and zinc, two critically important and protective antioxidants found in foods including Brazil Nuts, almonds, and seafood. These powerful minerals can also be obtained in a good antioxidant supplement such as Three A Day Antioxidant by DFH, which contains other lung cancer protective ingredients including EGCG green tea extract, vitamin C, and N-Acetyl Cysteine.

    3) Avoid exposure to smoke or fumes in the air

    If you live in a polluted city, jog near cars, work around motor emissions, or fry oils regularly, wear a protective mask. If your job requires you to be exposed to chemicals such as those found in printing companies, nail salons, dry cleaners, or paint supplies, you should also take a protective antioxidant supplement containing I3C and a mixture of fat soluble antioxidants such as those found in Ultimate Antioxidant LS by DFH.

    Although we don?t know our individual genetic risk for developing lung cancer, and we can?t readily quit our toxic jobs or turn back the clock on our exposure to cigarette smoke, we can take some very effective and simple steps to protect ourselves and dramatically reduce our risk for lung cancer, the number one cause of cancer deaths.

    Annika is a Certified Nutritionist, who owns and operates

    She completed her B.A. at Swarthmore College, PA, in a Psychology Pre-Medical curriculum. She later attained her Nutrition Certification (CN?) through American Health Sciences University, CO. Since 1995, she has been working in the nutrition industry and as a nutritionist.

    Life As a Teenager With Acne Can Be Difficult

    Acne is a common problem that many teenagers face. It can be very embarrassing and soul destroying for many teenagers who are at a very delicate and self-concious age in their lives. With the many pressures that they face, teenage acne can be an added problem that interferes with a young person?s self esteem and confidence. For some of us, acne was not much of a concern throughout our youth and we do not understand the trials and tribulations that young sufferers go through. My sister did suffer and had to use acne treatment as a teenager.

    I was one of the lucky, clear-skinned teenage girls in my school. I never had to use any acne medication or topical acne treatment. I did get the occasional pimple and strangely, I always had the pimples right before a special event. The blemish usually appeared right on the center of my nose or right in the middle of my forehead. The blemish would appear, right on cue, on the morning of a special event. For those suffering from teenage acne and acne breakouts then it was even worse as the anxiety before an important event was bound to herald a breakout right at the worst time.

    My acne cursed sister had a breakout right before the Junior Miss Pageant and I think that this may have contributed to her not making the final ten when I did. It may have been the fact that she was five-two, a little plump and a little clumsy, but she likes to think that the acne was the cause of the Junior Miss elimination. Looking back now, it is fair to assume, that the breakout occurred because she was under stress. The blemish disappeared shortly after the pageant was over and finished for that year.

    My sister didn't appear to be the least bit nervous before her prom, but suddenly, there it was. She had an acne breakout on the eve of the prom. Covering it up with makeup only made it worse. She tried not to let the breakout spoil her night, but of course it did, although she had a good sense of humor about it. She did put her gown back on a week later to get pictures taken and I dressed up to have pictures taken with her. It's only us who know that the date on the photographs is not the real prom date! Acne or no acne, she still had a great time. I realise how lucky I was not suffering from teenage acne.

    Today, my sister finds herself in a new situation when it comes to unsightly acne blemishes. She, and I, are approaching middle age and use moisturizer. We are a long way past the teenage acne years. What she is finding is that her skin tends to be a bit oily and she is having mild acne breakouts after moisturizing her face. She is very irritated that she needs to combat wrinkles and acne at the same time. It is a pity that anti wrinkles cream and acne products aren't combined. One of the things to look forward to as you get older is the absence of acne. I guess she still have a lot of growing up to do.

    Bruce Walls is a writer and webmaster at

    Acne Cure Remedy Common Causes of Acne

    Just because of acne? Do you feel like a vampire who shies away at your mirror? Are you afraid of your own reflection?

    Chances are there are also about 60 million people feeling the way you do.

    For most of us humans, acne seems to be the bane of our existence. And it is not totally unfounded. Acne, nowadays, is the most prevalent and most common medical condition affecting more than 60 million people in the United States alone.

    What exactly are the causes of acne that so many people suffer from it? Here are the most common causes of acne that we have gathered for you.

