To Be or Not To Be PSA Screened

Women have breasts. Men have prostate. Like the breasts in a women, this male gland produces and secretes fluid.

PSA, an enzyme in the form of a glycoprotein, is a such kind of fluid concentrated in prostatic tissue. Normally, serum PSA levels are very low and high PSA levels in the blood may indicate a prostate problem. Rise of PSA may be a sign of benign growth or swelling of the prostate, as well as of prostate cancer.

Apparently, the more we know about PSA, the more we know about our prostate condition. Therefore a regular PSA test is a way to detect earlier possible problems. Many clinicians claim that incidence of death from prostate cancer has significantly decreased since the advent of PSA testing.

Of course PSA plays an important role in this situation. But there are many opinions supporting the idea that PSA is only one of many factors influencing mortality rates. Some authors concluded that the increased use of early hormone therapy has a greater impact on mortality than PSA screening.

Because randomized clinical trials have found PSA test far to be perfect, physicians should explain to prostate sufferers that its unclear if screening is a good thing or not. Most men do choose to be screened, and that's very reasonable. And the same reasonable must be the option to refuse the screening.

Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues such as PSA screening for prostate cancer

Cold & Flu

Influenza (or as it is commonly known, the flu or the grippe) is a contagious disease, caused by an RNA virus of the orthomyxoviridae family. It rapidly spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics. The name comes from the old medical belief that unfavourable astrological influences cause the disease.


There are three types of the virus, identified by antigenic differences in their nucleoprotein and matrix protein:

Influenza A viruses that infect mammals and birds

Influenza B viruses that infect only humans

Influenza C viruses that infect only humans

The A type of influenza virus is the type most likely to cause epidemics and pandemics. This is because the influenza A virus can undergo antigenic shift and present a new, immune target to susceptible people. Populations tend to have more resistance to influenza B and C, because they only undergo antigenic drift, and have more similarity with previous strains.

The term superflu is used to refer to a strain of flu that spreads unusually quickly, is unusually virulent, or is for which the host is uncommonly unresponsive to treatment. Thus, there is a tendency to apply the term to strains which cause epidemics or pandemics. There is no exact scientific definition of a superflu.


The virus attacks the respiratory tract, is transmitted from person to person by saliva droplets expelled by coughing, and causes the following symptoms:

Tiredness (can be extreme)
Dry cough
Sore throat
Nasal congestion
Irritated eyes
Body aches
Extreme coldness

Flu season
Influenza reaches peak prevalence in winter, and because the Northern and Southern Hemisphere have winter at different times of the year, there are actually two flu seasons each year. Hope-Simpson (1981) observed that influenza outbreaks are globally ubiquitous, and consistently occur six months following the time of maximum solar radiation in an area. Therefore, the World Health Organization makes two vaccine formulations every year; one for the Northern, and one for the Southern Hemisphere.

While most influenza outbreaks in the Northern Hemisphere tend to peak in January or February, not all do. For example, the influenza pandemic of 1918 and 1919 reached peak virulence during late spring and summer worldwide, and not until October in the US. It remains unclear why outbreaks of the flu occur seasonally rather than uniformly throughout the year. One possible explanation is that, because people are indoors more often during the winter, they are in close contact more often, and this is enough to trigger the outbreak. Another is that the cold weakens the immune system; however, the virus is contracted in a warm indoor environment in which it can thrive.

It is possible to get vaccinated against influenza. However, due to the high mutability of the virus, a particular flu vaccine formulation usually only works for about a year. The World Health Organization co-ordinates the contents of the vaccine each year, to contain the most likely strains of the virus which probably will attack the next year. The flu vaccine is usually recommended for anyone in a high-risk group, who would be likely to suffer complications from influenza.

Antiviral treatments that have proven effective in influenza are amantadine, rimantadine, zanamivir, oseltamivir and ribavirin. As most of these substances are expensive, various healthcare organisations and insurers only support their use where this would make a significant difference, e.g. in the elderly.

A trademarked elderberry extract may aid in shortening the duration of an episode of influenza once contracted, though it has no notable preventive effects (Zakay-Rones et al 1995).

For more details click here!

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Healthy Aromatherapy?

You know what aromatherapy is, right?

It's the use of essential oils (extracts or essences) from flowers, herbs, and trees to achieve health, vitality and rejuvenation of the body, mind and spirit.

Citrus is a mood enhancer. Lavender has been found to correspond with slower heart rate, lower blood pressure and it helps decrease muscle tension.

But, is inhaling toxic waste good for you?

That's what you're doing if your aromatherapy candles are made of paraffin.

Paraffin is a byproduct of the petroleum industry. Burning paraffin emits high levels of toxic chemicals including acetone and lead benzene, the same as from your vehicle's tail pipe.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that both of those are known human carcinogens. A carcinogen is a cancer-causing substance, in case you weren't sure.

That hardly sounds healthy, does it?

Respiratory illness doesn't feel good.

You know that thick black soot you see in the jar when you burn a paraffin candle in a jar? When you burn paraffin, you're breathing that, too. When there's no jar, guess where it goes? Into the air.

Those microscopic particles - smaller than 2.5 microns - are recognized by the EPA as responsible for aggravating respiratory illnesses.

That hardly sounds healthy either.

Aromatherapy and Soy Are A Natural Fit

Soy candles are made from soybeans which are a renewable resource. Soy wax is a clean burning, non toxic wax that does not produce black soot. It's environmentally friendly and safe for you, your children and pets to breathe.

Inhaling toxic waste isn't aromatherapy. Please only purchase aromatherapy candles if they are made of pure soy wax.

Peter G. Browne

Slash Your Acne Supplement Expenses with Food

Twenty-one year old Lydia Garcia faces an imminent dilemma- poverty or acne. Lydia religiously uses three herbs to keep her skin clear and she?s always on the prowl for supplements to augment her health. Just last week she read that the Chinese herb astragalus enhances the immune system. And now, Lydia ponders, ?I think I want to take dandelion root and ginseng to ease my menstrual cramps.? Yet Lydia?s salary as a receptionist barely covers her fanatical consumption of supplements.

You don?t have to spend a fortune on supplements when food provides all the nutrients you need to have clear skin. Herbs and supplements that provide support for clean skin typically offer the following benefits:

Boost the immune system

Enhance stress management

Cleanse the blood and liver, and

Aid in skin repair

A well-chosen diet can prove just as advantageous as supplements and herbs.

