Juniper Pure Essential Oil

The evergreen juniper will grow in two different sizes. It may grow as a tall bush, if it is standing upright,or, it may just be a shrub, which stays close to the ground. It has beautiful, bright, yellow flowers, along with needles, and blue berries, which turn black upon maturity. It is the ripened berry which is the source of juniper pure essential oil. The aroma is a nice, pleasant, spicy, pine-like scent, often associated with gin. Funny thing, it is actually added to gin for flavoring.

What Causes Junipers Pure Essential Oil's Therapeutic Effect

The main constituents in juniper essential oil are pinene, terpinen, and terpineol. It is these 3 main constituents, which help to make the oils useful for stimulating circulation, fighting skin irritations, and for muscle pains.

Juniper helps with many Conditions

First, juniper can act as a toner for oily skin. It also helps to protect against additional infection or inflammation. In order to make the solution for this application, just combine 1 drop of juniper oil, with 1/2 cup of witch hazel, and 1/2 cup of cool water, and shake well. Then just apply to skin with cotton pads soaked with mixture. Do not scrub the mixture in, just pat the skin with cotton pads, especially if you already have inflammation or irritations.

Second, it has been known to help with joint pain. All you need to do is massage the oil mixture in to areas, which are affected by sore joints or arthritis. To make the mixture, mix 4 drops of juniper oil, 4 drops of lavender oil, and 2 drops of rosemary oil with a carrier oil of your choice, such as safflower oil.

Haemorrhoids have also been known to be helped with juniper oil. This one is really simple to do, and allows you the extra benefits of just relaxing in a nice warm bath. Just mix 1 drop of juniper oil and 1 drop of Roman-chamomile oil in a warm sitz bath. Then relax for 5 minutes to allow the properties of the oils to take action. Remember, do not take baths longer than 20 minutes, as the effectiveness is reduced.

Another condition known to be affected by juniper essential oil is cellulite. Juniper essential oil?s stimulating effect helps to firm the connective tissues of the skin, thus pulling the skin tighter, and not allowing for the dimples spots to appear. Blend 2 drops of juniper oil, 2 drops of cypress oil and 2 drops of orange oil in approximately 2 tablespoons of your preferred carrier oil, such as safflower oil. Before showering, you need to massage the affected area with a skin brush. This will help get the circulation going in the area. Then, shower just as normal. After you are done showering, massage the affected area upon with the blend.

Juniper is also great for pets. If your animal has dry scaly skin, then when you give the animal a bath, just add 4 drops of juniper essential oil to the bath water. This will greatly improve the condition of their skin. Also, to cleanse where your animal is sleeping, just blend 5 drops of juniper essential oil and 10 drops of lavender essential oil on a spray bottle with water. Then spray the mixture where your animal sleeps and lounges. Nice thing is, this mixture is also pleasant for the aroma of your house as well. If your animal has fleas or ticks, then just as 2 drops of eucalyptus oil to the spray bottle blend.

Juniper pure essential oil has many benefits and healing properties, for both you and your animal and its pleasant pine scent makes a staple for many homes. So, pine-up, and start enjoying a healthier all natural life.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Aromatherapy

Reiki Is The Magic YOU Can Do!

Do you find the title intriguing? The intention is not to intrigue but motivate and convince you that the magic of Reiki is within you.

Reiki is a benign energy that brings happiness and light into the lives of everyone who embraces it. It is an energy that can be harnessed to fulfill the little desires of life. Often the way Reiki works seems like magic.

Reiki asserts that the world is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Thought is energy and action is also energy. Every single object in the physical world is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Since energy cannot be destroyed, it remains in its current state until it is converted into other forms or reactions to form new energy vortices. Reiki gives you the power of conversion?the power of making the negative, positive.

However, Reiki energy, by itself, is neither positive nor negative. It corrects negative energy and stimulates the flow of positive energy. It releases blocks and enhances energy levels and makes dynamic all that is sluggish and diseased. Reiki is not a healing method alone it is also a method of developing yourself spiritually.

A number of meditations are taught while a person is initiated into Reiki. People who have been meditating earlier would find that they are able to attain the perfect state easily after Reiki initiation. Those who are new to meditation would find that with almost no ascetic practice they are able to enter the meditative state. They would also find that their relationship with God and the universe is being subtly altered and they are able to relate intensely with both animate and inanimate things.

A person who constantly uses Reiki to heal themselves and others will find that their thought processes are clearer, their memory is improving and that they have more energy for everything. The fundamental demand that the energy makes of us, is that we surrender to its intelligent power and allow it to guide us to the goals we desire.

If you are serious about learning Reiki, check out

Innovative uses of Reiki

Having said that let us examine how Reiki can be used innovatively to make our lives better.

A Reiki practitioner who met me during one of our discussion sessions told me of some strange ways in which she had used Reiki energy. She had gone with her family to a hill station. She has a little daughter aged four, who would eat her meals only if nursery rhymes are being played. As soon as the cassette player had been switched on preparatory to feeding her, she found that the batteries were dead and she had forgotten to bring fresh batteries. In desperation she decided to do Reiki to the batteries and charge them. Her husband laughed at her while she focused all her attention on energizing the batteries. After about fifteen minutes of doing Reiki she inserted the batteries into the player and lo behold, the batteries functioned normally for almost an hour. Her husband, who was a skeptic till then, became a believer. He enrolled for Reiki immediately on return from their holiday.

Plants and trees respond to Reiki, just as human beings do. Reiki enhances plant growth and increases their life energy. Start by doing Reiki at the roots to enhance their function of providing sustenance to the plant as a whole. When you intuitively understand that enough energy has been given move your hands to the stem. Hold your hands a few inches beyond the leaves and feel the energy flow. When plants have to be replanted, Reiki helps them take root easily. A friend who experienced the wonderful impact of Reiki on plants narrated the following episode to me.

She had several indoor plants in her drawing room and she was very fond of them. She would talk to them while she cleaned them and took them out for sunning. Suddenly she was called away from home to attend to her sick aunt. She left strict instructions with her maid to tend to the plants. When she returned after ten days, the maid was in tears. She said that she had taken care of the plants as directed but they seemed to be dying without reason. My friend was shocked and upset. She saw that most of the plant leaves had browned and fallen off. The plant itself was also drooping. In tears herself, she began talking to the plants and doing Reiki to them. She could not sleep all night and spent most of the night giving Reiki energy at repeated intervals. In the morning she dozed off and woke up hearing the exclamations of her maid. The plants had suddenly revived and had even sprouted fresh new leaves!

Fruits and vegetables respond to Reiki and remain fresh for a long time. The energy content in the food is enhanced and improves the health of the individual who ingests them. Though I have not tried it, colleagues who have tried it tell me that; Reiki improves the taste of sticky toffee! However, I can authoritatively state that you can increase the taste of food if you do Reiki to it while you cook.

Animals who are sick and distressed by injuries can be soothed and comforted by Reiki. Homes can be energized by thoroughly cleaning the rooms and drawing the first symbol of the second degree of Reiki in the four corners of the room. You can secure your home by visualizing a pyramid over it and drawing the power symbol on the four faces of the pyramid. You can do the same for your children or your family members who are leaving home for work or school.

A friend of mine who was accident-prone was extremely distressed when a series of accidents marred the best day of his life. He began the day by falling off his bed and slipped on the wet bathroom floor while bathing and banged his head on the sharp edge of the tub. While rushing to the hospital, his car skidded and he hit the meridian and ended up with a fractured arm. While setting his bone, the nurse accidentally pricked him with the hypodermic she was preparing. He rushed to my clinic straight from the hospital before the hospital fell on him! I gave him Reiki to reduce the pain of the fracture and quicken the healing. I asked him to visualize himself in the center of a colorful beach ball. I asked him to surround himself with giant power symbols and pray to the Reiki energy to protect him from accidents and negative energies for the next five days. He was so desperate that he went through the entire exercise sincerely. He did not have a single accident for the next five days. He was so elated that he rushed to the phone to ring me up on the sixth day babbling with joy. He promptly banged himself on the nearest chair and I was greeted with an ?ouch!? as I picked up the phone. Needless to say, he promptly sat down to get his Reiki insurance for the next five days!

Reiki seems like magic to the uninitiated. My mother, my sisters and myself were residing in a rather crime prone area of a city during our teens. One pleasant evening we decided to visit the beach. We duly locked up our home and went to sit on the golden sand, located at a walking distance from our home. As the evening slipped into dusk and darkness, we decided that it was time to go home. We were also a little afraid of the loitering youth of the area. We returned together, chatting and laughing to keep up our courage. On reaching home we suddenly realized that the key to house was not with us. We were perturbed and a little desperate. We clung to each other as we made our way back to the beach in search of the key, which had fallen into the sand. The place was deserted and the street lamps were dim. We had almost no hope of finding the key in the vast sea of sand. My sister and I decided that we would try Reiki, while my mother and other sister kneeled down to pray to God. As we did Reiki, a passing car headlight caught on the tip of the key and it flashed brilliantly in the light. I quickly dug around the area and there was our key partly buried in the sand! We thanked both God and Reiki for the timely help that we had received!

One of my patients complained that people were constantly borrowing money from her and were not bothered to return it at the time specified. She was particularly angry with some people who had taken large sums from her a year ago and were avoiding her now. I advised her to place all these people in a pyramid filled with pink light of love and hold the thought that all of them were ringing her bell with the specific intention of returning her money. She agreed after a lot of persuasion and she sat with me at the clinic doing the exercise. After she returned home, she called me back excitedly to say that one of the persons she had placed in the pyramid had met her at her doorstep and had returned her money. He had also apologized for the delay in returning the same. The next few days were the most wonderful days of her life as everyone of the persons who had borrowed money from her returned the sums with apologizes and thanks!