    Hormones- the number one cause of acne is the production of sex hormones called androgen that begins at puberty. This is why majority of acne sufferers are adolescents and teens. Hormones are responsible for then acne flare-ups during menstruation and pregnancy.

    When the sebaceous gland is stimulated by androgens, it produces extra sebum. In its journey up the follicle toward the surface, the sebum mixes with common skin bacteria and dead skin cells that have been shed from the lining of the follicle. While this process is normal, the presence of extra sebum in the follicle increases the chances of clogging ? and acne.

    Stress- Stress can also cause the production of hormones, such as cortisol, which can aggravate acne. Stress brings upon different hormone levels. With hormone changes the body prompts the skins oil glands to enlarge, secreting more oil. Which causes white heads, black heads and pimples.

    Oily or heavy make up- Heavy make-up clogs the pores and oily make-ups add more oil, this only adds to the problem if oily skin already exists. Cosmetics especially certain moisturizers, foundation and pomades (watch out for lanolin, petrolatum, vegetable oils, butyl stearate, lauryl alcohol and oleic acid).

    Certain medications and steroids. Vitamins are good for your body, But an excess of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can cause acne flare-ups. These vitamins are good for the skin, but avoid overuse.

    Acne Cure Remedy -

    Psychic Healing


    It?s what allows us to have a healthy mind and body. And from the spiritual point of view, psychic healing allows people to recognize their pure and luminous nature.

    The being's pure nature is never contaminated, it is only darkened by the ignorance, and it is for this reason that the psychic healing is possible, and it shouldn't only be an interest of the sick persons, but an objective of the whole humanity.

    At the same time psychic healing is also the capacity that has any individual of transmitting healing spiritual energy to another individual.

    The healing looks for to reestablish the health there where the illness has originated, and that place is not necessarily the physical place where the ailment has shown.

    A psychic healing can alleviate the pain, restore the lost functions and even improve the quality of the chronic patients' life. For that reason, it is highly advisable when a patient arrives to a plateau in his improvement, or he recovers in a smaller measure than what was expected.

    The psychic healing is a way to let the past behind and walk toward God, I should say that it is not an alternative medicine itself, but rather a therapy that should be used as a complement of the treatment prescribed by the doctors in each case.


    Before anything else it is necessary to clarify what?s the karma. Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action. Not only physical action, but also thought in action and word in action.

    On the other hand the karma is also the law of cause and effect, that is to say that the words, thoughts and actions of our past lives, generate impressions in the causal body, which then are manifested as the karma by which we have to go through in this life (we must also add to it the karmic consequences of what we do in this life)

    Talking about the psychic healing, we can say that the illnesses that we suffer in this life, are the karmic consequences of what we did in the past. That is to say that when the karma matures, the illness manifests itself.

    We all have a nature that is pure, luminous, and that it is not contaminated by any mental factor, but when the poisons of the attachment and the ignorance, become part of our mind as a karmic consequence, the physical manifestation of the illness takes place.


    NO, there are four different causes for the illnesses:

    The environment: where all kinds of illnesses transmitting microorganisms exist (that attack us faster when there?s lack of hygiene and stress).

    Bad feeding: not well balanced diets, insufficient and inadequate feeding (excess of fat, consumption of red meats, alcohol, excess of fried food, etc.)

    Subtle energy: Subtle negative energy that can come from other human beings and from the astral plane.

    The karma: although I have highlighted it as the fourth item, the karma is in fact not only a source of illnesses, but a source that contains and causes the three previous causes.

    The emotions, the attitudes and the beliefs, can also have a negative effect in the person's health, but the health is ultimately determined by the karma.


    If you want a short and direct answer: YES, psychic healing can heal everybody. But this question deserves a special explanation.

    If psychic healing can be applied to everybody, does that mean that all terminal sick persons can heal?

    YES, the psychic healing can heal even the terminal sick persons. although they might end up dying, since the physical cure of the illness is not always possible.

    The first thing that we should understand is that everybody will die in some moment, either for a terminal illness, or for a slide in the bathing tub. Then the objective of the healing is not to avoid a person death. This is outside of the reach of any human being.

    The psychic healing embraces a much wider concept than the idea of avoiding the death, the psychic healing goes beyond the idea of life and the death, because in fact it is looked for to heal the mind, to heal what has caused the appearance of the karmic illnesses.

