3 Heartburn Natural Remedies That Really Work

There is a new guide that claims there is a natural cure for acid reflux and heartburn. You may have seen it. If not, you probably will.

Is this another scam?

Is there really a Natural Cure for Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

On the sales page, the author claims that 1000's of former sufferers have been cured from heartburn and acid reflux disease with 97% of the cases being corrected without drugs, exercise, or some fad diet with the solution being fast and simple.

This is my review:

3 Natural Heartburn Remedies That Really Work

1. If your trusty Rolaid or extra strength Tums are not near by why not try the juice of an apple or carrot which can neutralize stomach acids. The first time I tried this, I slept like a baby.

2. Sleep on your left side, as this tends to elevate the stomach higher so your nighttime reflux is lessened.

3. Have a swig of ginger ale which will make you belch and reduce some of the pressure of your Lower Esophagael Sphincter.

All of the above remedies will help, but they will not cure the condition. They only address the symptom and not the actual problem.

The obvious question is how will this new guide be of any help to the countless number of people that have problems associated with heartburn and acid reflux?

Well, if you go thru a bottle of 100 count rolaids like it was candy and someone says there is a cure, you listen. Of course you do your homework, and that homework has produced some interesting facts.

The author is not a Doctor, but well versed in the medical field. He has very strong testimonials from a host of Gastroenterlogists that follow his methods not to mention the thousand plus customers that are following his methods successfully.

He goes on to explain what the 12 major root problems are and how you can identify each one. You will learn exactly why you are responsible for your digestive problems and how to correct them quickly and easily.

If you are one of the 40% of our population that currently have acid reflux, heartburn, or Gerd (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), I would highly recommend this very affordable low cost publication to anyone.

Recommendations are freely given when something revolutionary benefits all of mankind. I personally, am on the road to recovery thanks to the Natural Cure For Acid Reflux.

J David Ross is an independent freelance writer on many subjects using various pen names. If you would like to free yourself from acid reflux and the many associated digestion problems, check out http://www.acidreflux-remedies.com.

J David Ross is an independent freelance writer on many subjects using various pen names.

Top Health Tips for the Elderly to Start You Off in the Right Direction

1. Don?t begrudge spending money on your own comfort, health and quality of life. You deserve it!


The government?s annual fuel allowance of ?200 is meant to be used for our warmth and comfort, and to ease the worry of the increased heating bill.

The Winter Fuel Payments Help line is 0845 9 151515 If you are receiving a disability or income-related benefit, you may be able to claim a grant of up to ?2,500 for insulation and heating improvements. Call Home Energy Efficiency Scheme 0800 952 0600. If you receive disability and income-related benefits you can claim Cold Weather Payments if the temperature falls below 00 C for 7 consecutive days.

There is also the Staywarm scheme. For a fixed charge you can use as much gas or electricity as you need. 0800 1 694 694 Finally, if you are unable to pay your winter fuel bill, in the first instance contact your supplier explaining your problem and informing them that you are a pensioner. Good news worth remembering, is that electricity companies and British Gas have a policy of not disconnecting pensioners between 1 October and 31 March ? so keep warm and don?t panic.


2. Keep your mind active, crosswords, sudoka, hobbies, etc. NEVER STOP LEARNING. If you have an interested mind, people are more likely to enjoy your company and be interested in you.

3. Keep your body active. As the saying goes, if you don?t use it, you?ll lose it Walk in the fresh air if possible. If you enjoy company while you are walking then join a rambling group. (Often ?rambling clubs? for the retired are more socially inclined ?ambling clubs?). Gardening combines the benefits of fresh air, exercise and the results can give you immeasurable pleasure. Dancing; particularly formation or line dancing exercises the memory also. Swimming, is a particularly good exercise for all parts of the body with the added advantage that the water is supporting you and therefore there is no weight on the joints.