You can magnetize money by doing Reiki to it. Take a dollar or whatever currency your country has and do Reiki to it. Visualize in your mind that the money is attracting more money to it. Do this daily for a week or so and watch your money grow!

Reiki requires no testimonials other than those that you will provide for yourself. You can easily verify all the facts narrated above. Why don?t you just for once put aside any secret doubts that you entertain and test out the efficacy of Reiki? Take a plant that it dying and revive it with Reiki. Do Reiki on a person or animal that you always considered hostile (you can do distance Reiki too). Try to find an object you have misplaced by focusing your attention on it and doing Reiki to it. Imagine yourself winning a prize and do Reiki to the image it brings to your mind. Make a Reiki Box and write your desires on a piece of paper and put it into the box. Do Reiki to the box everyday and enjoy the pleasure of having your wishes fulfilled!

Reiki is not a science that is confined to clinics and medical tables. It is something that can become a part of your everyday life and enrich it beyond your dreams! It is not witchcraft or dark magic. It is a proof of concept that the Universe is abundant and we have to only focus our energies and dip into the abundance for the fulfillment of our desires.

If you are serious about learning Reiki, check out

Warmest regards,

Peter Tremayne
Learn Reiki In 7 Days! -

Peter Tremayne has published an ebook - 'Discover-Reiki' written by Reiki Master Stephen Leigh.

The ebook is a simple, step by step guide for anyone wanting to learning Reiki from the comfort of your own home.

Herbal Remedies To Prevent Travelers Diarrhea

Travelers visiting many tropical, sub-tropical and developing countries run an increased risk of suffering a gastrointestinal illness. These are usually caused by bacteria, parasites and viruses. The microscopic bugs at the top of these rather gut wrenching (for all the wrong reasons...) charts are E Coli, the staphylococci, shigella and salmonella species, campylobacter jejuni, cryptosporidiosis, and hepatitis A.

Infected food is the biggest culprit, with water coming in second. Ice cream, cocktails served in re-used coconut shells, raw seafood, ice, and food from street vendors are potential risks that can interrupt your adventure with less salacious memories to pass on to family and friends.

The nausea, stomach cramps and diarrhea from such acute infections usually sorts itself out after a few days (unless of course you have contracted hepatitis A, or something like giardia). Certainly, if you are unlucky enough to be sick after a few days, you should see a doctor.

Fortunately, there are remedies you can take that will strengthen your immune and digestive system and hopefully give your body a better chance at dealing with its new environment. The herbs I describe below would make an excellent travelers mix. The best form to take them in would be as a tincture, which can be made up by going to a local herbal dispensary if you have one in your area, or alternatively, a local herbalist.

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus)
Astragalus is a good anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial. The polysaccharides in it support the immune system. Astragalus increases the activity of phagocytes, natural killer cells, and the levels of antibodies in the blood.

Picrorrhiza (Picrorrhiza kurroa)
This is an Ayurvedic herb that is best given in low doses, as higher doses can cause diarrhea and flatulence in more sensitive people. Its a bitter herb, so it stimulates the digestive system. It is also anti-malarial, supports the immune system, and protects the liver. Picrorrhiza encourages all aspects of the immune system, such as B and T cell activity, and the activity of phagocytes. This herb is used in Ayurvedic medicine for liver related problems and immune problems.

Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis)
Goldenseal is a gut antibiotic, which for example helps reduce adhesive e coli, and encourages some immune functions of the body. For example, berberine, which is one of its active constituents, has been shown to increase the activity of macrophages, which digest bacteria and viruses. Barberry also contains berberine, so more information on this very valuable constituent is below. Goldenseal, being a bitter herb, it is also good for the digestive system. If you are pregnant or suffer from hypertension, however, you should not take goldenseal.

Barberry (Berberis Vulgaris)
Berberine, one of the active constituents in this herb is an anti protozoic, which helps protect travelers against giardia, leishmania, and treponema pallidum. Other notable effects of berberine are its activity against giardia, dysentery, and candida, as well as the cholera vibrio. The active constituents berberine and palmatine are also anti-bacterial. And berbamine, which like berberine is an alkaloid, is a strong anti-bacterial which seems to work by increasing white blood cells and platelets. The constituent palamtine is a uterine stimulant, however, and as such pregnant women shouldn't take this herb. Barberry is another gut antibiotic, but it is also anti-malarial (though no self-respecting herbalist would recommend anything other than doctor's treatment if you do contract malaria).

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea or augustifolia)
Echinacea is an immune stimulant. Its main active constituents are the polysaccharides and the alkamides (especially the isobutylamides), which are both immune stimulating, and the polyaceytlenes, which are antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. Echinacea supports the activity of phagocytes, which are part of the immune system, and is also considered anti-viral and anti-microbial. One of the ways echinacea appears to work is by inhibiting the action of the enzyme hyaluronidase. This enzyme is used by micro-organisms to break down the connective tissue that prevents them from entering and spreading through the body. For these reasons, it is excellent as part of a travelers remedy mix.

These remedies are not designed as a prophylactic, like a vaccine. They work on the principle of giving your body an increased chance at staying healthy. But nothing replaces common sense. Wash your hands before eating. Don't drink ice or from water bottles where the seal has been broken. Drink cocktails in glasses, not cute but probably old coconut shells. Don't eat anything fresh that you can't peel. Don't eat ice cream or drink unpasteurized milk. Be wary of eating from street vendors. Some people do, and are fine. But they are a risk factor with gastrointestinal upsets. Its a good idea to pack some oral hydration salts as a precaution.

But above all, enjoy your holiday!

Refrences: C Fisher & G Painter, Materia Medica of Western Herbs for the Southern Hemisphere
Class notes from Ses Salmond, certified Natural Therapist and Herbal Medicine teacher

Rebecca Prescott is the author behind the website Here you'll find a range of natural health articles on herbs such as echinacea, and natural solutions to common health problems.

Acne Skin Care Treatment Goals Is Chocolate A Cause?

Acne Skin Care usually involves continual treatment of skin even after the acne goes away. It can form on the head, back, or chest and is caused by the blockage of pores by excessive sebum production from your sebaceous glands. Acne is not caused by eating chocolate or greasy foods although oils and grease that land on your face can irritate acne and make it look worse. Nor is it caused by stress but of course stress can make it look worse.

It's not recommended that people pop their acne but sometimes it's hard to ignore. If you do decide to pop, thoroughly wash your face and hands, and find a needle to lance it. Be sure to sterilize the needle with alcohol or heating it over a lit matchstick. Pierce the pimple and gently squeeze until it runs clear or you see blood. Wash everything again and let it alone.

There are several drug treatments available for acne, that are aimed at four goals: stopping the abnormal clumping of cells within follicles, stopping increased oil production, reducing bacteria on the skin, and reducing inflammation that makes acne look so bad.

Over the counter medicines available for the treatment of acne are: Benzoyl Peroxide, Resorcinol, Salicylic Acid, and Sulfur. Benzoyl Peroxide kills the acne causing bacteria, Resorcinol breaks down blackheads and whiteheads, Salicylic acid helps to break down blackheads and whiteheads and also cuts down the shedding of cells in follicles and Sulfur also breaks down blackheads and whiteheads.

Over the counter treatments come in the form of gels, soaps, creams, soaked into pads, or in lotions. They can cause irritation to the skin as well so if you experience burning, or redness after a prolonged use of the treatment, stop using them and consult your doctor.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free info on Acne Skin Care with suggested treatments.

Cure Your Headache ? Without Pills and Drugs

Acupressure has many applications in the management of pain and illness. For chronic headache sufferers, this provides a powerful alternative to taking bottles of painkillers which can lead to serious side effects, addiction and decreased effectiveness over time. A drug-free approach to creating better health and wellness, acupressure is definitely something worth considering if you are experiencing any number of chronic pain issues.

Drawing on centuries of Chinese medical knowledge, acupressure is just one form of numerous bodywork approaches that concentrate on the body?s vital energy flow. Pain and illness is viewed in terms of energy blockage, and using acupressure to resolve this results in both alleviating the symptoms present, and promoting good health overall. By simply applying pressure to specific areas, you can stimulate or relax the related organs or muscles, bringing much needed relief.

Thus, acupressure stimulates your body?s self curative abilities, which is opposed to common painkillers. Acupressure is one of the safest and most effective ways known to control and cure headaches. You do not need any previous knowledge about massage, nor be a medical professional in order to utilize acupressure.

Because of the simplicity, safety and effectiveness of the acupressure, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends it for pain relief. You can practice acupressure on yourself, family member or a friend. You can use the pressure points when a problem first becomes evident, and prevent the development of the headache, or reduce its severity.

By listening to your body?s pain signals, you can take the appropriate action to avoid pain and discomfort. It makes sense to take preventive measures rather than have to deal with the aftermath of a full blown headache, which can disrupt your routine and leave you exhausted.

Just by using one or two acupressure points can be remarkably effective for getting relief from headaches. In addition to that, acupressure is a treatment you can take with you everywhere you go, and it is easy and effortless to apply. For frequent and chronic headache sufferers acupressure may offer a whole new way of life.