    A person can recover from a sickness and not be healed from it, this way the karmic roots of that illness might make it appear again in this same life or in the following one, or they will make the person go through similar pain situations until he learns what the karma intended to teach him.

    Psychic healing doesn't require the patient to believe in what the healer believes, neither that he understands what his healer does, reason why it is not a faith cure.


    The psychic healing and the medic science work on two different aspects of the human being. The psychic healing looks for to eliminate the karmic causes of the illness, while the medic science look for to eliminate the physical manifestations of the illness.

    Then if the doctor prescribes us a medication, it is necessary to take it and to continue in full with the treatment as he prescribed it until the end of the physical manifestation of this illness (if it is possible to achieve it) .

    Once we have been able to eliminate the physical manifestations of the illness, we might consider ourselves cured, but this is not necessarily true. If the illness has had a karmic origin, and the person has not received a psychic healing, that same illness or another situation that makes the person go through the same kind of experiences, will show up again.

    It is necessary to take appropriately care of the body because it is the temple of our soul, but it is also necessary to be in charge of the person's mind and to look for its psychic healing, until the person becomes an illuminated one. Then and only then it will be able to enjoy the full healing.


    The illumination is a state in which the person is able to take contact and conscience of his true spiritual nature, and it is also said that an illuminated person is a person that has wakened up of the dream of his existence or from Maya?s illusion.

    An illuminated person is a person that is able to eradicate suffering from his life, although the pain can continue being part of is existence, because the illuminated has interpreted the reality as it really is.


    The answer to what is required to heal could not be simpler: what is required to heal is to have a sincere desire to do good, a disinterested desire to do god to someone else.

    Once you have the desire to do good, you need to offer yourself to God, so that it uses us as a healing channel.

    This is the reason why the healer can not be affected by the sick person?s negative energy, neither he should fear in any way the damage of his own energy, since it is not his own energy the one that he should transmit, he is only acting as a channel for the Divine energy.

    Does the healer need to be a saint or a person of superior nature?

    I believe that the best answer that can be given is an image: If for a dirty channel runs water, water doesn't care how dirty it is the channel, water will always be water. And while in the physical plane the water can be contaminated, in the spiritual plane the Divine energy is always pure and uncontaminated, and it doesn't care about the purity of the channel that it uses.


    Any person that gets consciously and energetically ready can practice healing, because the power to communicate with God and to offer oneself like a tool for the healing of others, it is a helping ability inherent to all human being

    It is important to remember that we don't heal with our energy, we are only the channels through which the Divine energy flows, reason why the Divine intervention doesn't conclude when we finish our healing exercise, but rather the healing continues acting on the other person for as much time as God considers it necessary.

    In fact all healing exercises should go accompanied by a teaching by which we acknowledge the sick person that we will help him to establish an energetic connection with The Supreme Being, but that he can also request it without our help.


    The older healing practice that is known is the Ayurvedic Medicine that it has being practiced in India for about 3500 years. But there are many other healing arts among which we can highlight the Reiki, the Thai Chi, the Yoga, the Mind Control, the Transcendental Meditation, etc.

    I have written for you two exercises that can help you in this topic (they are both in Spanish only):

    How to heal yourself (CD # 34)

    How to heal others (CD #39)


    In some cases a single practice of the healing will be enough, but it is generally a process of progressive improvement, for that reason you shouldn't?t get discouraged if immediate results are not obtained.

    The energy transferred by means of the healer transforms the patient, he will feel more calm down and confident, and he will surely have a change in its attitude and in the quality of its life.


    The chakras are thousands of energy centers that are distributed throughout the whole body, although there are 7 bigger chakras that are aligned along the spine, from the root, to the crown.

    Most of the healing methods among which we can highlight the Acupuncture, the Do In, the Shiatsu, and the Reflexology work over the energy points of the smaller chakras, but as the Aura is an energy that depends on the energy flow of the chakras, you can work on any part of the body to produce a healing.

    The chakras of a healthy person are open and they work in a harmonic form, affecting this way all the functions of the body. While in a sick person they are blocked or they work in insufficient way.

    The base of the healing is the restoration of the good flow of the energy through the chakras.