Foods that boost the immune system

Vitamin C

Oranges, grapefruits, papaya, green peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, broccoli

Vitamin E

Almonds, sunflowers seeds


Wheat germ, black-eyed peas, lean beef, crab, oysters

Foods that enhance stress management

Vitamin B6

Legumes, whole grains, chicken, pork, bananas

Foods that cleanse the blood and liver

Garlic, onions, turmeric, cayenne pepper, aloe vera juice, watermelon

Bulk-producing foods

Oatmeal, apples, oranges, bran cereals

Foods that aid in skin repair


Nonfat dairy, beans, meat, poultry, fish, nuts

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, walnuts


Onion, garlic

Although herbs and dietary supplements offer a broad spectrum of benefits to the skin, it?s no fun looking fabulous if you can?t afford to go anywhere. So, save some cash and eat you way to clear skin.

Health author and Stanford University graduate Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include ?Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne? (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work ?Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we?re still not getting this dieting thing? (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005. For useful acne self-help articles visit

How To Clear Acne

Are you wondering how to clear acne from your face as well as your life? Are you wondering what kind of acne medicines are available, or what the best acne products are? If so, you're certainly not alone. Don't panic. Taking back control of your complexion isn't as hard as it may seem.

There is a lot of information overload today from TV, medical studies, so-call experts, etc. that may put you into a sort of analysis paralysis before you can even understand how to find the best treatment for acne that works for you. Many people get caught up on questions such as What acne medication best works for me?, What about laser acne treatments, are they safe?, and Should I use natural treatments for acne instead?

Don't become an acne zeno! Finding solutions is really a lot easier today than ever for several reasons.

Today we have many more powerful treatments and medications than in the past. We also have better access to information that was difficult to find just a few years ago. For example, information on acne causes adult as well as teen are now publicly available, where in the past medical studies were almost solely focused on acne treatments for teens. If you think about it, you can ask your pharmacist, a dermatologist, or even go to to find your best treatment for acne.

But before you can start to use any medication for acne, you need to educate yourself on how to control acne. You need to understand what the causes of acne are, and how they affect you personally. Knowledge is power, and to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Learn what weapons you can put into your arsenal, and where you can go to acquire them in our next article.

Read the second part of this article Control Acne by Tom Straub at the Acne Advisor website.

Acne Medication: What's the Scoop?

Acne can be a frustrating problem for a lot of people. It has been estimated that 17 million people in the United States suffer from some form of acne. No wonder there are so many products that have been specifically made to treat acne. But what exactly is acne?

Basically, acne is a skin disease characterized by the inflammation of the skin. Clogged pores and dead skin cells that accumulate on the skin are the primary reasons people get acne.

Most people commonly referred to acne as zits, and pimples. In some severe cases, acne can appear as pus filled sores, boils, lesions. Acne does not only appear on the face. It can also appear on the shoulder, back, arms, and chest.

How acne affect individuals

Another problem that results due to acne is that it tends to scar. A lot of people who suffer from acne also suffers from low self esteem, and depression because of this condition. This is especially detrimental to teenagers, who are extremely vulnerable and insecure about their appearance. They also fear the derision from their peers as a result of having acne. It has been assessed that 85 percent of teenagers suffer from acne.

Acne does not only affect one's physical appearance, but also a person's psychological, and emotional well being. This is why those who are suffering from acne are constantly looking for effective ways to treat this condition.

Acne Medication

There are a lot of acne medication that's available out there for people to choice from. A word of caution, over the counter acne medications should be viewed with suspicion. Some acne medication if not suited for individuals may leave scarring!

There is no one medication that can treat acne, since there are many forms of acne. Also people have different types of skin type that react differently to medication.

For those who have acne, it is best to get a check up from a dermatologist or a medical professional. This way, they would be directed to the right medication that works for them.

Homemade remedies-

A lot of people automatically assume that homemade remedies are ineffective! But there have been some findings that state that some homemade remedies do in fact work wonders! Some oils, plants, and herbs are great for treating mild cases of acne.

Prescribed medication-

For those who have acne this would probably be the best way to go. Since every individual's need is different. A dermatologist would be able to evaluate what type of medication will work for different types of acne.

Oral antibiotic-

This can also be used to treat acne. The problem with this method of treatment is that although it may help in killing bacteria, it does nothing to get rid of the excessive oil that the skin secretes.

Other forms of treatment people use are different types of acne are as follow:

-Azelaic acid, benzoyl perroxide, retinoids, salicydic acid - This is suitable for

treating comedonal acne.

-Antibiotics and benzoyl perroxide work best for inflamed acne.

- For severe acne that's inflammatory contraceptive pills, or isotretinoin work best.

Most people will suffer from acne, at some stage in their lives. Good thing is that there are a lot of available medication that will help to treat acne.

The secret to effectively treating acne, is to find the right medication that will work for you. The best way to achieve this is to consult your dermatologist. A dermatologist would be able to offer advice, and give a professional opinion on which product will work best for you.

Hanif Khaki is the widely respected author of numerous health related articles including many on acne medication He is also the founder of the popular acne resource site

Living Well with Chronic Illness

Living with chronic illness impacts one?s physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Living with chronic illness often causes one to feel helpless and hopeless, discouraged and isolated. It can devastate one?s career and financial security, friendships and love relationships, creativity, concentration, motivation, and one?s very peace of mind.

It is important now and useful long-term, to remain as active, social, and productive as possible. That means focus on what you can do and let go of what you can no longer do. Create priorities for your body, mind, heart, and soul.

Ancient philosophers and healers recognized that the body and the mind were one. Modern research confirms this body/mind connection. In the last 15 years, Western medicine has coined a term for what the ancients knew: psychoneuroimmunology. Harvard Medical School now publishes a professional journal called Mind/Body Medicine. Studies show that improved physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being stimulate an innate healing response in the body. It is possible to create a healthier lifestyle that will promote wellness. The key is to balance the physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life.

Improving and maintaining physical well-being includes proper nutrition, rest, and exercise. It means carefully selecting the activities in which you participate and the people with whom you spend time to ensure that you are making good choices about expending energy and making the most of each day.

Paying attention to the psychological and emotional aspects of your life includes becoming a good observer of your thoughts, feelings, and how/what you feel in your body. This is a time to allow yourself to experience, examine, and express your thoughts and feelings in an honest and forthright way.

Accurately expressing yourself is one of the most important aspects of living with chronic illness. No one will know how you feel and what you can reasonably be expected to do or not do unless you tell people directly. Value yourself and take ownership of your feelings, and thoughts, your resources and choices.