Virpi Tervonen reveals the most effective acupressure points that relieve lower back and hip pain, sciatica, and stiff shoulders and neck in her new acupressure guide. If you suffer from any type of back pain, be sure that you don?t make any of the 5 common mistakes that might keep you needlessly in pain. Claim now a $17 Special Report for free at

New Hope to Prevent Breast Cancer: What Every Woman Needs to Know

In March, 2005, a major nutritional breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer was announced by U.S. scientists. This new information is absolutely critical for every woman looking for a natural way to reduce breast cancer risk.

Researchers at Cornell University found that extracts from ordinary apples effectively inhibited mammary cancer growth in laboratory animals. The study concluded that consumption of apples may be an effective strategy for cancer prevention.

The study, Apples Prevent Mammary Tumors in Rats, was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Phytochemicals from apples- known as polyphenols- have previously shown effectiveness against colon, lung, liver and stomach cancer, among others. But this is the first published study showing that apple polyphenols may be even more effective against breast cancer tumors.

Beyond Breast Cancer Prevention?

In the recent study, treatment with apple extracts prevented new tumor formation by up to 44% in animals given the highest amount.

But the most startling finding- and by far the most significant- is this: after 6 months of treatment, the number of existing tumors was reduced by 61%.

This remarkable finding indicates that adequate doses of apple polyphenols may go beyond prevention, and actually reduce existing mammary tumors.

What Can This Mean for You?

The researchers at Cornell believe that apple polyphenols may prevent breast cancer in humans. If this were the only study available, it might be too early to recommend increased doses of apple phytochemicals.

However, there are multiple studies in different types of cancer, showing that apple polyphenols are anti-proliferative, anti-mutagenic, and highly antioxidant. Consistent results have been obtained in studies on skin cancer, lung cancer, and six other types of human cancer cells.

Now, a new study from Cornell shows that apple polyphenols are also anti-metastatic- they seem to prevent cancers from spreading. This is a crucial finding for those at risk for breast cancer, as well as survivors of the disease.

Can I Just Eat More Apples?

In nearly all the available studies, the highest benefit from apple polyphenols comes with the highest intake. The Cornell scientists said the highest benefit was seen in rats eating the human equivalent of six apples a day.

There is no question that phytochemicals in apples are good for you. And one way to get more of them is to substantially increase the number of apples in your diet. But there's a problem...

Aside from the difficulty and expense of eating that many apples (42 apples a week), there is another important health issue- pesticides. Apples are one of the dirtiest foods in the U.S. when it comes to pesticides.

A Perfect Solution?

If you or someone you love is at risk for breast cancer, you need to know the answers to these three questions:

1. How many different pesticides are lurking in your apples?

2. Does washing the fruit take care of the problem? (This one may shock you.)

3. How can you get these apple phytochemicals with zero risk of pesticides?

Get the answers by clicking the link at the end of this article now...

David L. Kern is a researcher and publisher of New Health & Longevity, a newsletter devoted to the latest advances in medical nutritional science. Get the full story on this new health discovery now at

Allergies: Indentifying Your Triggers

Your home is a busy place. People are constantly working, cooking, playing, cleaning, washing and moving things around. That kind of activity is completely normal, but it can generate small particles and chemicals that accumulate in the air you breathe. Whether your home is large or small, old or new, the interior air could be causing breathing problems, in particular for people with allergies and asthma.

There are simple things that you can put in place to clean up the air inside your home, so that everyone can breathe easier. If you have allergies or asthma, you are sensitive to particular ?triggers?. These ?triggers? can ignite a reaction in your lungs and other parts of your body. Triggers may be found indoors and outdoors. They may be simple things like:

  • Illnesses?colds and influenza

  • Tobacco smoke and wood smoke from the fireplace

  • Allergens such as dust mites, cockroaches, pollen, molds, animal dander, tiny scales or particles from hair, feathers, or dead skin cells and saliva from pets

  • Perfumes, paint, hair spray, or any other strong odors or fumes

It is important to identify your triggers. This isn?t always easy, so you should experiment by staying away from one suspected trigger at a time. You can tell if it is a problem if you see improvement when it is removed. It is much more difficult to control your triggers outdoors. So, if the air pollution and pollen levels are high, it is an excellent idea to stay indoors. The air in your home is easier for you to control. In some cases, people with asthma and allergies become aware that their symptoms deteriorate at night. Controlling triggers in the bedroom is the best place to start.

There are air cleaning machines that you may purchase that can eradicate some of the triggers in your home. Unfortunately, they will not remove them all. Some air cleaners utilize an electrical charge that makes ozone, which many manufacturers claim will ?purify? the air. Sadly, ozone irritates the lungs, and is a particular problem for people with asthma. The American Lung Association does not recommend the use of air cleaners that produce ozone, and is printed in their brochure, ?Facts about home control of allergies and asthma.? They advise that you look for a mechanical air cleaner with a HEPA, or preferably a hyper-HEPA filter, that does not produce ozone and can efficiently trap large and small particles.

Judy Phillips is the founder of Jash Botanicals, a manufacturer of physicians grade herbal extracts and medicinals. A naturopath and herbalist with over 25 years of experience, her passion for producing herbal formulas of exceptional purity and strength grew from a dissatisfaction with mainstream herbal products. She is an author of various natural health topics, from detoxification to dietary modification, and works to assist the expansion of knowledge to individuals in search of natural treatments. offers a wide range of informative articles, including a monthly newsletter and a natural health blog.

Mesothelioma Diagnosis: A Guide

Diagnosis of mesothelioma is a difficult procedure. It is to analyze the symptoms in the initial stages. The symptoms of this rare disease make the diagnosis very difficult even to a doctor, since the symptoms would be very similar to other common diseases in the early stages of this deadly disease. Delay in the diagnosis is very common in most of the cases. As a matter of fact these symptoms can appear as non-specific to both the patient and their doctors.

A careful assessment is needed in the diagnosis of mesothelioma which relates both the clinical and radiological findings. The tissue biopsy is also confirmed carefully along with the above factors. The reviewing of the patient?s medical history can be very helpful to diagnose mesothelioma. Observation of the disease and the history includes details such as the patient?s asbestos exposure, the complete physical examination, x-ray results of the chest and abdomen, and the lung function tests.

A Computerized Tomography (CT) scan or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan may also be taken at this level. If the preliminary test results prove suspicious, then a biopsy is performed for confirming the diagnosis. The location of the cancer can be determined with the help of performing the biopsy. If the biopsy test confirms the presence of mesothelioma, the stage of the cancer is then determined. A series of tests are performed to determine the amount of cancerous cells that have spread.

If the test shows that the cancerous cells are not developed beyond the membrane, then the disease is considered to be localized. During this diagnosis procedure, various tests are performed such as the imaging tests, which includes the use of x-rays; CT (Computed Tomography) scans; MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging); PET (Positron Emission Tomography); bronchoscopy or mediastinoscopy, used to look into the affected area; cytology, used to test the pleural fluid after it is removed by a needle; thoracoscopy, used to look directly into the tumor; needle biopsy; and open biopsy. Those are the major tests that are performed during the mesothelioma diagnosis.

Mesothelioma Litigation provides detailed information on History of Mesothelioma Litigation, Mesothelioma Diagnosis: A Guide, Mesothelioma Laws, Mesothelioma Lawyers: A Guide and more. Mesothelioma Litigation is affiliated with California Contractor License Bond.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms And Treatments

Prostate cancer is one of the most common type of cancer affecting 1 in every 6 males. In it?s early stages, prostate cancer has few symptoms and many of the symptoms associated with this disease are also symptoms found in other less serious illnesses. Prevalent symptoms of prostate problems which may or may not signal cancer include: frequent urination, bloody urine, burning urination, lower back pain or pain in the pelvis or upper thighs, blood in semen, pain during ejaculation, stopping and starting urination along with not being able to urinate.

The treatment course for prostate cancer differs depending on the location and size of the tumor as well as the patients health. In some cases, if the cancer is a slow growing one and you are advanced in age, the treatment may simply be that of watchful waiting. If the cancer is not causing any symptoms, then your physician may opt to simply keep and eye on it?s growth. This will entail a PSA blood test every few months as well as biopsies every year to see if and how fast it is growing. If it starts to grow faster, additional treatment may be recommended.

Some treatments for prostate cancer include:

A surgical procedure called a radical prostatectomy may be done to remove the cancer provided it has not spread outside of the prostate. The whole gland and surrounding tissue is removed in the hopes of removing all the cancer.

Radiotherapy employs x-rays to treat cancer and is relatively pain free. During this course of treatment, radiation is pointed towards your prostate in the hopes of shrinking or even eliminating the cancer. This technique can have adverse effects such as impotance and diarrhea.

Brachytherapy, is a method of radiotherapy on which something is implanted in the patient to treat the cancer. This method of treatment involves less visits to the hospital as opposed to radiation therapy (which is typically done every day) although it does require a little external radiotherapy also.

Hormone therapy is used to lower the level of androgens which cause prostate cancer to grow. This treatment is mostly used in men whose cancer has spread or returned after earlier treatments. While it will not cure the cancer, it can shrink it or slow it?s growth and may be used in conjunction with other treatments.

Chemotherapy is typically not effective against prostate cancer although newer drugs developed in recent years have shown the ability to relieve symptoms in men with advanced prostate cancer. Chemotherapy may be employed if the cancer has spread outside the prostate in order to shrink the cancer or slow it?s growth.

While many prostate symptoms indicate a problem other than cancer, it is vital that you see your doctor if you experience any of the symptoms listed above. Prompt treatment is your best chance for a cure.

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about different types of prostate conditions.

Acne Scars What Treatments Are Available?