    When a group of people unites themselves to request for the healing of a person, the healing effect is increased because the multiple channels through which the love of all the participants and the Divine energy work, are united.

    And when the healing is practiced using the visualization, then the physical limitations of the distance disappears, that is to say that a healer may heal people that are not physically next to the healer.

    The distance healing is something that today is more easily accepted by the western science, since the experiments of the French Quantic Physical Alain Aspect, have demonstrated that: even when a couple of subatomic particles are separated in the space, what happens to one of the particles can have effect on the other ones.

    There have also been carried out experiments where the DNA of donors located 80 Km away from the donors, have reacted in the same way than the donors, under emotional stimulation.


    The basic procedure for he healing it is to place the hands of the healer over the affected person's sick area, and to imagine that God uses us like a channel, so that through our hands the positive energy is transfused to the patient.

    When the hands imposition technique, is practiced with the positive visualization, then the healing becomes a tool that can be used to help distant patients. The use of certain symbols and rituals, as the use of candles, incense and glasses of water are more to propitiate the creation of a mental state for the healer and the patient.

    The healing is in fact only a special way of praying, and in the prayer one puts the hands over the patient, and at the same time request the help of God who will ultimately decide how and when the fruits will be picked up.

    Written by Dr. Roberto A. Bonomi

    You will find all that you need to know about, self help, stress control, weight control, stop smoking, mind control, relax, motivation and meditation with subliminal messages at Dr. Bonomi's web site:

    How To Tackle Acne Simple Yet Effective Guidelines!

    The most common problem facing a majority of young people is acne. Acne is a skin disease that generally afflicts people in their 20s. However it is also seen in some people as old as 40. Many people tend to ignore the condition, as it is not a serious or a debilitating disease. However if the condition is not treated properly, it can lead to ugly and permanent scars on the face and other parts of the body.

    The condition is caused by hormonal imbalance. Acne leads to closing of the pores and that leads to black and white pores. The condition if not treated can lead to permanent scars.

    Acne is of two types, Inflammatory and noninflammatory. While the noninflammatory is generally mild, the inflammatory type of acne can be quite painful. The inflammatory glands turn into pimples and sometimes turn infectious. This condition if left untreated can lead to deep and permanent scars. The condition results in white and black pores on the face, neck back and the chest.

    The first and the foremost measure to tackle acne are to follow good hygiene. Excessive intake of coffee, alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle are also the major causes for acne.

    A strict regimen of good personal hygiene will bring in good results. And if this coupled with a balanced diet and proper lifestyle, the problem can be tackled most effectively.

    However, for any remedy to bring in good result, it should be followed up regularly and repeatedly. Temporary measure will only bring in temporary relief. Therefore do not neglect acne when it is in a mild condition this can deteriorate and lead to a far severe chronic condition that may require expert care and treatment.

    By following a proper diet and simple remedies, acne can be completely cured. You can follow any one of the following methods to treat acne.

    Apply lemon juice on the affected area.
    Apply mashed papaya on the affected areas.
    Apply sandalwood paste.
    Apply a pack of Multanimitti.
    Wash the face with a sulfur based soap.

    Along with the above treatment a healthy and balanced diet will go a long way in controlling acne. Drink at least one liter of water every day. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Exercise regularly and avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

    Use a face pack that suits you skin regularly and then wash your face thoroughly with plain water. Apply antiseptic lotion on the pores and clean them thoroughly. The most effective method for preventing acne however is by following good hygiene, taking a balanced diet, proper exercise and leading a tension free and active life.

    Venkata Ramana is the writer of Acne Solution blog. Read his informative reports about Acne Scar and get rid of acne forever!

    Acne Skin Care Products

    Most products used medically in acne prevention and treatment contain specific compounds that address the problem. Their presence in a product will be mentioned on the packaging.

    One of these compounds is benzoyl peroxide, sometimes in combination with the antibiotic erythromycin. The popular Clearasil contains this agent. The main disadvantage of using products containing it is that benzoyl peroxide can be a MAJOR skin irritant, since peroxide is basically an oxidant which can damage healthy skin tissue. Though they are very effective in many cases, the pros and cons of using benzoyl peroxide-based products must be carefully weighed by a dermatologist before they are actually employed.