Honor and express your deepest truth and make what you say and how you say it match what you feel. Say your real ?yes? and your real ?no? and say what you feel without blaming or needing to please others. Don?t avoid saying what is in your heart or on your mind to say. Don?t hide your worries and concerns because you don?t want others to know you are not in control.

Accessing your spiritual nature can be as easy as watching the sunset or taking a walk through a beautiful garden. You might also consider meditation, yoga, chanting, or praying. Whether you call it God, the Universe, higher power, or ?the force? a la Steven Spielberg, it is quite comforting and healing to experience the inner peace that is uniquely you.

Sitting in the quiet and allowing your attention to flow inward is very foreign to men and women in the Western world. It is, however, a fundamental practice if one is to develop and maintain health and well-being, inside and outside.

Human beings are resilient and adaptable. When faced with seemingly insurmountable tasks, we rise to the occasion. Chronic illness often motivates us to re-evaluate and reconsider every aspect of life; to review and change habits, goals, choices, and decisions.

This review includes everything from food choices, career/work, social relationships and recreational activities, to including naps and going to sleep earlier. Now is the time to create a more flexible schedule and intentionally pace yourself.

Determination and persistence will enable you to stay motivated through the tough times, and stay involved in activities that are meaningful and joyful. Maintaining your sense of humor is essential.

Invite people into your life who are kind, respectful, and compassionate. Stay away from well-meaning, well-intentioned people who have an agenda for you and can?t see you or hear you accurately.

This is the opportunity to create the changes in your life that will bring meaning to every day and cause you to choose and maintain a lifestyle that promotes and sustains your well-being: physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual.

While chronic illness may close some doors, it will no doubt open others. Take good care! You?re worth it.

Remember, only YOU can make it happen!

Copyright Dr. Jackie Black 1999-2005

If you like this article, please read more about Dr. Jackie?s relationship dating advice and help for issues and problems.

This article may be re-published with appropriate attribution to the author including name, web site, email address and telephone number.

Dr. Jackie is an internationally recognized relationship expert, educator and coach. Advice and coaching about personal relationships is Dr. Jackie's passion. Her goal is to inspire and support single men, single women and couples through the challenges and pitfalls of dating, loving and building lasting, committed relationships in today's fast-paced world. Dr. Jackie's Relationship Coaching Programs and Groups, her Blog, downloadable PodCasts and her Internet streaming radio show are jam-packed with valuable dating tips and strategies.

Check out Dr. Jackie's Podcasts here:

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The Magic of Reiki

For the sake of information, Reiki is a kind of holistic therapy that was based on the concept of Eastern energy flow with the conglomeration of seven chakras. Chakras are the energy centers in the human body. According to some of the therapy experts, the human body has a focal point. The therapy of Reiki concentrates on those points.

Reiki was invented and formulated by some of the Japanese healing teachers. But the most influential among them is Mikao Usui. Around the year of 1980, Usui incorporated the basic Reiki meditation techniques, beliefs, and symbols. Most of the techniques in this meditation therapy are considerably older.

The processes of this therapy are very much distinctive compared to other forms of alternative meditation. Reiki meditation normally concentrates on self-healing, concentration, the five spiritual principles, and the accreditation the healers through a process of initiation.

What are the primary principles of Reiki?

The main purpose of this therapy is to be able to heal emotional and spiritual flow. The other sub-purpose of this therapy is to gain physical stamina and resistance from the pain. This therapy can also transmit the flow of universal life energy called ?ki? in Japanese.

Most of the Reiki therapy teachers believe that ?ki? flows through the universe, and the therapy connects the energy to the human body. Reiki can be used in healing of animals as well as people.

The practice of self-healing is being practiced by the Reiki healers, in which they place their hand in a traditional position, stimulating their own body energy.

Reiki can also be practiced through group and distance healing. In group healing, there are two or more Reiki practitioners placing their hand over the body of the patient.

In distance or absence healing involves the visualizing the patient, his or her illness through the Reiki symbol.

Article written by Hector Milla; editor of, a website about Reiki, reiki attunements and related, they have recently published a free online guide :: Natural Alternative Medicine :: , read it at, Thanks for publish this article in you web site or ezine keeping a live link.

Discover The New Science Of Glyconutrition And Fibromyalgia

I have worked with a number of people who once suffered from the symptoms of Fibromyalgia or from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are two similar disorders with overlapping symptoms. They include chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, immune system dysfunction and psychological depression. People with Fibromyalgia also experience muscle and fibrous tissue pain, as well as gastro intestinal challenges. The cause or causes of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are unclear and some regard them as syndromes rather than actual diseases. Therefore, established medical treatments are based on the management of individual symptoms and can often be a game of cat and mouse for the medical professional.

With such complexities it is easy to understand why the role of nutrition in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has largely been overlooked. However since we now understand the importance of dietary components like glyconutrients (Mannose, Fucose, Galactose, Glucose, Xylose, N-Acetylgalactosamine, N-Acetylglucosamine and Sialic Acid) in regulating the immune, nervous, muscular systems as well as cell-to-cell communication in general, it is apparent that the biological activities of such nutritional components may play a significant role in maintaining proper function of those systems.

Also associated with these two conditions is an abnormal sleep pattern. Any number of gland failures resulting in hormonal imbalance may influence this. As sleep is a function regulated by a number of hormonal factors, nutritional support of glyconutrients as well as certain plant sterols may provide benefit in this area by supporting improved production and coordination of key hormones.

Some studies have shown possible linkages of viral and bacterial infections, such as Herpes, Coxsackie B and Lyme disease, to Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The reason for this is that many of the symptoms are closely associated with that of an active infection. There is also a high association with the diagnosis of either of the conditions and a positive test for one or more of these pathogens.

Other scientific evidence also suggests that Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are related to immune system dysfunctions based on measurements of various immune markers in patients with these disorders. This can be measured in levels and activity of Natural Killer Lymphocytes, Cytokines such as Interleukin as well as other immune system factors. Through the measure of this activity, some studies have suggested that these two conditions may be autoimmune in nature. Whether or not they are, it is apparent that support of proper immune system function through improved nutrition can bring benefits to those suffering from any of the effects of these conditions. For example, acemannan, has been shown to enhance the killing activity of Macrophage against Candida Albicans, and can be found in certain glyconutrient supplements.

Regardless of the precise mechanisms in Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome it should be apparent from the review of scientific and medical literature that all systems of the body are intimately involved in the syndrome. Proper dietary support for the cells from which these systems are composed calls for appropriate levels of a range of micronutrients. This is not limited to mere vitamins and minerals, but may also involve other categories of so-called phytonutrients including anti-oxidants, plant sterols and glyconutrients.