4. Feed your body with the correct foods. You wouldn?t expect your car to work efficiently if you fed it the incorrect fuel. So feed your body with nutritious foods that contain the necessary vitamins and minerals in order for it to return optimum performance. With winter approaching we need to build up our immune system, so in addition to a well balanced diet of fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and nourishing protein (laced with the benefits of virgin olive oil and garlic), we should add a few supplements to help us on our way. In addition to a good multi-vitamin tablet, you?ll probably benefit from extra Vitamin C, Echinacea, EPA fish oils, selenium, ginko biloba to aid circulation, particularly to the extremities, and glucosomine to help with those aching joints.

Don?t forget your flu jab and the jab against pneumonia for the over 70?s. There is also really excellent news on the common cold front. At long last there appears to be something that stops a cold developing. Vicks First Defence is a spray that you use at the first sign of a cold and it stops the cold virus in its tracks. This miracle goes on sale during October 05.

5. Socialise. Possibly I don?t have to remind you about this as the majority of retired folk I meet complain that they are busier now than ever they were, that there are not enough hours in the day, and they wonder how they ever found time to go to work. There are so many clubs and groups to join. To name a few popular ones, U3A (University of the Third Age) for both sexes and with interesting speakers, and offering numerous sub sections for specific group interests and hobbies, Women?s Institute, (has gained a new image after the film Calendar Girls), Townswomen?s Guild, Gardening Clubs, Art Clubs, etc., and many clubs aimed specifically at the retired.

If transport is a problem, remember most local authorities offer free or reduced bus fares for senior citizens and travel tokens for the disabled. There is a Senior Railcard for reduced train fares for the over 60?s. National Express have a Routesixty Scheme which enables over 60?s to travel nationwide very cheaply (Tel 08705 808080). Also, occasionally, National Express offer their ?go anywhere for ?5 scheme?.

If you have difficulty in getting around the town, then there is Shopmobility where you can hire mobility scooters (various models and sizes available) and electric and manual wheelchairs. Shopmobility is usually manned by helpers who will be only too pleased to instruct and allow you to practice before you are let loose on the town. Also there is the added advantage that there is usually a free car park attached to Shopmobility for clients? convenience. If you have difficulty in using public transport, often local authorities provide a ?dial-a-ride? service from your home to the shopping centre.

Well, whatever you do ? ENJOY IT! We were always told that laughter is the best medicine and now we know it to be true ? it raises the serotonin levels in the brain and gives you that ?feel good? factor.

Visit Mabels?Maintaining Bygone Times, containing numerous articles thoughtfully researched mainly for the older person. You may access these articles by visiting http://www.mabels.org.uk/ - You will learn about the best tips, latest news & advice to improve your health, fitness, finances & retirement as well as information on nostalgic topics, places to visit, leisure & lifestyle, mobility & helpful organisations to make the most out of life and much, much more to benefit Your Quality of Life.

Overdoing Supplements At A Young Age

I was looking up information on Nitric Oxide supplements when I came across the following comment from Jon Dermure of Ohio in a supplement review. I didnt find it amusing at all.

hey dudes... nitrix is by far the best supplement i've ever taken. i am 13 years old and im staking nitrix with cellmass, no-xplode, and axis (too boost testosterone). my dad says when i get into high school i can stack it with ephedra to burn fat and biuild muscel simotaniously. my max bench has soared from 80 lbs to 125 for 3 reps. i strongly suggest stacking all these for maximum results.

Yes, weight training can indeed be beneficial to young individuals but Jon Dermure is taking it a bit too far I think. Let's take a look at the obvious:

1. At 13, you DO NOT NEED a testosterone booster as your body will achieve peak levels in a couple of years

2. At 13 - you havent even begun to tap onto your genetic potential and what your body is really capable of, but he's already loading himself up with everything he finds on the supplement shelves

3. Little Jon Dermure can't even spell 'muscle' and he's advising everyone to stack supplements for maximum results.

Ok, point #3 isn't not a valid point, but I guess what I'm trying to say here is that at that age, I don't think anyone should be relying so heavily on supplements. After all, supplements are exactly what they are - SUPPLEMENTS! They are meant to supplement your existing diet and not replace it.

Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site http://www.dailymuscle.com which offers the author's personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.