Scars from acne can have a serious effect on a person's self-esteem and emotional state. Fortunately there have been advances in the treatment of acne-related scarring in recent years. However, it is important to note that nothing will completely heal most scars.

Laser Therapy - Using lasers to treat scars is a relatively new technology, but is one of the most promising options for severe cases. The lasers remove the scarred skin, and encourage growth of new skin in its place. After treatment, the skin will be pink and swollen for a week or so. During this time, bandages need to be kept over the skin to prevent infection. It takes months for the skin to return to normal, but most people will see less noticeable scars and smoother skin. Laser scar treatment can be expensive, but may be appropriate for severe cases.

Surgical Therapy (Dermabrasion) - This form of scar treatment uses a motorized burr, which usually contains diamond particles. Diamonds are extremely strong abrasives when in a powder-form. A scab will form once the procedure is completed. Once it is healed, a smoother pink layer of new skin is underneath. Multiple treatments are often necessary, and each one can cost $1500.

Creams and Gels - There are many topical treatments that claim to reduce the appearance of scars. Many contain Vitamin E and other nutrients. Mederma is a popular brand name. Many people report that it can improve scars in as little as 8 weeks for new scars, or 6 months for older scars. Results with topical ointments like this will vary from person to person.

Collagen Injection - This is a temporary fix, where the patient's own body fat or collagen is injected into the scar site. This works well for some people with deep-pitted scars. The material injected serves to raise the skin, and reduce the pitted appearance, and wrinkling from the scar. However, this procedure needs to be repeated every 6 months and can be expensive.

Learn more about acne treatments and Adult Acne at

The Effectiveness of Spa Treatment

Spa treatment is gaining its importance nowadays. The benefits of spa are not limited to beauty purposes. It employs a magical way of reducing stress, soothes muscles and relaxes mind and body. Spa treatments have been proved effective and beneficial to a lot of people around the world. From the tight schedule of work 24 hours a day, spa provides a way of escapism to a world, calm and quiet.

There are many treatments available under spa. It is only necessary to choose for the best treatment and select for the one you are in need of. The manual treatment of the body?s muscles is known as therapeutic massage. Massage is a very aeffective method of treatment. Massages relieve muscle rigidity, tremors, or cramps and to relieve anxiety and tension.

Types of therapeutic massages

There are various types of massages which perform different functions for the body. They are:

Swedish massage

This involves a variety of techniques for muscle relaxation by applying pressure to them against muscles and bones. The main purpose behind this is increasing the oxygen flow in the blood and releasing pollutants from muscles.


  • Shortens recovery time from muscular strain
  • Increases blood circulation without increasing heart load
  • Stretches the ligaments and keep them flexible.
  • Reduces both emotional and physical stress
  • Stimulates skin and nervous system and soothes nerves

Swedish massage costs around $75-$100 at a spa. The location and place also matters in the cost factor.

Deep tissue massage

This is a massage done on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. It releases chronic patterns of tension in the body by applying pressure on the contracted areas. This is used to release chronic muscle tension through slower strokes and also by applying friction across the grain of the muscles.


  • Eliminate scar tissue
  • Loosens muscle tissue and releases toxins from muscles
  • Proper circulation of blood and oxygen
Sports massage

This type of massage, as the name suggests is used mainly for sports people and done necessarily before, during and after an athletic event. This helps the person to drain away exhaustion, relieve swelling, reduce muscle tension, and prevent injuries.

The main aim behind the therapy is to help reduce stress and tension which builds up in the body?s soft tissues especially during physical strain.


  • Reduces heart rate and blood pressure
  • Increases lymph flow
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Relieves pain
  • Greater athletic endurance
This is a common method of spa treatment which is very effective and inexpensive.

Aromatherapy massage

Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils. During the massage one would inhale volatile essential oils through the mucosa of the nose and mouth. An electronic massage system is then sent to the limbic system of the rain which causes messages to be sent to other parts of the body. Many mental and emotional benefits can be seen this way.

The method of aromatherapy massage is being used in many spa centers and many found it to be useful and effective.

The other treatment method involve in spa is facial.


This cleans and cleanses the skin by maintaining it by casting off dead skin cells. Facial smoothens and maintains a well hydrated skin.

Types of facials

  • Deep-Cleansing Facial: this type of cleansing targeted to skin type usually uses a gentle botanical peel with essential oils.
  • Oxygenating Facial: this type of facial is especially for dull looking skin. This treatment contains a vitamin formula that revives tired skin.
  • Sea Beauty Facial: this treatment re-vitalizes the skin.
  • D.N.A. Facial: this special treatment for the skin helps restoring collagen as it nourishes tired skin.
Body treatment

Body treatment is essential for your body to nourish, hydrate and eliminate dirt form the pores inside. There are various types of body treatment like body scrub, body mask and body wrap.

Body scrub involves massaging on your skin with a mixture of salt, oil, and aromatics like lemon on your skin. Once the dirt is removed from the uppermost part of the skin, it remains extremely soft and smooth. Body mask is usually done after a body scrub. Body wrap can be herbal or involves moor therapy treatment.

Spa proves to be effective in lot many ways. It is expected to provide more features in the near future as life and life style changes drastically and as people demand a remedy from the stress of the ?digital world?.

Devi sri is a seo copywriter for juvenexspa. She has written various articles for juvenexspa. For more information on spa treatment you could visit the site You could contact her through mail at

How to Properly Begin a Jogging Routine

Jogging is not only one of the best ways to burn fat and lose weight; it also makes your heart and lungs stronger. You can jog almost anywhere and just about any time you want, making it very convenient to do. This is why there are so many people who do it.

The trouble that most people have in the beginning is not knowing how to get started properly and they usually end up doing it wrong. This has prompted scores of people to quit doing it before it has had enough time to do them any good.

Let's take a look at some things that may make it a little easier to get started on a jogging routine without running yourself into the ground.

The first and probably the most common mistake people make when starting a jogging routine is that they start out too fast. They go out and pace themselves much to fast and end up huffing and puffing out of breath after 5 or 10 minutes. This is an instant recipe for failure and many people quit within a few days.

Some people who are a little more resilient may keep going for a while thinking that if they just stay with it long enough, it will start to get easier. Usually what happens is it gets harder because even though they might be getting in better condition, they continue to push harder along the way so it seems that there is no progress.

When you are about to set out on a jogging routine, the best thing you can do is buy a heart rate monitor before you ever jog your first step. With one of these, you can set up a pace that is comfortable for you and you can keep within that level throughout your jog. This means that you will not have to guess about the pace and you will not have to feel like your lungs are on fire when you are finished.

The key here is to always jog between 50% and 70% of your maximal heart rate. This is easy to do with a heart rate monitor because you can keep a close check on your heart rate as you go. You can speed your pace up if it goes a little low, and slow down if it goes a little high. You can even slow to a walking pace if your heart rate goes too high, and resume a jogging pace once it goes below 50%.

The way for you to know where your heart rate should be to be between 50% and 70% is by using this formula:

Subtract your age from 220. This will be your maximal heart rate. Now, simply multiply this by .50 and .70 and that will give you your targeted heart zone. Below is an example of this formula.

Say you are age 40

220 minus 40 equals 180

180 times .50 equals 90

180 times .70 equals 126

By looking at this example, you can see that if you are 40 years old, you would keep your heart rate between 90 and 126 while doing your jog.

The fact is, you do not need to go fast to get benefits from jogging, it is how long you are moving that counts. It is more beneficial to cover a mile in say, 15 minutes than to cover it in 7 minutes and then be exhausted.

If you stay within the limits of your heart rate capabilities, you will begin to add more time and miles to your jog as you go and jogging will become something you look forward to instead of something you dread doing.

Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at:

Acne Medication Prescription and OTC

Choosing the right acne medication is an important part of treating blemished skin. There are a number of different treatment options available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Clearasil is the most commonly used over the counter acne medication, and is helpful in treating mild to moderate cases. This medicine contains benzoyl peroxide, which can help to dry out pimples, but may cause severe stinging, itching, peeling, and swelling on the areas that it is used on.

Proactiv is widely recognized due to its advertisements featuring celebrity endorsements. This treatment contains a three part regimen of a cleanser, toner, and lotion to heal and prevent breakouts. Proactiv also contains benzoyl peroxide, which is known for its side effects mentioned above. If you are wary of these treatments because of the side effects, perhaps you should consider a natural treatment instead of harmful prescription acne medication options.

For more severe cases, Accutane is a prescription acne medication that is considered to be a last resort treatment when your skin has not been responsive to any other product used. It is an oral medication that can be quite effective, yet can cause side effects such as dry skin, aching joints, and even severe birth defects if a female user becomes pregnant during use.

Retin A is a topical tretinoin acne medication that is used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin. Its side effects include sensitivity to light, swelling and dryness of the skin, and blistering. Results will not occur immediately and it must be used continuously, even after acne has cleared, to remain effective.

One of the newer over the counter acne medications is called Acuzine, and it is a breakthrough natural treatment that can be as effective as some of the prescription acne medications, without the potential side effects.

Acuzine contains Vitamins C and E, aloe vera leaf, hydrolyzed collagen, and other therapeutic natural ingredients. The antioxidants protect your skin's cells and tissues from the harmful effects of free radicals, which are unstable byproducts in the body that contribute to infections. Hydrolyzed collagen stimulates the natural production of collagen in the body to improve the appearance of the skin and also aids in your body's ability to retain a healthy amount of water to prevent moisture loss. This innovative acne medication is free from side effects and can benefit the overall health of your entire body.