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How A Dermatologist Can Help With Acne Problems

While a mild case of acne isn't necessarily a serious problem, it's still a good idea to see a dermatologist. They can give you helpful information about what could be causing your acne as well as the best treatments.

Plus, there is another skin condition called keratosis pilaris that is sometimes mistaken for acne and a dermatologist can tell you if that is what you're dealing with, saving you the time and hassles of using the wrong treatment.

It's a good idea to prepare for your visit with the dermatologist by making notes about your acne - as much as possible. They will ask you about your background - things like how long you've had acne, how you've treated it and what form it has taken (lesions, whiteheads, blackheads, etc.) They might also ask if there is a history of acne problems in your family.

Be sure to tell the doctor if you are allergic to any medications. Females might be asked about their menstrual cycle and males might need to tell the doctor how often they shave.

You might be given a choice of treatments so it helps to know a little about the options before you make your choice.

Antibiotics are one treatment - they're used to kill the bacteria that leads to acne. They can be taken orally or as a lotion or ointment that gets applied directly to the skin. In severe cases, it may be necessary to use both forms.

Topical treatments include things like benzoyl peroxide and retinoic acid. They usually come in the form of a gel and can sometimes cause redness and dry skin.

In more severe cases of acne, the dermatologist may recommend a physical treatment. This could include removal of whiteheads and blackheads and possibly drainage of cysts.

Whatever type of treatment you end up choosing, it's critical that you follow the doctor's directions. Take the recommended dosage - no more or no less. And even if your acne clears up, you need to continue to take the medication for as long as the doctor tells you to or the acne may reappear.

Some of the questions you should keep in mind to ask the doctor include:

- What kind of treatment would work best for my acne?

- How long will it take before I see results?

- What is the best way to care for my skin?

- What can I do to prevent scarring?

- Is it okay for me to use makeup?

- Does this treatment have any side effects?

- How long will I need to take this medication?

As acne treatments can go on for some time, make sure you ask any questions you have each time to see your doctor. Being as informed as possible will make your treatment much easier to deal with.

John Lenaghan writes about acne remedies and other acne related topics on the Acne Squad website. For more information visit

What's The Real Cause Of Acne?

No, it's not bacteria that's ultimately responsible for your acne. If that would be the case, then the only thing you would have to do is to apply some benzoyl peroxide or other stuff that kills bacteria and be done with acne. Since you are reading this article I presume that you know that it's not quite that easy.

The real cause for your acne is that your body is over acidic/toxic. Let's take a brief look on how these toxins accumulate into your body and how they cause your acne.

Sources of toxins

Unfortunately today we live in such a toxic environment that, unless you live in a remote place far away from urban areas and grow your own food, it's very difficult to prevent toxins from entering your body. Here are some ways you could be getting toxins into your body:

- acidic food (meat, wheat, sugars, milk, etc) - improperly combined food causing impaired digestion - water/air pollution - stress creates acidic/toxic substances in your body - prescription medicines - chemicals, hormones and additives in food

Symptoms of toxicity

How do you know if you have too much toxins/acids floating around your body? Well, if you are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms you can be pretty sure that something needs to be done:

- frequent illnesses

- low energy

- recurring headaches

- frequent constipation

- frequent gas & bloating

- bad breath

- hemoherrhoids

- protruding belly

- irritability

- low stress tolerance

- acne and other skin disorders

- excess weight

How toxicity leads to acne

Acne occurs when your body contains more toxins than your kidneys and bowels can remove. (Your kidneys and bowels are the two primary channels of elimination that your body expel toxins and waste products through.)

Once these toxins build up, your kidneys and bowels can get overloaded and clogged up, causing them to not function properly. When that happens some of the load will be dumped onto your liver.

This means, your liver will be doing some of your kidney's work. Over time your liver also gets overloaded and it can't handle all the incoming acids/toxins.

What happens when your bowels, kidneys, and liver gets overloaded?

When that happen your body will expel toxins through your lungs and skin (your secondary channels of elimination). What happens when these toxins are all over your skin and your body is pushing in more? All those acne-causing bacteria suddenly finds your skin to be a very fertile ground to settle in.

And this is when acne occurs. This is when your skin starts to breakout.

Harmful, acne-causing bacteria will not be able to survive in a clean, alkaline skin. You know the old saying that rats don't come to a clean house. Well, it's the same with acne and your skin.

Acne is a sign

But whatever the toxic source is that?s causing this problem, acne is a sign that your body can't cope up with all the toxins and it needs to resort to emergency measures.

It is a sign that your liver is growing weaker in its detoxification abilities (and it will continue to grow weaker if you do not do what it takes to get rid of the toxins in your body).

So if you think that acne is your only problem, think again, your liver, kidneys, and bowels are getting weaker every time you breakout.

For more information on how to treat acne at the root of the problem, visit:

For more information on how to treat acne at the root of the problem, visit:

Seppo Puusa used to suffer from acne for more than 10 years. After countless failed attempts to cure his acne with Accutane and other acne products he discovered simple methods that anybody can follow and cure their acne within a week.

At his web site he shares the knowledge that has finally set him free and ended the shame and frustration. To find out what you can do today to cure your acne visit

Feng Shui and Balancing the Bagua

Some people, when they first learn about Feng Shui, are most attracted to the areas of ?Prosperity? or ?Relationships and Love?. Love and money are two pretty strong motivators for many of us. And in the western culture especially we tend to think ?more? is always better. If one pill will cure a headache, two should do it in half the time. But neither Feng Shui nor medicine usually works that way. It is a mistake in Feng Shui to focus on only some bagua areas and concentrate all your efforts on those. Feng Shui is based on balance not on excess, and unbalanced thinking usually brings disappointing results.

I?m sure you know people who think that money can bring them happiness and pursue it 100% of the time. Perhaps you have known people who think fame is the most important thing to have. You may have noticed health fanatics or career fanatics pursue one goal at the expense of all others. Moderation is a key to balance; not to say you should not have high goals, but I am suggesting that to enjoy your life and be happy you need to have balance, in all the nine life event areas. Feng Shui teaches balance because all of the bagua?s are related and support each other. The secret to the pursuit of happiness is not to ignore any of the nine areas and become unbalanced. This is a difficult undertaking.

