What's The Real Cause Of Acne?

No, it's not bacteria that's ultimately responsible for your acne. If that would be the case, then the only thing you would have to do is to apply some benzoyl peroxide or other stuff that kills bacteria and be done with acne. Since you are reading this article I presume that you know that it's not quite that easy.

The real cause for your acne is that your body is over acidic/toxic. Let's take a brief look on how these toxins accumulate into your body and how they cause your acne.

Sources of toxins

Unfortunately today we live in such a toxic environment that, unless you live in a remote place far away from urban areas and grow your own food, it's very difficult to prevent toxins from entering your body. Here are some ways you could be getting toxins into your body:

- acidic food (meat, wheat, sugars, milk, etc) - improperly combined food causing impaired digestion - water/air pollution - stress creates acidic/toxic substances in your body - prescription medicines - chemicals, hormones and additives in food

Symptoms of toxicity

How do you know if you have too much toxins/acids floating around your body? Well, if you are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms you can be pretty sure that something needs to be done:

- frequent illnesses

- low energy

- recurring headaches

- frequent constipation

- frequent gas & bloating

- bad breath

- hemoherrhoids

- protruding belly

- irritability

- low stress tolerance

- acne and other skin disorders

- excess weight

How toxicity leads to acne

Acne occurs when your body contains more toxins than your kidneys and bowels can remove. (Your kidneys and bowels are the two primary channels of elimination that your body expel toxins and waste products through.)

Once these toxins build up, your kidneys and bowels can get overloaded and clogged up, causing them to not function properly. When that happens some of the load will be dumped onto your liver.

This means, your liver will be doing some of your kidney's work. Over time your liver also gets overloaded and it can't handle all the incoming acids/toxins.

What happens when your bowels, kidneys, and liver gets overloaded?

When that happen your body will expel toxins through your lungs and skin (your secondary channels of elimination). What happens when these toxins are all over your skin and your body is pushing in more? All those acne-causing bacteria suddenly finds your skin to be a very fertile ground to settle in.

And this is when acne occurs. This is when your skin starts to breakout.

Harmful, acne-causing bacteria will not be able to survive in a clean, alkaline skin. You know the old saying that rats don't come to a clean house. Well, it's the same with acne and your skin.

Acne is a sign

But whatever the toxic source is that?s causing this problem, acne is a sign that your body can't cope up with all the toxins and it needs to resort to emergency measures.

It is a sign that your liver is growing weaker in its detoxification abilities (and it will continue to grow weaker if you do not do what it takes to get rid of the toxins in your body).

So if you think that acne is your only problem, think again, your liver, kidneys, and bowels are getting weaker every time you breakout.

For more information on how to treat acne at the root of the problem, visit: http://www.natural-acne-solution.com/definitiveacneguide.htm

For more information on how to treat acne at the root of the problem, visit: http://www.natural-acne-solution.com/definitiveacnearticle.htm

Seppo Puusa used to suffer from acne for more than 10 years. After countless failed attempts to cure his acne with Accutane and other acne products he discovered simple methods that anybody can follow and cure their acne within a week.

At his web site he shares the knowledge that has finally set him free and ended the shame and frustration. To find out what you can do today to cure your acne visit http://www.natural-acne-solution.com