    Tretinoin is another chemical compound which has found favor with dermatologists, since it has a dermabrasive (i.e. skin peeling) effect and allows pores to decongest. Invariably, tretinoin causes an aggravation of the acne before it begins to work beneficially. It can also produce some unpleasant side effects like temporary pigment changes and flushing, stinging, swelling and scaling of skin. This is expected and no cause for alarm. Products containing tretinoin are available in the form of gels, lotions and creams for topical application and their consistent use can produce favorable results in less than a month. Tretinoin treatment is for a medically specified time period only, and should not be employed beyond that.

    Another commonly occurring agent in acne treatment compounds is adapalene gel, which works by keeping skin pores clear and unobstructed. Products containing adapalene are available only by medical prescription and must not be used outside close dermatological monitoring. Though generally beneficial, they can cause itchiness, scaling, extreme localized dryness, and an inflamed appearance.

    Many dermatologists prescribe oral antibiotics such as doxycycline, tetracycline and minocycline. Again the benefits must be medically weighed against possible complications like stomach upsets, vertigo and reduced efficacy of birth control pills in women.

    It is important to note that effective acne treatment usually involves lifestyle changes as well a medicine. It is wise to consult a dermatologist before taking any acne medicine.

    Acne Care provides detailed information about acne care, acne care skin tips, acne skin care centers, and more. Acne Care is affiliated with Acne Skin Care.

    Reiki as an Alternative Healing Process

    Maybe you are not familiar with Reiki, don?t worry, you are not alone.

    To start with, Reiki is associated with natural holistic healing or a healing where pharmaceutical drugs and medical surgeries are just an alternative in case the system of holistic healing fails.

    Reiki is an early form of energy healing in which a participant serves as a channel for Universal Life Force. The Reiki participant opens himself/herself as a channel for an energy that comes from a higher source to aid healing or correct a person?s aura. This is believed to be beneficial for the body, mind, and soul or the Indian system called chakra.

    Reiki got its principle from the thought that the universe has an energy that gives form, structure, and health. This force is also called Chi by the Chinese martial artists. It is said to be capable of healing anything because its energy comes from the basic fundamental levels of reality.

    It also teaches that the energy flows are affected by the thoughts of a Reiki practitioner. For instance, if he/she thinks of negative things, this will manifest diseases and unfortunate events. If he/she thinks the other way around, good health and fortune will come. These are facilitated to help the patients believe whatever positive thoughts they have in their minds.

    To have an idea of how the healing process is conducted, here is an example: usually, the healer performs some hand rituals and eventually places it over a sick person. Then he will perform some massage from mid hair, and he will make some scooping actions like he is smoothing a bedspread. This movement is intent to correct the person?s aura. There are other Reiki masters that just place their hands directly to the patient and keeping it there as long as necessary.

    They are also capable of healing from a distance, or also called Reiki remote healing. The healer will just ask for an object that will represent the ill person and they will treat that said object just like he is treating the person. They are also capable of healing and blessing objects such as cars and computers.

    Reiki is definitely a different healing process compared with others. It is up to you if you will believe in their methods.

    Article written by Hector Milla; editor of, a website about Reiki therapy and related, plus they have recently published a free online guide with weight loss tips, visit at, Thanks for reproduce this article in you web site or ezine keeping a live link.

    Acne Skin Care

    Acne is a problem faced primarily by teenagers across the world. However, it is not uncommon to find acne in individuals aged between twenty to forty years. Acne is a skin problem characterized by blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and lumps. It generally occurs on the face, neck, upper arms, and shoulders.

    Bacteria, excessive oil, dirt, make-up, and sweat are some of the factors that cause acne. Therefore, acne skin care must be targeted at keeping the skin clean and reducing its oiliness. Individuals with acne should wash their faces with warm water and soap or face wash that is specially manufactured for acne-prone skin. Products containing tea tree oil are supposed to be beneficial. While application of a sunscreen with SPF of 15 or higher is essential while going out during the day, night cream should be avoided. Astringent can be used to cleanse and tone the skin, followed by the application of a mild, water-based moisturizer.