What does this mean and why is it important? Our goal in Feng Shui is to achieve harmony and happiness in our lives. Feng Shui believes this is the most important aspect of living. The nine-bagua areas are Health, Career, Fame & Reputation, Skills & Knowledge, Relationships & Love, Prosperity, Helpful People & Travel, Family, and Creativity & Children. If you are unfamiliar with the Bagua Map, find one and look at it and see how these categories are arranged and realize that they have a relative placement in the Feng Shui Bagua Map. Without getting too far into how the relationships work, focus for a moment on the possibility that any one of the areas that is out of balance can create havoc in virtually all the others. Certainly if your Health is neglected it will affect all of the other areas and lessen the degree you can excel in any of them. If you stress one area like Career you can understand how your family or your relationships can suffer. If you value Prosperity above all else and have a love of money you will surely end up like Ebenezer Scrooge before he saw the light.

So what about balance, how do we accomplish it, and why will it help us find the happiness we seek. Feng Shui helps us use our environment to declare our intentions and begin the creative processes churning on our behalf. In order to optimize our life we need to have each area helping all of the other areas so the best possible plan for our lives can be realized. How many times have you felt a divine guidance in your life? Did this happen because you planned for it to happen? I don?t think so. Our planning effort usually end up getting us in trouble and when we experience what seems like divine guidance it often surprises us how and when it arrives. We need to balance our Feng Shui environment because we can?t possible control everything in our lives and our surroundings so that everything always goes right for us. In fact, the harder we try to be in control the more likely we are to have problems.

Balancing our Feng Shui environment means we connect to the creative processes that keeps the world functioning so we can attract those things which are in our best interest. In the movie ?Forrest Gump?, the main character tries to determine if our lives are all pre determined or is it all just random chance and luck. He decides it might be some of each. An old Chinese Teaching believes the influences in our life are 1. Luck, 2. Destiny, 3. Feng Shui, 4. Virtues, 5. Education, in that order. That is an interesting list to ponder. Many believe the last one, our education, is what allows us to create our own destiny. Others believe that their Virtues will bring them good fortune. It?s interesting that the teaching ranks luck as the greatest influence and Feng Shui is third. By balancing our Feng Shui environment, we are attempting to set the creative process in motion, that will bring us the optimal existence and thereby the greatest chance of achieving harmony and happiness. We as human being do not do a real great job in knowing what is best for us. We can use Feng Shui to help us in the effort. Not to say it is a 100% cure, if the teaching was right, we still have luck and destiny to deal with, but at least with Feng Shui we can give it a shot. Balance is by definition what we need to have for optimization. Imbalance causes problems somewhere in our lives, maybe everywhere. No life category can be neglected or ignored without impacting all the other areas.

Is Feng Shui in your future?

I am a 4th generation healer and intuitive, who has earned Practitioner Level Certification in Yeun?s Energetics Academy as well as gaining the level of Feng Shui Master. I am a level 3 Reiki practitioner, an animal communicator, and intuitive reader. I have also spent over 20 years in corporate America as a Chassis, Occupant & Mechanical Packaging Designer and Supplier Support Specialist for the Big 3 domestic auto makers. All these gifts combined, allow me to offer many services utilizing my intuitive and healing gifts, as well as my design and organizational skills.

Massage for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Bodywork is perfectly suited for reducing the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a condition typically appearing in young children, although teenagers and adults may also be affected. Someone with ADHD has difficulty controlling their behavior and/or paying attention. It is estimated that between 3 and 5 percent of children have ADHD, or approximately 2 million children in the United States.

The principal characteristics of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Symptoms begin over the course of many months, often with impulsiveness and hyperactivity preceding inattention, which may not emerge for a year or more. A child who can't sit still or is otherwise disruptive will be noticeable in school, but the inattentive daydreamer may be overlooked. The impulsive child who acts before thinking may be considered a discipline problem, while the child who is passive or sluggish may be viewed as unmotivated. Each of these children may have different types of ADHD.

All children are sometimes restless, sometimes act without thinking and sometimes daydream. When the child's hyperactivity, distractibility, poor concentration, or impulsivity begin to affect performance in school, social relationships with other children, or behavior at home, ADHD may be suspected. Because the symptoms of ADHD vary so much, ADHD must be diagnosed by a professional. Primarily consisting of stimulants, pharmaceutical intervention is the first choice in treating ADHD. In an effort to control affected individuals, an increasing number of school age children are regularly medicated.

The Brain
The suggested etiology of ADHD consists of many proposed theories. Whether stemming from genetics, environment or trauma, most experts agree the brains of individuals with this condition function differently than those unaffected. Research scientists have learned a great deal about ADHD by using modern brain imaging technology. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) researchers found that children with ADHD had 3 to 4 percent smaller brain volume in several regions, than age and gender matched controls. According to Jay Gordon, MD, a deficiency in central nervous system dopamine probably causes many, if not most, of the problems associated with ADHD.? It is no surprise that the most popular medications for this condition increase dopamine levels within the brain.

The Autonomic Nervous System
Two structures comprise our nervous system, the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system assures proper functioning of involuntary actions, such as heart rate, dilation of blood vessels and our body?s secretion of chemicals. The autonomic nervous system has two sub-divisions, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. The sympathetic system provides us with adrenaline (the fight-or-flight response), while the parasympathetic is responsible for relaxation.

The sympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system appears to be the predominant force in ADHD, overriding the balancing role of the parasympathetic system. Bodywork can be a critical component of ADHD recovery because it accesses and initiates the parasympathetic nervous system response.

At the Touch Research Institute in Florida, a study was conducted to investigate the effect of massage therapy on ADHD. Thirty ADHD diagnosed students aged 7 to 18 years participated in the study where one group received massage therapy for 20 minutes twice per week over the course of one month. The researchers reported that the ADHD students in the massage group demonstrated improved short-term mood state and longer-term classroom behavior.

While there is no specific ADHD massage technique, certain methods will have a greater effect than others. The important concept to grasp is that stimulating the parasympathetic relaxation response is desired when working with this population. Clues for the therapist indicating parasympathetic response are slowed breathing, reduced heart rate and increased digestive sounds.

Since many styles of bodywork initiate relaxation, the following five suggestions for ADHD are not all inclusive:

1. Swedish massage, particularly effleurage and other slow stroking movements have a sedating effect, leading to activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

2. Because they encourage stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, avoid fast and firm strokes, as well as percussive massage techniques.

3. Cranial-sacral therapy will free up any restrictions in the cranium or sacrum that could contribute to ADHD. Additionally, the movements used in this modality initiate the parasympathetic response.