Talk to your dermatologist to determine which treatment is right for you. Prescription acne medications are usually the strongest, but you may be able to clear up acne breakouts with an over the counter acne medication such as Clearasil. As an alternative, you may want to try a natural antioxidant supplement, as it offers the least potential for nasty side effects.

David Bloom is an avid health enthusiast and a regular contributor to a variety of health websites. He is the author of Natural Acne Medication and Treatments, a blog dedicated to the treatment of acne, covering conventional and natural remedies for clearing up blemished skin.

Biofeedback a Powerful Alternative for Controlling Your Pain

Have you ever used biofeedback? You may not realize what biofeedback is or how beneficial it can be. Most people do not understand that they use biofeedback techniques almost everyday. For example, have you ever used a mirror? A mirror is a common form of biofeedback. You could not do a good job of putting on make up, shaving, combing your hair, or learning how to make a face without the feedback of your reflection from the mirror. This is a simple form of biofeedback.

Biofeedback is the use of equipment or techniques that can feed back to you information about what is going on inside or outside your body. If you use this information to adjust your activity then you are using biofeedback. Any system in your body that be actually monitored can be controlled! You can learn to control your heart rate, blood pressure, even your perspiration with biofeedback training.

In the 1970?s biofeedback gained some attention when researchers demonstrated that brainwave activity (electrical activity on the surface of the brain) could be controlled by the process of learning from the feedback given by an EEG (electroencephalograph). In a normal waking state of consciousness, the surface of the brain in a normal person has what is known as a ?Beta? rhythm brainwave state which is measured at 13-20+ hertz per second. In a relaxed or meditative state known as ?Alpha? the electrical activity is measured at 8-12 hertz per second. This was identified a ?quiet mind? or Meditative state that was relaxing for most people. Using the EEG feedback training you can learn to ?slow? your brainwaves into the ?alpha? state with conscious control. In the 1970?s this triggered an alternative therapy, with people visiting biofeedback brainwave labs to learn to control their brainwaves, and so, their consciousness.

Since the 1970?s, biofeedback has grown more practical and accepted in traditional medical practices as a way to gain awareness and then control of stress related symptoms. Since 1977 in my private practice, I have had medical referrals, and good success, in working with: Migraine headaches, tension headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, panic/anxiety, chronic neck/back pain, stress related abdominal complaints, irregular heartbeats, poor peripheral circulation, some forms of sexual dysfunction, poor focus, test taking or performance anxiety, some dental complaints like TMJ syndrome, and many other symptoms that are either created or made worse as a response to stress.

The common forms of biofeedback that I use with medical referrals are: EMG (electromyography) for muscle tension, Temperature training for poor peripheral blood flow, EDR/GSR (electrodermal response/ Galvanic skin response) for controlling sweat gland activity/perspiration, heart rate training, and blood pressure. With a program of regular relaxation training, you can create awareness regarding the way you habitually hold tension and learn to ?let go? of this stress. There have been profound results. For example, I had 45 year old registered nurse who had been suffering with migraine headaches for 25 years. These headaches had gotten worse and she reported having up to 3 per week. These headaches were so severe that she was distracted at work and could not focus on the medication that she was giving to her patients. Amazingly, with the use of temperature training biofeedback and the daily use of Autogenic training phrases for relaxation, she was able to prevent most of headaches within 4 weeks of practice.

Biofeedback training using EMG by physical therapists have offered profound results for people requiring neuro-muscular retraining after suffering a stroke (CVA) or in some cases traumatic injuries to the brain or central nervous system.

If you have symptoms or complaints that are not well controlled by medication, or if you wish to have an alternative way to control these symptoms without the side effects and expense of medication, discuss the use of biofeedback with your physician and contact a biofeedback therapist in your area to see if this might be worth the investment of your time, energy, and probably your money. Biofeedback offers you the information, and with practice, the control of your body?s habitual response to stress. With your motivation, you can learn to ?get back in control.?

Please remember to take good care of yourself.

L. John Mason, Ph.D. is the author of the best selling Guide to Stress Reduction. Since 1977, he has offered Executive Coaching and Training.

Please visit the Stress Education Center's website at for articles, free ezine signup, and learn about the stress management CD's that Dr. Mason has developed. If you would like information or a targeted proposal for training or coaching, please contact us at (707) 795-2228.

If you are looking to promote your training or coaching career, please investigate the Professional Stress Management Training and Certification Program for a secondary source of income or as career path.

What Causes Acne And Guaranteed Ways To Get Rid Of Acne

Acne begins in puberty, but it does not always end there. Every teenager, if examined closely enough will show some of the effects of acne with some being mild, others more severe. The major hormone causing changes in teenagers is androgen. Under its influence, the sebaceous glands produce more and more sebum (oil). This leads, then, to oily skin and a change in skin flora. There is an increase in the bacteria that cause acne as well as a type of fungus. All these contribute to the development of blockages at the oil gland openings known as comedones. Such blockages cause blackheads and whiteheads ? and acne when there is infection of the skin?s pores.

Acne should not be viewed as something that comes with puberty. It has lasting effects on the skin, like scarring, and should be treated. A gentle skin cleansing without using cleansers that over-dry skin should be established. Addition to that a supplement such as Acuzine should be taken to have a fast and effective acne cure inside out.

In adults, acne could be a carryover from adolescence, occupational (exposure to chemicals or other skin irritants in the workplace), drug induced (some medications exacerbate acne) or cosmetic acne. There are also other factors that may contribute to acne besides family history such as frequent use of thick make-up, frequent activities under hot and humid conditions and contact with oily substances.

There is nothing much that we can do about genetics but surely we can do something about lifestyle factors to prevent acne. Using thick, oily creams also may lead to breakouts too. People with acne should use products that are formulated for people with oily skin.

Stress is another common aggravating factor for acne. Lack of sleep is a form of stress in itself too. And for women, the menstrual cycle can trigger off acne too. But whatever your stage in life with acne, if the acne cream or lotion show no sign of clearing up, then get Acuzine. Acuzine is rate no.1 acne treatment product with guaranteed results. It works for adults or teenagers suffering from facial or body acne. This is a natural acne treatment formula with no side effect and highly recommended by dermatologists. Fast and effective acne cure from inside out.

Treating acne at the start of the problem is easier than dealing with the scars.

Rian is a health conscious guy who always update himself with the latest health news and love sharing with others.To learn more on Acuzine visit or go direct to

Do I Really want To Use A Homemade Colon Cleanse?

A homemade colon cleanse might seem like the ideal way to regain power over your health, particularly if you have been experiencing the after-effects of a poor diet, insufficient exercise and the general stresses and strains of our every day modern life. While there is little doubt that a sluggish digestive system can wreak havoc on your sense of wellbeing, is finding out how to make our own homemade colonic remedy the answer?

The sometimes overwhelming presence of the Internet in our daily lives can make us feel as though the answer to how to make just about anything is right there at our fingertips. From building home electronic equipment to baking a cake, it isn?t difficult to find a how-to guide for just about anything. And while serving our family up a batch of burned scones might not be a life-threatening affair, creating our own home remedy for colon cleansing can be more dangerous.

Medical training takes so long for a very good reason ? because the human body can be a complex thing. We each, however, own and operate one, so it can be easy to think that we are qualified to deal with each and every aspect of its maintenance, including the creation of our own homemade colon cleansing diet. While tweaking our diet every once in a while to help maintain optimal colon health is no bad thing, discovering how to make home colonics can cross into more tricky territory.

Just because something is homemade, this doesn?t mean it can?t be potent. And while we might engage ourselves in home colon cleansing in the hope of a potent response, we must remember that we might not earn the one we would hope for. Don?t let the name of ?natural ingredients? fool you ? there are some powerful herbs in our own kitchens than can not only offer us a great homemade colon cleanse, but can unbalance our fragile digestive systems when used incorrectly.

A homemade colonic can be a wonderful way to empty your digestive tract of the build up of debris that might just be wearing you out, but do remember that colon cleansing is a powerful procedure, and can cause adverse effects when used improperly. A wealth of information exists on the topic, but to ensure your continued health and wellbeing, be sure to use this information responsibly.

Always verify anything you read on making a home remedy colon cleanse with another source, and check with your doctor or alternative health practitioner if in any doubt. Millions of people report the wonderful effects that colon cleansing can bring ? make sure you don?t become a part of an uncomfortable, or pained, minority by performing your homemade colon cleanse safely.

To find out more about Colon Health visit Peter's Website Colon Health Counts at and find out about Peter?s own experience of Colon Cleansing. and more about colon health and constipation.

Acne Prevent Acne In A Sure And Simple Way

Preventing acne in sure and simple way sounds little far fetched, isn't it? We have started believing that acne cannot be prevented. But let me tell you something by which you can be pretty sure that you will prevent it. This is how...

Acne - what are the main reasons of formation?

The main reasons of acne formation are- blocked pore, excess production of sebum, infection in the sebum and the gland. Suppose we don't care about controlling sebum production. After all there is not much that we can do about that because it is hormonal. We focus our attention on the blocked glands. Let us remove the blocks daily. If we can do that, the excess sebum will always go out on the skin and never get infected. Our target should be- keep the pores open. What blocks the pores? The pores are blocked by the dead skin cells, that should normally get shed naturally but accumulate on the mouth of the gland and block it.

Acne - How to remove dead cells daily?

How do we remove the dead cells daily? Use of a substance that peels the skin layers from the top is best suited for this. Use of materials that dissolve the binding cement of dead cells is also needed. Peel off the top layer of dead cells. Dissolve the bond between dead cells and make them lose so that they can be easily washed away. Use of retinoids such as tretinoin and use of AHA such as glycolic acid regularly will do this easily. Please consult your doctor about this and ask for the right product. Once you keep the pores open, you will be effectively stooping acne production.