    Pimples should not be touched frequently or squeezed, as this often aggravates the problem and leaves behind stubborn marks. Tomato, mint, or cucumber juice can be applied on the face and the neck. They provide a blemish-free complexion. In addition, a weekly face mask made of almond powder, milk, and rosewater can prevent pimples and lead to glowing skin.

    Oil-based make up should not be used on acne-prone skin. Although a variety of concealers are available in the market to hide skin blemishes, they offer only a temporary solution. In fact, some concealers add to acne problems. Apart from following a skin care regimen based on suitable products, diet needs to be controlled to prevent or cure acne. This is because acne also results from digestive disorders. Intake of fried food, sweets, tea, coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol should be cut down. Instead, fresh lime, tomato, or carrot juice can be taken in-between meals. These help to cleanse and hydrate the body internally, and only a healthy body can possess flawless, glowing skin. Therefore, a mix of internal and external care is required to combat acne.

    Skin Care provides detailed information on Skin Care, Skin Care Products, Natural Skin Care, Anti Aging Skin Care and more. Skin Care is affiliated with Natural Skin Care Products.

    The News You Don't Want To Hear: You've Got Breast Cancer

    For many people being told that they have cancer is one of the most stressful times in their lives. Just as we think we have everything under control, something comes along that can shatter even the strongest of wills.

    Out of the blue, in September 2002, Sara faced one of the biggest challenges of her life - her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Having nursed her mother through her illness, Sara took the step of having a mammogram just to make sure she herself was clear. All over Christmas she tried to put it to the back of her mind, but she couldn't help worrying.

    On New Year's Eve 2002, she was horrified to learn that not only did she have breast cancer, but that it was a particularly aggressive form. Of course, Sara was very angry at first. She thought, Why me? It would have been better if I hadn't gone for a mammogram. She was also very scared. She said, When someone says, You have cancer, you immediately think you're going to die. I have to wait six weeks before my surgery and I have no idea how I will stay sane until then. What on earth am I going to do?

    After a few very bleak days, Sara decided she was determined not to give in too easily. Her mother had, after all, fought the disease, so she, too, could do the same. When she was calm enough to answer her question What on earth am I going to do? several answers came to her, as she was walking her dog.

    Find out as much as possible about breast cancer.

    Talk to other people who have faced similar situations.

    Be realistic about what she could change and what she needed to accept.

    When Sara opened her eyes and started to believe that she had choices, she was amazed at the different ideas that popped into her head. She discovered practical ways to prepare her body and mind prior to her mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. She was able to make a number of choices in her life, including exercise, changing her diet and learning how to chill out with meditation.

    By the time Sara went into hospital in February, her frame of mind had shifted from a very negative one to that of how she could take control of her life. She said, I can't stop the cancer running through my body but I can change how I deal with it. It's taking over my body but it doesn't have to take over my mind. I can control how I deal with it.

    Sara is certain that her excessive workload, poor nutrition and lack of exercise had taken a toll on her body and were contributing factors to her state of health. She sees her illness as a new chapter in her life rather than the end of it. As well as conventional medicine, Sara has also discovered the power of laughter. It is impossible to laugh and feel stressed at the same time. I think laughing brings about release.

    If you are feeling stressed you might not feel like laughing. But laughter really is the best medicine. As Sara pointed out, it is difficult to laugh and feel anxious at the same time! Try it! How do you feel when you have a really good laugh? As soon as you start to laugh, the power of the stress is lessened.

    I have recently been very involved in setting up a charity, Clowns in the Sky, which supports children suffering from brain tumours. Children with tumours spend many weeks in hospital undergoing painful treatment and we have found that bringing some fun into their lives makes a huge difference to their well-being. If they can laugh, so can you!

    My favourite films are The Full Monty, Bridget Jones and Hitch. Why? Because they make me laugh!

    This Christmas we tried out a really funny game. Try saying purple sprouting broccoli with your lips over your teeth; it is almost impossible to do. You will laugh with frustration that no one can understand you and others will laugh at you because you look and sound so silly. Don't worry, everyone including you will be laughing!