4. Rooted in Osteopathic medicine, myofascial release bypasses the muscles by focusing on the fascia as one, large, connected system. Exceedingly gentle, the unwinding technique in myofascial release activates the parasympathetic system. Similar to cranial-sacral, this will free any restrictions inhibiting energy flow, leading to tension release.

5. Watsu is a deeply relaxing style of bodywork performed in a warm water pool. While specific training and equipment (a pool!) are needed to perform this therapy, it has been reputed to calm the uncalmable.

The diagnosis and treatment of ADHD is controversial, as parents are refusing to accept the habitual medicating of their children. Many have posed the hypothesis that ADHD is a natural evolution of our brains to keep up with the speed at which technology powers our world. Living in a calm and peaceful environment is now an exception, rather than the norm. Bodyworkers have the ability to introduce calm and peace to a client, regardless of their environment. By focusing ADHD treatment on the parasympathetic nervous system, massage therapy can be a crucial component of therapy for this condition.


Khilnani S, Field T, Hernandez-Reif M, Schanberg S., Massage therapy improves mood and behavior of students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Adolescence, 2003 Winter; 38(152):623-38.
Osborn, Karri, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Soma Brings Peace of Mind to Families, Massage and Bodywork, June/July 2004.
Soma Brings Peace of Mind to Families Osborn, Karri, Sea of Calm: Water Therapy Touches Young Spirits, Massage and Bodywork, Feb/March 2003., Attention Deficit Disorder, National Institute of Mental Health, 2/17/06., The Nervous System, Sean Riehl, 2003., Attention Deficit Disorder, Gordon, MD, J., 2005.

This article was prepared for Visit us to learn more about massage therapy, and massage therapy continuing education programs.

Are There Any Real Acne Alternative Treatments That Work?

If you or someone you know suffers from acne then you know how many so called acne alternative treatments there are floating around that claim to cure your problematic acne, zits and skin blemishes. A simple search on Google for acne alternative treatments brings up almost 1,500,000 sites to choose from. That?s a lot of information for anyone suffering from pimples and other acne related symptoms. I mean seriously who has the time to search through over one million sites all claiming to have some new acne alternative treatment that can effectively eliminate zits and cure your acne leaving you with cleaner, fresher looking skin?

Even if you do take on the task of visiting many of these acne treatment sites you can get easy swayed into thinking every acne alternative treatment works 100% of the time. Let?s face it, many of those sites have testimonies from people that used to suffer from acne related skin problems but are now cured. Unfortunately there is where the problems begin. You see when it comes to treating acne, zits, pimples and blackheads not everyone reacts to treatments the same way or enjoys the success of fully eliminating their acne. Not every person will benefit from the same facial treatments, acne skin care products or nutritional diets recommended by many of these acne treatment websites. The sad truth is many of these acne eliminating products can be about as useful as snake oil in treating your acne breakouts without the proper diagnoses by a licensed dermatologist. Even then all of the Accutane, topical ointments and antibiotics they provide may not be enough or the correct way to treat our particular outbreak of acne.

With all of that said there are some alternative acne treatments that you may want to consider when trying to find a way to eliminate your zits. The first thing to keep in mind is that acne isn?t just relegated to you and you alone. Millions of people have suffered or continue to suffer from some form of acne related skin condition. Chances are you may know one or more people who have had acne and found a way to control it from breaking out again. If so check with them and find out what type of treatments they used. It?s very possible they will be able to recommend an alternative acne treatment that you may not have previously heard about.

If you?re interested in the professional advice of an acne alternative healer then perhaps you should seek out a Naturopath. They normally prescribe a regiment of herbs, vitamins and skin cleansers that can show an amazing improvement on your skins condition. They can also save you a nice sum of money on expensive acne treatment medications. For instance did you know that Accutane (which is quite expensive) is a derivative of Vitamin A? Using the services of a Naturopath you can be prescribed high dosages of Vitamin A to treat your acne related symptoms and problems.

Another new development in the treatment of acne involves using blue and red ultraviolet rays or light. This light therapy, as it is commonly called, mimics the treatment you would receive from a very expensive esthetician. A typical device when searched for online can probably be found for anywhere from $190 - $210. As you can see these are just a few of the ways acne alternative treatments can help cure your acne and save you time and money.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, zit home remedies and acne alternative treatments that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Do Antibiotics Really Work to Get Rid of Acne?

Antibiotics are one of the most commonly prescribed medications for acne today. While it doesn't make logical sense that an antibiotic would clear your face up, it does nonetheless have it's merits as an acne treatment. But how healthy is it really, to be taking antibiotics of any sort for long periods of time, simply to fight acne?

There are many proponents of the antibiotic method of acne treatment, but at the same time this common prescription for patients with mild to moderate acne is also at the heart of controversy. Why? Well, taking antibiotics long term, for anything, not just acne, can actually cause your body to have what's called a yeast imbalance.

Before we get into the yeast imbalance disadvantages to taking antibiotics for your acne problem, let's discuss what common acne antibiotics can do for your skin. Keep in mind, they do not work on everyone's skin. Some people may take these medications for acne, and get very little results, and yet have subjected themselves to the possibility of yeast imbalances.

The idea behind antibiotic treatment for acne is that they help to reduce the bacteria count in the hair follicles and underneath the facial skin, and also help to reduce inflammation.

The most commonly prescribed antibiotics for the treatment of acne are Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline, Clindamycin, and Erythromycin. They are prescribed in varying dosages, usually to patients with mild to moderate acne, and usually take at least 4-6 weeks to see the full effects.

This, in my opinion, is way too long to be on an antibiotic for something that can be treated easily through alternative remedies and supplements that are not harmful to your system, and have no residual or long term effects, like candida infections or antibiotic resistance.

While yeast imbalances are not well understood or even accepted yet by the medical community or conventional medicine, it is something that the alternative and unconventional medicine community is raising more and more awareness on.

A yeast imbalance can be caused, aggravated, or brought on by the long term use of antibiotics. A yeast imbalance, or an overgrowth of the bad bacteria called candida albicans is when a person's body is over run with the unfriendly flora which permeates the whole digestive tract, causing a wide reaching array of health problems.

These health problems can range from digestive problems like IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, mental fogginess, depression, chronic indigestion, headaches, and more. The problem with antibiotics is that they kill both the good and the bad bacteria in our intestines and digestive tract, but not the yeast.

Add this to the fact that you probably already get a hefty dose of antibiotics in the meats and cheeses that you consume, and you've got a case of unhealthy yeast overgrowth.