Know more about what causes acne - How acne forms?

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

C.D. Mohatta writes articles on skin, hair and nail - problems, treatments and care. For more information about how to have good skin, hair and nails that looks young and blemish free, please visit You will also find solutions to wrinkles, scars, facial rejuvenation, latest laser treatments, skin blemishes and spots, hair care and hair loss and about keeping healthy nails. This site is dedicated to keep you healthy and make you look good. For keeping yourself young and healthy at all the ages find out more about the skin, hair and nail problems and how to cure them.

High Cholesterol May Cause Prostate Cancer Development

According to general medical opinion regarding causes of prostate cancer, the risk factors are age, ethnic history and family background.

But recently, a research study have found that high cholesterol levels speed up the growth of prostate tumours. This conclusion may help to find an explanation regarding the fact prostate cancer is more frequent in the West world than in Asian countries because of diets high in cholesterol. For instance, in rural parts of Japan and China, where people use low fat diets, rates of prostate cancer are up to 90% less than in the West countries. It is also a reality that in United States prostate cancer hits about one in every six men.

The study author noted that the human body uses cholesterol in the synthesis of hormones known as androgens, which have a high influence on prostate tissue. Too much of cholesterol may cause an unbalanced production of this hormone. The surplus of cholesterol accumulates in the outer membranes of tumour cells leading to the development of prostate cancer.

Probably, the conclusion that drugs lowering cholesterol may help prevent prostate cancer or at least decrease its development is premature. But is a fact that watching your diet, you can be healthier.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in health issues affecting men such as prostate malignant tumours.

Home Remedy for Coughing Chinese Style

This home remedy for coughing is much more than a single remedy - it's a collection of natural cough remedies to choose from according to the type of cough you have. Each remedy is easy to make, safe and effective. Also included is a superb breathing exercise to enhance the effects of the remedies by clearing your lungs and airways and flooding your system with fresh oxygen. Naturally, to give these home cough remedies a chance to work quickly and well, it's important you eliminate or at least reduce cough causing or aggravating factors. Afterall, what's the point in taking a cough remedy while, for instance, continuing to smoke!

Home Remedies for Coughing

Choose a remedy and stick with it for few days. If it doesn't help you try another one.

Remedy One: Ginger & Malt Sugar Drink

Crush enough fresh ginger to obtain half a tablespoon of juice. Mix the juice and a teaspoon of malt or brown sugar in a cup of warm water and drink. Do this 2-3 times a day. Especially good for chronic coughs in the elderly.

Remedy Two: Garlic & Cane Sugar Drink

Pound 500 grams of fresh garlic into a paste. Mix two teaspoonfulls of the paste and a teaspoon or two of cane sugar in a cup of hot water and drink. Do this twice a day. Store the remaining garlic paste in a sealed jar for future use. Good for cough from the common cold.

Remedy Three: Whole Lemon Drink

Cut up a fresh lemon and put it through a juice extracter (skin & seeds included). Mix the juice with an equal amount of warm water and sip slowly, letting it just trickle down your throat. If it's too bitter add a little more water, but no sugar. Do this 2-3 times a day. An excellent home remedy for coughing - clears chest congestion, sinus congestion, cough with profuse phlegm and sore throat.

Remedy Four: Tangerine Peel Tea

Steep 3-6 grams of tangerine peel and 4-5 grams of green tea in a mug of hot water for 10 minutes. Cover the cup while the tea is brewing. Drink freely throughout the day by topping it up with fresh, hot water each time. A very common traditional Chinese home remedy for coughing - suitable for cough with profuse sticky, white phlegm.

Remedy Five: Pineapple Throat Gargle

Use a juice extracter to make a cup of fresh pineapple juice. Or you can simply crush some pineapple pieces to obtain the juice. Gargle with the juice several times a day - don't swallow it though. Soothes the throat and eases cough.

Remedy Six: Honey & Egg Drink

Crack an egg into a bowl and beat it evenly. Add 35 grams of honey to a small pot of water and bring to a boil. Add the honey water to the egg bowl, mix well and drink warm. Do this 1-2 times a day. Another common, traditional home remedy for coughing in China, although some people may not want to eat too many eggs. Good for dry cough and hoarse voice.

In addition to taking any home remedy for coughing you should adjust your diet and avoid phlegm-forming foods such as dairy products (especially if you have a damp, phlegmy cough), refined starches like white bread and cakes, and overly cooked meats. Eat foods in as close to their natural state as possible.

Remedy Seven: Breathing Exercise

To further enhance the effects of each natural cough remedy it is also recommended that you practice this breathing exercise:

It's a very simple yet highly beneficial home remedy for cough, chest congestion, blocked sinuses - virtually any respiratory ailment - and it also relaxes you, boosts energy and clears your thinking.

To your health!

Matthew Scott is a professionally trained Chinese medicine practitioner from Australia, living in China since 2000. His website offers classic, time-tested exercises & techniques to stretch, strengthen, energize, relax, ease pain & improve overall health.

Acne Prevention Tips

Preventing acne is an extremely difficult thing to do. There really isn't a cure for it, yet it drags yourself esteem way down. So just what can an acne suffer do to help minimize breakouts? Here are some basic tips to help control your condition.

Wash Your Skin Gently:

When you wash you should be very careful about how hard you press or rub your face. If you press to hard it will irritate your skin. This can also break open any pimples that you currently have. So, be sure to press lightly when washing and drying your face.

Dont Pop those Zits:

Popping pimples is a really bad idea. By breaking them open you can leave scares and cause more infection.

Avoid Stress:

Stress will cause you to have a breakout. You need to make sure you get enough sleep, eat healthy, and take time to have some fun. This will be one of the hardest things to do when trying to prevent acne.

Loose Clothing:

Loose clothing will be much more easier on your skin when your working out. Tight clothing will cause the sweat and oil to be absorbed into your skin more then it needs to be. Loose clothing will also allow for less irritation from the clothing itself.

These are just some general tips to get you started with your acne prevention. If your acne has gotten out of hand you should always go see your family doctor. They will often recommend something with benzoyl peroxide.

Tyler Casselman runs the healthy skin protal at Healthy Skin 4U

Hormones and Your Skin

When skin care products fail to clear up your acne problems, it is an indication that they could be a result of hormonal imbalances. Below are some general guidelines on how to tell if your complexion problems are hormonal:

* You experience acne breakouts the week before your period, mostly on the jaw line, chin and neck.
* Irregular periods and/or excess hair on the face or body in addition to acne could signal a hormonal disorder. Consult your doctor.
* Your skin tends to feel much more sensitive during the fourth week of your monthly menstrual cycle.

Keeping skin acne free requires more than just diligent skincare. It is also a matter of timing your skin care according to your monthly hormonal surges. That is because monthly hormone fluctuations stimulate the skin?s sebaceous glands to secrete oil. The more oil our skin produces, the higher the possibility that acne problems will arise.


Your cycle begins on the first day of your period and can last anywhere from 21 to 40 days. In the first week after your period, your oestrogen level increases, helping to keep skin clear (oestrogen is the hormone that helps keep oil glands in check). When ovulation occurs around day 14 of your cycle, progesterone (another hormone) starts to surge and your potential for acne blemishes increases and peaks, just days before your period. That is when you will experience oily skin and acne breakouts.


Week 1 (The cycle begins on the first day of your period)

WHAT?S HAPPENING: Hormone levels are at their monthly low. Skin may appear dull or it could be recovering from premenstrual acne flare-ups.

WHAT YOUR SKIN NEEDS: Regular and gentle care.

* Use mild cleansers that contain soothing ingredients like Aloe, Chamomile or Green Tea. While washing, massage your face gently with the pads of your fingertips.

* Concealers are your skin?s best friends this week. Choose an oil-free one that contains Salicylic Acid or Sulphur, which can help to unclog pores.

* Treat skin to a moisturizing or exfoliating mask. Left on for 10 minutes, an exfoliating mask will remove any flakiness on the skin and have skin lightening effects on a dull complexion. The moisturizing element will provide much needed extra skin hydration.

* Treat lingering acne scars and blemishes with acne treatment products that contain Salicylic Acid or Tea Tree Oil.

TIP: Do not skimp on your moisturizer. Hydrate your skin regularly and choose moisturizers that are oil-free or comedogenic.

Week 2 (The week after your period)

WHAT?S HAPPENING: As oestrogen levels are rising, your skin condition is at its peak with a clear and balanced complexion.

WHAT YOUR SKIN NEEDS: Maintenance and prevention

* For most skin types, ranging from normal to combination skin, this is a good time for professional pampering. Since your skin is not overly sensitive, you can get a simple gentle facial done.

* If you have very sensitive skin, do not go for facials as this may have the effects of over-stimulating your sensitive skin and cause further problems. Opt for a simple regimen that consists of a mild cleanser, sunscreen, moisturizer and a good acne treatment product (if you still experience acne breakouts during this week).

* Keep using the same mild cleansers you used in Week 1 and make sure that you keep your skin clean and fresh by washing your face twice a day. There is no need to carry out excessive cleansing as this may strip your skin of its natural sebum.

* Exfoliate your skin with exfoliating products that contain skin sloughers like Glycolic acid, Lactic acid or Salicylic Acid. However, if your skin is extremely sensitive, you should avoid using such exfoliating products as they may further sensitize your skin.

TIP: Always remove make-up before going to bed. Sleeping with your make-up on can cause pores to clog and trigger acne breakouts.