    Is everything perfect for Sara? Of course not. Her initial surgery was successful although she was diagnosed with breast cancer again a few months ago. The fear that the cancer might return again has always been the hardest thing for her to deal with and it is something she thinks about every day. But she feels much more in control of certain aspects of her life. She is trying to focus on what she can change, just a day at a time. She still finds the visits to hospital very stressful, but she doesn't allow herself to dwell on negative aspects of her illness for too long as she has found it very counterproductive.

    Sara didn't have any choice about having breast cancer. She did have choices, however, about how she chose to deal with life each day.

    You may not be able to influence and overcome every stressful situation, but you can take charge over how you respond.

    If you are facing a major change and finding life very stressful, what changes can you make to how you view the situation today?

    If you want to manage stress in your life, you need to begin with yourself.

    None of us are able to predict the future, but we can make the present better if we choose to.

    What makes you laugh? Do you have a favourite video, a story, a joke or a friend who helps you to lighten up?

    Focus on what you can change and you will start to feel more in control of your life.

    About The Author:

    Carolyn Matheson is Author of Yes to Less Stress

    To receive her free weekly newsletter, sign up today:

    How to Find the Best Acne Treatments Available

    Acne, which affects the majority of teenagers, and a very large number of adults as well, can be treated using various different methods, with prices ranging from relatively inexpensive to incredibly expensive. However, the best acne treatments are those that treat acne from inside the body, as well as on the surface of the skin - since acne starts inside.

    The name on the package really doesn?t matter as much as what is inside the package. Some ingredients have proven to be quite effective for treating acne, while others don?t seem to have any affect. Some ingredients are perfectly safe, while other?s have risks associated with them. What you use to treat your acne is up to you - but it is important that you make informed decisions, in order to find the best acne treatments for you.

    Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most effective ingredients found in a large majority of acne medications, however, there is quite a bit of controversy surrounding this chemical. Benzoyl peroxide has been linked to skin cancer, and it is on the FDA?s ?unsure? list. This means that while it has been approved by the FDA for human use, the FDA cannot say that it is safe to use - but the FDA hasn?t determined that it is unsafe either.

    Some of the most effective treatments for a large majority of people who suffer with acne are: ProActiv, Accutane, and Retin-A. This doesn?t mean that these medications work for everyone - it just means that it is effective for the majority of people who use these treatments.

    ProActiv is a three step topical acne fighting system that does not require a prescription, although it does contain prescription grade Benzoyl peroxide. Accutane is an oral prescription medication. There are many side affects associated with the use of Accutane, such as chapped lips, dry skin, nosebleeds, eye irritation, joint and muscle pain, hair thinning, skin rash, intestinal problems, urinary problems, headaches, and vision problems. There are even some psychological side effects, such as depression. Accutane is not prescribed to women who are pregnant or nursing, due to serious birth defects. Retin-A has very few side effects, and is available in both prescription and over the counter forms. Retin-A is used to treat a variety of skin problems other than acne as well, including wrinkles, lines, scars, and discoloration.

    If using one of these products is of interest to you, you should start with ProActiv. If ProActiv doesn?t work, try Retin-A next. Avoid using Accutane if you can, and if you do decide that you want to give Accutane a try, make sure that you weigh the potential side effects carefully.

    While these treatments are costly, they have proven to be the most successful. Therefore, in most cases, they are well worth the expense. People spend billions of dollars purchasing inexpensive acne treatments that simply do not work. If you look at it in terms of how much money you would spend buying products that do not work, in relation to the amount you will spend to purchase an acne treatment that works for a large majority of the population, you will find that you are better off spending the money on the products that work in the long run, bypassing those that do not work.

    Keep in mind, however, that even though these are the best acne treatments available, this doesn?t mean that other, less expensive treatments won?t work for you. What works for you will depend on many factors, including how severe your acne is. Discuss your options with your dermatologist.

    No matter which acne treatment you use, you must keep your face clean, keep your hair and hands off your face, use the treatment as directed, and give the treatment time to work. Failure to do any of these things will keep your acne treatment from working - no matter how good it is. You should also remember that what works for some people may not work for others. The best acne treatments are not always the best for everyone. What worked for your neighbor may cause your acne to become worse. Work to find the best acne treatment for you - and make sure you give it time to work! strives to provide you with the latest information with regard to acne, the best acne treatments, the old wives' tales and cures. Don't blame the blemishes, we love to help! See for yourself at: (