If you have acne, and you're considering professional treatment, either consider asking your dermatologist about non-antibiotic treatments and alternatives, perhaps something like laser therapy or another method unrelated to taking drugs. Either that, or get online and surf - there are lots of alternative methods to treating acne, without the use of antibiotics or other drugs with potentially harmful side effects.

Danna Schneider is the founder of the online magazine for acne sufferers with suggestions, reviews and alternative ideas for acne treatment called Acne Magazine: Acne News and Treatments for excellent advice and product suggestions for getting rid of acne, without the use of drugs or dermatologists.

Make Your Own Home Remedy Zit Cream

Face it?no one wants to wake up with a zit.

It's a painful and embarrassing skin blemish that always seems to pop up when you least expect it (or need it).

Whether it is picture day at school or right before your big date, a skin blemish can ruin your day.

Instead of suffering through these unsightly blemishes or picking at them, which can cause your skin to scar, use a home remedy zit cream that is effective and inexpensive.

These creams and potions can be quite expensive if purchased at your local drug store or department store.

Why spend money for fancy packaging or a name brand when you can make you own home remedy zit cream.

Your first step to curing your acne problem is to take care of your body from the inside out.

Eat a well balanced diet, exercise, drink plenty of water, and get an adequate amount of sleep each night.

Ensuring your body is healthy inside and out will prevent the number of pimples and the frequency of your breakouts.

How About This Home Remedy Zit Treatment?

When beginning to make your home remedy for zit and pimples, look at items in your kitchen, pantry, or refrigerator.

When a pimple pops up, rub crushed garlic cloves on the skin.

The garlic will reduce swelling as well as cure the pimple.

Another great homemade recipe is to mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Apply this mixture to any pimples and watch them shrink!

There are a number of great homemade remedies to reduce and prevent skin blemishes.

It is important you correctly care for your skin in order to ensure your body's largest organ ages gracefully without unsightly scars or uneven texture.

These great remedies will fit into any budget and ensure your skin is perfect for those big days and every day.

Discover more articles and information regarding acne and skin treatments' find some Acne Alternative Treatments

Adults Get Acne Too

I can remember back when I was in the seventh grade and I got my first zit. At first I thought it was cool because I was clearly growing up. About five or six pimples later, I realized why everyone hated acne. What was the deal? Was I going to get these irksome little bumps for the rest of my life, or would they be gone by the time I hit 20? Well, this was impossible to know at the time, but it really varies from person to person. While some individuals are tortured by unbearable waves of acne as teens, others don't even get a single zit until their early 30s. Acne is sneaky in that way. You never truly know if you're off the hook or not. For those who suffer from blemishes after the teen years are over, there is an adult acne treatment to help you with this dilemma.

Have you ever tried an adult acne treatment? If you're well over the age of 20 and still suffer from cumbersome breakouts, then maybe it is time to take action. You don't want to face your colleagues on a daily basis with a maze of pimples on your face. Check out the local drug store. You will notice that the world of acne medications is not just catering to teens any longer. You can find an adult acne treatment that is right for you. After all, our skin certainly changes with age. As we get older, that youthful glow may seem to fade, and the hormones calm down a little. You now need an adult acne treatment to fight those pesky pimples without over-drying your skin.

As a child, my wife was one of the few who weren't afflicted by acne. Now in her thirties, she occasionally has a random breakout. While this drives her insane, she was constantly searching for an adult acne treatment. She discovered a product that works well for her skin type and obliterates any breakouts before they rear their ugly heads. This was accomplished through a simple visit to the dermatologist. After better understanding her skin type, she found an adult acne treatment that works well for her. If you are an adult who suffers from severe acne or just an occasional breakout, you can check out what adult acne treatments are available at you local grocer and drug stores. A great way to sift through the infinite remedies on the market today is via the Internet. Jump online and check out the plethora of acne fighters and find one that's right for you. Although you may suffer from acne as an adult, you can fight the burden with an adult acne treatment.

Keith Londrie II has put up three informative web sites so that you can learn more about acne and it's control. For more information please visit as well as and for more detailed information.

Calming Teenage Acne: How to Smooth Troubled Skin with a Holistic Approach... 7 Key Steps

To calm teenage acne the skin must be balanced both internally and externally. Getting back to nature from the inside out can rebalance the glands, keep the skin bacteria-free, and allow it to heal more quickly. The world?s oldest home acne remedies rely on herbs, essential oils (yes, oils), and ancient relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation and soft martial arts. Teenagers can take control of their acne and create smoother, clearer skin through small yet powerful lifestyle changes. This holistic approach to solving teenage acne problems addresses the whole person, body, mind, and spirit. The 7 keys to smoothing troubled skin are:

1) Treating skin problems is an inside job. The skin is considered the third kidney, as it is another organ of elimination that the body uses to externalize oils and toxins not excreted otherwise. Acne can be affected by the food you eat. Although no foods have been proven to cause acne in all sufferers, some people have adverse reactions to nuts, fats, fried foods, milk products, fried and oily foods and chocolate. Experiment carefully and eliminate the offenders.

2) Clean up your act. Hygiene is really important. You can benefit from washing your face 2 or 3 times a day. If you wear make-up be sure to wash it off completely every night. Use a mild, unperfumed cleanser. Add one drop of juniper oil and one drop of lemon oil to about 1/4 cup of cleanser. Essential oils have antiseptic properties that help keep bacteria in check. Keep hands and hair clean as well and always try to keep hair off of face.

3) Don?t get too clean. Avoid using soaps or cleansers that dry out the skin or cause redness. Although people with acne and oily skin have an aversion to applying moisture (oil) to the skin, any skin needs a little oil to protect and lubricate it. To try and remove all oil only starts a vicious circle, as the glands try to produce more to replace what has been lost. Avoid using alcohol as an astringent because it over dries the skin. Witch hazel solutions are more effective astringents.

4) Vitamin A, vitamin B-complex, vitamin E, and zinc are helpful for acne. Check with your doctor for the proper dosages. Too much can be dangerous. Some studies suggest that 135 mg. zinc is as effective as antibiotics (tetracycline) for treating acne.

5) Use an herbal treatment. Take tincture of myrrh, dilute it in a small bowl of water, and use a cotton ball or pad to wipe your face. Myrrh?s antiseptic and astringent properties can both treat and prevent acne. Use daily. Another treatment involves steaming your face or putting a compress on it (for 10 minutes) with a special essential oil solution. To very hot water add 2 drops juniper oil, 2 drops bergamot oil and 2 drops lavender oil. Either cover head with a towel and steam face or place soaked cloth over face. Splash skin with cool water afterwards and apply a tiny bit of oil mixture.