Week 3 (Ovulation)

WHAT?S HAPPENING: While your oestrogen levels peak, progesterone surges. These hormonal fluctuations cause oily skin flare-ups and acne breakouts.

WHAT YOUR SKIN NEEDS: Acne blemishes battling treatments and moderate exfoliation.

* Keep skin clean and fresh by washing your face twice a day with a mild cleanser, in the morning and in the night. Use an alcohol-free toner to deep-cleanse your pores.

* During other times, cleanse skin by using water only. Water is the natural healer for skin and can calm your skin without stripping your skin of its natural sebum.

* During Week 3 and Week 4, bring oil-blotting pads with you to mop up excess oil for a matte complexion.

* Pamper your skin with products that prevent acne scars and blemishes. They usually contain Salicylic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide, Chlorhexidine and Tea Tree Oil.

* Use an acne clearing mask this week. For normal skin users, the mask can be used 2 times a week, while sensitive skin users should only use it once a week.

TIP: Resist the urge to squeeze your pimples. Apply a warm washcloth to the pimples for several minutes and follow with an antibacterial Benzoyl-Peroxide or Chlorhexidine product.

Week 4 (The week before your period)

WHAT?S HAPPENING: Your oestrogen plummets while progesterone continues to surge. Your skin is at its oiliest, and painful pimples, bumps or acne cysts flare up.

WHAT YOUR SKIN NEEDS: Tender, loving care.

* Keep skin clean and fresh by washing your face twice a day with a mild cleanser, in the morning and in the night.

* During other times, cleanse skin by using water only. Water is the natural healer for skin and can calm your skin without stripping your skin of its natural sebum.

* Treat your acne scars and blemishes with spot treatments, in the morning and in the night.

* Declog your pores by using an acne mask at least twice this week. Sensitive skin users should only use an acne mask once a week.

* Look for foundations that contain Salicylic Acid, which will help clear pores. Also make sure that your make-up is labeled non-comedogenic so that it would not clog pores.

* Stay away from any sort of skin trauma this week. No waxing, laser treatments, microdermabrasion and facials. You are bound to experience extra discomfort on the acne affected areas if you do.

TIP: If the acne affected areas show no improvement and seem to be getting worse, you should immediately consult a dermatologist who can prescribe topical acne medication or oral antibiotics.

Ben Ong is a senior product development consultant at Acne Detox Skin Science. Backed by a team of experienced cosmeceutical researchers, Acne Detox Skin Science is a company that specializes in the formulation of acne treatment products that can help to rectify acne, pimples, acne scars, blemishes and blackheads. Please visit their official website for more information and tips on how to combat and treat acne effectively.

What Are The Best Acne Treatments?

What are some of the causes of acne, and what are the best acne treatments? First off, it is nice to know that if you are suffering from acne you are not alone. It is a very common condition that is believed to occur in up to 85% of people at one time or another. And it can affect anyone, male or female, teens or adults, and people of every ethnic group. Pimples, as acne is more commonly known, can first appear when a person reaches their teens. The scientific name for this skin condition is Acne Vulgaris, and is characterized by small lesions that pop up on the skin.

This condition is most obvious when it appears on the face. However it often appears on other, less visible parts of the body such as the neck and back. The appearance of pimples can cause embarrassment and social anxiety. Nobody should have to go through that, so let?s look at some of the causes that might be eliminated, and some treatments that might help clear up the skin.

Two possible causes of acne are 1. Puberty, and 2. Fatty, oily and sugary foods. With the first cause, puberty, the body is going through some changes and creating extra follicle cells and sebum. The excess of these can block the pores of the skin and cause pimples. A good treatment for this is to carefully clean the skin every day. Some people use glycerin soap and a soft cloth or boar bristle shaving brush. The hairs of the brush get into the pores and clean them so they don?t get clogged. They gently clean the skin in the morning and evening to keep their pores clean and their skin free of acne.

With the second cause, fatty, oily and sugary foods, the body has consumed too much of this hard to digest junk food and some of it shows up in the pores of the skin, causing pimples. There are some people who don?t believe this but we dare them to test it the day before their next date. They can go ahead and eat a lot of fatty, oily and sugary foods like cheeseburgers, fries, soda pop, candy bars, milkshakes, ranch salad dressing, potato chips, peanut butter, etc. Watch what happens to their skin. The best ?treatment? for this is to eat less junk, and instead eat more fruits and vegetables. If you don?t want oily skin, don?t eat oily foods. Instead of a cheeseburger and soda, try a Subway turkey sandwich and a glass of water. This change in diet has helped many people to reduce acne. It also helps them lose weight.

Simply eating right and carefully cleaning the skin can do wonders for clearing up acne. Also avoid touching your face with your hands. If you have acne on your back, get a soft brush with a long handle so you can scrub your back with glycerin soap every morning in the shower. If the condition persists after some weeks of a change in diet and careful cleaning of the skin, you may want to try some of the over-the-counter acne treatments. Be sure to try the change in diet first. Otherwise the treatments will only be trying to correct an endless problem, and you are the one doing it to yourself with bad foods.

Other causes of acne are bacterium and sebum. A good topical therapy would be one that offers anti-bacterial support, and also works to reduce the body?s sebum production.

Benzoyl Peroxide is a common ingredient in acne gels and ointments. It is useful in removing excess dead skin cells and sebum from the skin. It also works to remove and prevent bacterium from creating pimples. This ingredient can be somewhat harsh to delicate skin and can cause drying or redness, so it should be used with caution.

Salicylic acid is another ingredient in some acne products. This is more of a preventative for stopping new pimple from forming. Again caution should be used because this treatment can dry the skin and cause redness and irritation.

Resorcinol is an ingredient that causes what is known as a skin peel. This is where the top layer of skin to peel away, along with the dead skin cells and sebum. This treatment is a bit drastic and the same cleaning could be more safely achieved with glycerin soap and a soft boar bristle shaving brush.

Sulfur (sulphur) is a common topical therapy ingredient often included in skin cleansing creams and lotions and salves.

If a topical over-the-counter treatment does not work, please consult your doctor for input on the latest treatments for your individual skin type and acne condition.

Monica Nelson writes articles that offer helpful information on health topics such as the best Natural Acne Treatments and how to get a high paying new career, fast, through Online Nursing Schools.

Natural Therapy

Natural therapy is an alternative medicine using a combination of alternative medicines. The most common ones used are diet modification, different foods, dietary supplements and exercise. All of these alternative medicines are used together to cure the body naturally. Natural therapy excludes the use of major surgery and most conventional drugs. The emphasis is on helping the body heal itself naturally.

There are 6 principles that natural therapy (Naturopathy) is guided by:

The healing power of nature Identify and treat the cause (diagnosis) The whole body should be treated not just an isolated part. The doctor is the teacher Preventive measures.

The healing power of nature: this works on 2 principles. The power of the body to heal itself by building up body resistance. The second principle that nature heals, this means that many illnesses will heal up on their own utilizing the body?s own immune system. A commonsense approach is employed, with getting enough sleep, exercising and eating nutritional food.

Identify and treat the cause: Diagnosis and eradicating the root of the problem must be done to enable the healing process to begin.

The whole body should be treated not just an isolated part: Not only the actual symptoms are treated but the entire body health is taken into consideration.

The doctor is the teacher: in this type of medicine the doctor is obligated to teach the patient to be responsible for their own health. This is an integral part of the treatment.

Preventive measures: are applied as the ultimate goal of this treatment is to maintain health and build up your body health so that you naturally will not get sick. This will include eating foods which will help your body?s immune system and those that have natural ant-toxins in them.

First do no harm: When natural medicine is practiced it is important to recognize all symptoms. This is so that you can avoid any therapy that just hides the symptoms and does not aid natural healing.

When you combine different forms of natural alternative medicine you will give your body a chance to heal itself. Natural therapy can eventually become a way of life. Once you are educated in the various ways your body can heal itself and stay healthy you can start putting them into practice. You can maintain a healthier lifestyle which in turn ensures that you will stay healthier have more energy and enjoy your life to the fullest. Everything about the body must be taken into consideration for this type of natural therapy to work.

Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients Consultant. His clients range from pro athletes and actresses, to cancer patients and children with Learning Disabilities. To learn if glyconutrients can help you, visit Buy Glyconutrients Product

Natural Acne Remedies for You

Traditional medicine that is given to improve Acne condition may have side effects on us. That may be the reason why some people may prefer natural methods instead of pharmaceutical ones. Here are some examples of natural acne remedies.

When going to a natural practitioner, one of the first things that he will tell you is that ?it's what's inside that count?. That?s the main difference with traditional dermatologist, they will tell you that what you eat has no effect on your skin. But the truth is that a healthy diet can have positive effects on your skin, as well as in your life in general.

Some of the guidelines you may follow are:

-Drink six glasses of water a day.

-Try to find organic produce.

-Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

-Boil you food and avoid fried foods.

- Eat fiber rich foods such as lentils and beans.

-Go light on the caffeine, only two cups of tea or coffee a day.

-Stay away from sodas they have too much sugar and caffeine.

If you still want to intake some extra diet supplements, here are some supplement suggestions.

-A good daily multi vitamin.

-Vitamin C.

-Antioxidants blend of A, C, E, zinc, selenium.

-A fatty acid supplement such as primrose oil or fish oil.

In any case, it is always better to talk with a qualified nutritionist to help you with deciding what supplements you should take.