6) Make a natural toner. You can use any natural toner without chemicals or perfume. Witch hazel mixed with equal parts of strong chamomile tea is excellent. Add to a pint of your toner 2 drops of juniper oil, 2 drops of bergamot oil and 2 drops of lemon oil. Use toner after cleansing face. The essential oils help rebalance the glands and protect the skin from bacteria.

7) Emotional turmoil can wreck havoc on the skin by disturbing digestive and endocrine functions. Acknowledge emotions without indulging them. Research has shown that people with acne have higher levels of anxiety and anger than others. Relaxation exercises may help lessen this tension and help develop an inner beauty as well. Consider yoga, meditation, or soft martial arts for a cosmic beauty beyond cosmetic beauty.

Karen Cohen is wellness coach living in rural Virginia. Karen began her lifelong study of herbs and essential oils as a young teenager. A mother of three children (10, 16, and 24) she has helped them all have healthy skin the holistic way. An expert yoga, meditation and fitness instructor, Karen is available for individual and group coaching, seminars and dynamic workshops internationally. She can be reached at 540/570-4791 or at

Essential Oils Kits Part VII

Whether you use aromatherapy as a stand alone or as a complementary first aid treatment there are several aromatic oils I'd like to recommend you have in your aromatic first aid kit.

My recommendations include important details for you to consider when purchasing an oil, such as its Latin Name, Country of Origin, Method of Extraction and Part of the Plant Used. I also list the best oils to consider when creating a synergistic blend.

PEPPERMINT ( Mentha piperita ) - Certified Organic, Steam Distilled Leaf, England and USA have wonderful distillations.

Peppermint is a fluid, colorless oil with a fresh, distinctly penetrating scent.

Keywords: COOL & REFRESHING Peppermint acts as a regulator and has a relaxing or invigorating effect depending on the circumstance for which you are using it.

A good blood cleanser it is both antiseptic and antibacterial!

Peppermint is well known for relieving migraine type headache, as well as headache resulting from weak or poor digestive forces, congestion or sluggish circulation.

It is also known to relieve nausea from motion sickness.

As well as being helpful for treating acne, swollen gums, mouth thrush, or ulcers and toothache.

Soak your tired feet in a foot bath with a drop or two of Peppermint (disperse oil in water by blending first with a teaspoon of honey or jojoba oil before adding to your foot bath) to relieve tired, swollen ankles and feet.

Peppermint relieves congested sinus cavities, aids concentration and is good for memory retention, restorative for mental fatigue, use alone or in a blend when studying for an exam.

Known to clears brain fog when fatigued Peppermint is great for keeping alert!

An analgesic or pain reliever use Peppermint for relieving tummy aches, or sore, achy muscles and joints.

May be used to ease a variety of skin irritations, including Poison Oak and Poison Ivy. Add a drop or two to your favorite anti-itch lotion or ointment when treating insect bites and stings.

Use as a food flavoring in recipes that call for mint, or add a drop to your favorite cooling summer drink and enjoy a refreshing break in your day!

Try a synergistic blend of Peppermint with any of the following aromatic oils: Basil, Black Pepper, Ginger, Orange, Marjoram and Rosemary.

CAUTION: Although excellent for nausea, peppermint should be avoided during pregnancy due to its stimulating properties. Peppermint cools by constricting your blood capillaries therefore please use in extremely weak dilutions. Peppermint Oil may aggravate GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease), a type of heart burn.

Please join me for Part VIII in this series of articles to learn about the next essential oil I recommend you have in your aromatic first aid kit, TEA TREE ( Melaleuca alternifolia ).

Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary and alternative health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Please consult with your physician regarding your health concerns.

KG has utilized essential oils in her energy medicine practice for more than 30 years. During that time she has facilitated healing for thousands of people suffering from personal trauma, illness and injury. Through her unique AromaTest? system KG formulates essential oil blends that heal.

Please note: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use organic, or ethically wild crafted oils whenever possible.

KG Stiles is a certified aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR USA PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic and ethically wild crafted essential oils. KG formulates aromatic oils for: colds and flu, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, menopause, anti-aging, skin care and more. KG's DVD & book about her AromaTest system, Your Aromatic Signature ~ How to Formulate Blends that Heal, are scheduled for release in 2006. Click for PurePlant Essentials Menu & Essential Oils Kits: Pure Organic & Wild Crafted Essential Oils & Kits Click to order Basic Essential Oils Kit. KG invites you to Subscribe to Health Mastery Ezine to WIN FREE Aromatherapy Products. To learn more visit: Subscribe To Win Contact: KG Stiles at Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315

Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the linings of the heart, chest and abdominal cavity and is caused by exposure to asbestos, either first hand from working in (usually industrial) sites which used asbestos or second hand from coming into contact with the clothes of a family member who worked on one of these sites. It is a dangerous cancer because of its long latency period, 20 to 50 years, and because its initial symptoms are similar to normal colds or pneumonia. It is an expensive and hard-to-cure cancer, but a mesothelioma lawyer can help you win the compensation owed to you by the business that put you in contact with the deadly asbestos.

A mesothelioma lawyer can help you to get the compensation you deserve so that you and your loved ones don?t have to suffer the burden of the expense of treatment on top of the burden of having the cancer. On average, mesothelioma cases that go to trial result in the awarding of $6 million. Isn?t it worth it to take a chance and see how much you can get? Also, most mesothelioma lawyers are on a contingency fee, so they only receive payment if they win your case, so even if you do lose, you won?t have the obligation to pay for the legal proceedings.

Victims of mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure should find legal aid in order to get financial compensation. If your mesothelioma was caused by asbestos exposure, you are entitled to take your case to trial. Also, you can claim financial compensation from the asbestos industry. You can claim social security disability or disability insurance or worker?s compensation since employers are responsible for the safety of their employees.

Eligibility to take your case to trial will depend upon the statue of limitations, your ability to identify your exposure to the asbestos, and the company(ies) responsible. If you are the family member of someone who died from asbestos related mesothelioma, you may be able to file a wrongful death suit. With the statue of limitations, it is important to file your suit as soon as possible after your diagnosis. You should find a good lawyer trained in mesothelioma lawsuits soon to help you recover financial compensation.

Contact an experienced Mesothelioma Lawyer today.

Find a Mesothelioma Lawyer associated with a major Mesothelioma Lawfirm today at hugesettlements.