When cleaning your skin daily, you may have a routine that includes washing and moisturizing with the best natural products. Have a facial monthly. This will help keep your skin healthy and glowing. Your aesthetician will help you to identify your skin type and make recommendations about cleansers and moisturizers.

This facial routine should include an exfoliation once or twice a week, depending on your type of skin. And, if you suffer from acne as an adult you will still need to keep your skin moisturized. Make sure that you use an SPF on your skin everyday.

There are no miracle treatments for Acne problem, but having a good cleaning routine and a healthy lifestyle will help. And when you choose the best product to treat Acne, have in mind that no matter witch treatment you choose, you may wait at least 6 to 8 weeks to see results.

About The Author
Martha Fitzharris is a free lance journalist for a website offering a new biological natural skin care product that activates skin renewal.If you want more information about Strech marks, please clic natural skin care cream with natural skin renewal activators.

What Should You Do if Diagnosed with Asbestosrelated Disease?

Asbestos is a toxic chemical substance that has been used directly or indirectly in hundreds of products across the globe. It is incorrect and inappropriate for human beings to have excessive exposure to asbestos. This might result in malignant mesothelioma -- a rare cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart -- and other diseases.

It is amazing to find that, asbestos has still not been entirely banned in the United States, and Americans continue to risk exposure to this dangerous fiber.

If you feel that you have been exhibiting symptoms of mesothelioma (like shortness of breath, pain in the chest or back region, swelling in the abdomen, difficulty swallowing, cough, fever, sweating, fatigue, and weight loss.), it is important for you to consult your doctor immediately. There are various methods that are available for treating the victims of mesothelioma.

They are either direct methods or alternative methods. Some of the direct methods are Surgery-both Aggressive and Pallative, Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy etc. Immunoagumentive Therapy (IAT), Gene Therapy, Intraoperative Photodynamic Therapy (IPT) etc. are some of the commonly practiced alternative methods.

Also one can take the help of Support Groups, which are available to help sufferers deal with the challenges that they are facing. A recent publication says that over 20% of Americans have participated in some type of self-help group. There are mainly two types of support groups that are available namely- online support groups and community centred support groups.

If you have already been diagnosed with mesothelioma it is important for you to have a positive frame of mind and keep yourself well informed about the latest medical developments that has taken place pertaining to this field. Also as a victim of the Asbestos industry you can have certain legal and social claims. The following propositions can be considered if you are a victim of Mesothelioma caused due to negligent asbestos exposure.

1. Legal Aid and Financial Compensation

People who contract the disease must be absolutely sure that the cause for the same was asbestos exposure and then take steps to get the right legal counsel. Once the legal counsel has been retained the law will ensure that he or she gets the compensation for employers negligence if any.

2. Claim from the Asbestos Industry

Mesothelioma victims have the option to claim large monetary compensation from the asbestos industry. These claims can go into the millions of dollars depending on the rights and cause of the claims. A Law firm that specializes in mesothelioma cases ensures that the families of victims gets ample compensation.

3. Claim Social Security Disability

Victims can claim social security disability after getting advice from an attorney that specializes in these cases.

4. Disability Insurance

You are legally entailed to claim disability insurance if you have disability insurance either privately procured, within your life insurance policy or through your employer.

5.Worker's Compensation

It is one of the core responsibilities of an employer to take care of its employees. Thus, even while the victim takes legal action against the asbestos industry he or she can simultaneously claim workers compensation for being 'disabled' during work. A lawyer who has experience in the asbestos industry should handle this sort of claim.

6. Health Insurance

A victim of mesothelioma can incur huge medical bills due to the expensive nature of treatment that's required for the treatment of this disease. If a victim is admitted to the hospital he or she should talk to the Discharge Planner or other personnel who can help with hospice and hospital coverage. Laws cover medial treatments and action can be taken health insurance company if they fail to provide proper coverage. Again it is imperative to ensure that the victim employs a proper legal representative.

Did you know mesothelioma clinical symptoms are hard to detect? Find out why by visiting

The Therapeutic Container and Massage Therapy

The therapeutic relationship or container (we will refer to as the therapeutic container from now on) is the space you are able to create or provide for your client during a massage session. This container is a safe space for your client to experience and express emotions while being supported and comforted and without fear of shame or abandonment. Here we will attempt to make this abstract idea more concrete and easily implementable in your practice.

The 'space' referred to above is an emotional, mental, and spiritual space that requires the consent and participation of both the client and the therapist. As therapists it is our responsibility to make this space as available, expansive, and secure for the client as we possibly can.

This means that we accept into this space what we can handle and keep out that which we cannot. This is especially true when we are well bounded, dynamically bounded. If our boundaries are too open an experience may find its way to us that we feel unprepared for. A natural reaction to feeling overwhelmed is to retreat into yourself and away from the overwhelming stimulus.

If the emotional situation is overwhelming to you, the massage therapist, then you must break the container and not remain in the situation. Perhaps this means that you simply aren't willing to discuss something with a client and that's the end of it. It might be that you need to leave the room. I recommend trying to find a 'soft' reason to leave, like you need water, instead of telling the client that they are scarring you.

However, if you are comfortable with the highly charged situation that often accompanies emotional release or a trauma processes of our clients you can help to reverse patterns of abandonment in their psyche and promote the healing process they are attempting to undertake. When things get intense it is of the highest importance that (if comfortable) we stay in physical, mental, and emotional contact with our clients to make sure that they know that another human being is there to support them.

In this realm we must be very careful to not overstep the limitations of our scope of practice and wander into the ground of psychological counseling. A good general rule when it comes to scope of practice as it pertains to counseling is to avoid trying to deepen a discussion.

For instance if a client begins to cry during a session it is completely appropriate to ask questions like Are you okay? or Would you like me to continue the session?; at this point if a client opens up to you and wants to talk about something it is fine to let them talk. There is never an ethical problem with letting a client say whatever they want, as long as you, the therapist, remain comfortable.

Likewise it would be inappropriate to try to deepen the experience by saying something like Why do you think you are crying? or Let's explore your sadness. Unless you are certified as a counselor these would be inappropriate conversations for a massage therapist to start. Unfortunately it is hard to give specific guidelines across the United States as each state has it's own rules governing the appropriate actions, statements and wording around healthcare and massage therapy.

Maintaining a distinct and balanced therapeutic container during a massage therapy session ultimately allows for emotional and physical release by a client and increases the potential for self-healing because it helps to relax and reassure clients. And remember the therapeutic container is predicated on the massage therapists level of comfort. If you are uncomfortable you have a responsibility to yourself and your client to address the issue by either working through it or avoiding it.

Brandon Thomas is a Nationally Certified massage therapist in Boulder Colorado with 7 years of experience in the field of massage therapy. He currently operates a nationwide chair massage service and enjoys working with clients on a regular basis. You can find him at Chair Massage.

Hurricanes Considerations for Cardio Vascular and Isometric Exercising

During the 2006 Atlantic tropical hurricane season you can expect large catastrophic and large category storms and hurricanes. If a large hurricane comes your way and you realize that evacuation is not such a good idea because all the gasoline is gone and all the hotels are filled up for a 1,000 mile radius and if you're out of the storm surge zone, perhaps you can stay at home and workout and do in cardiovascular and isometric exercises.

Perhaps you can purchase some gym equipment for your home and even if the lights are out and the power is off you can still work out. You will be forced to ration your food and you will not be able to eat very much, but be sure to drink a lot of water and have it available because the water lines may be broken and out for a few weeks as well.

During times of such adversity when you're stuck at home will be perfect times for you to concentrate on something that is very important to you; your health. If you are causally working out doing push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups and other types of exercises you will lose weight.

According to law there are mandatory evacuations that are necessary and you must comply, but there are also clauses that if you cannot comply they will not come and arrest you. So if you decide to stay home you may as well do something useful that will help your health and long-term goal in losing weight. Considers the 2006.

Lance Winslow

What is Mesothelioma? Is it a Type of Cancer?

Mesothelioma is a disease where the cells of the mesothelium become abnormal. It is called the cancer of the mesothelium. They can damage the tissues and other organs of the body. They can also affect the other cells and spread throughout the body.

It was hard to find any information before the Internet era. Now, with the invention of Internet, information on anything can be achieved. Around 2000 cases of Mesothelioma are diagnosed in US alone. In the past 20 years mesothelioma cases have gone high. Mesothilioma mainly affects men than women and it gets riskier as people age.

How do people get Mesothelioma?

Asbestos is the main factor for this disease. People in factories who work under the asbestos roof or people who manufacture asbestos sheets or asbestos related products tend to get this disease. Around 70-80 percent cases for mesothelioma are because of asbestos. However, there are some cases where the person with mesotheliioma has no exposure to asbestos. The tiny particles or dust of the asbestos float in the air, and when they are inhaled, it leads to health problems. Exposure to asbestos also increases the possibility of lung cancer, and other cancers. Smoking as well as exposure to asbestos could lead to cancer in the air passageways.

Who can develop mesotheliioma?

The risk associated with asbestos was unknown for a long time. Millions of people have been exposed to this dust since 1800?s. But, nowadays, people wear protective equipment while working with asbestos related products. There have been cases where people who have worked with asbestos for many years as well as people who have worked for a very small time too have got this disease. Not all workers get this disease. Even, family members have the history of getting mesothelioma or other asbestos related disease. This could be because of the dust brought by the worker from his hair or clothes, so it is necessary that the worker at the factory take bath before leaving the workplace.

Symptoms: Mesothelioma usually occurs after 30 years of exposure to asbestos dust. Shortness of breath and chest pain is the first indication. Mesothelioma is treated by surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy etc.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit